A brief round-up of some really weird stories.
1. Oliver Stone To Direct ’Bush’ project - Variety
Oliver Stone has set his sights on his next directing project, “Bush,” a film focusing on the life and presidency of George W. Bush, and attached Josh Brolin to play the title role.
Um, okay. That might be something that people would want to see, I guess.
But here is my favorite Stone quote from the article:
“I want a fair, true portrait of the man. How did Bush go from an alcoholic bum to the most powerful figure in the world? It’s like Frank Capra territory on one hand …”
Featuring Jimmy Stewart as “George,” the alcoholic bum who loses the deposit money and thus dooms the Savings and Loan. But then he gets his dad’s friends to make up his losses, and he eventually becomes President of the United States — and then he leaves the nuclear codes in the bank, where they are picked up by mean Mr. Potter Osama, and the world is destroyed. It’s the feel good hit of the season!
”… but I’ll also cover the demons in his private life, his bouts with his dad and his conversion to Christianity, which explains a lot of where he is coming from. It includes his belief that God personally chose him to be president of the United States, and his coming into his own with the stunning, preemptive attack on Iraq. It will contain surprises for Bush supporters and his detractors.”
I’m sure it will also contain surprises for God, who had no idea he was being blamed for election fraud.
2. Copied directly from WorldNetDaily, here is their lead headline:
‘Jesus’ held hostage over ‘wiener poopie’Neighbors fed up with dog residue steal God statue, send ransom note
This has Dr. Mike written all over it!
Anyway, we want to thank WND for bringing us this important news.
3. Now, let’s see what’s new at Renew America:
Keyes places 3rd in Utah Republican Assembly group’s straw poll
I guess it’s time to move to another state with smarter straw.
But here’s another Renew America exclusive:
Separation of church and state: straight from the mind of Hitler
So, if you don’t vote for Alan Keyes and his “Theocracy the Way God Intended It” platform, then I guess you’re pro-Hitler.
4. Let’s wrap things up with a visit to Bill O’Reilly’s Fox News site. So, Bill, what have you been up do lately?
Undercover Investigation
‘The Factor’ goes inside swingers club rocking small Texas town
• Read the transcript
I’m not into the Falafel scene like you are, Bill, but thanks anyway.
Then there’s this:
Disturbing Charges
Allegations that General Electric is doing business with Iran and bin Laden family post-9/11
As we said about the allegations that Bill kidnaps and sexually harasses puppies, which he then skins and eats, using their fur to make his designer suits, “Disturbing if true.”
But hey, let’s not leave without catching Bill’s latest “Shouting Points Memo.”
Because if anybody knows about dishonesty in media, it would be Bill — and this memo proves it!
More dishonesty in politics and in the media. That is the subject of this evening’s “Talking Points Memo.”
Let’s look at our pal John Edwards, who’s running for president. Edwards contends there are “two Americas,” one for the rich and the other for everybody else. And that everybody else is getting hosed. The fix is in; the economy’s rigged.
“Talking Points” doesn’t believe that. Of course the rich do have advantages, but I am living proof that you can start with very little and prosper economically if you work hard and keep it honest.
Yes, Bill’s is a true Horatio Alger story of a man who rose from a humble middle-class upbringing to multi-millionare status, all through hard work and honesty. And blowing Roger Ailes.
To hype up this class warfare, Edwards is now bringing in homeless veterans.
Tonight, across this country, 200,000 men and women who wore our uniform and served this country patriotically, veterans, will go to sleep under bridges and on grates.
(END VIDEO CLIP)Now I’ve said on this program that we will pay for homeless veterans to be taken to the Edwards mansion in North Carolina for shelter. Of course, that’s an immature remark, I know that, but there’s a reason I’m saying it.
Because Bill is immature?
Naw, it’s also because he’s a big blowhard, an insensitive jerk, and possible sociopath.
Certainly there are homeless veterans, but it’s not because of the economy. It’s mostly because of addiction and mental illness, something politicians can do little about.
Yes, there is nothing that politicans can do to help addicted or mentally ill veterans get shelter or medical treatment, so it’s dishonest of Edwards to talk about them. I mean, giving them any kind of medical care or benefits or anything is just crazy talk!
Fine. Here’s the truth about poverty in America, Mr. Edwards. Listen up. You might learn something. And you need the lesson.
If you earn less than $10,000, you are poor. If a family of four earns less than $21,000, they are poor. Yet according to the government census, poor households in America have lots of stuff.
Ninety-seven percent have a color TV, 78 percent a DVD player, 80 percent an air conditioner, 73 percent a car or truck, 63 percent cable or satellite TV, and 43 percent of poor households in the USA own the home they are living in.
It’s GREAT to be a poor person in America! They live better than Bill does!
So if the poor are not destitute in America, and they obviously are not, why are so many veterans sleeping under bridges, John Edwards? The answer again is they’re mostly addicted or mentally ill. It has nothing to do with the economy.
But they are still living under bridges in one of the wealthies countries in the world. Doesn’t that bother you, Bill?
Edwards is a charlatan, a man either too uninformed or too dishonest to be elected to anything. I am tired of hearing this nonsense from him and other callow politicians. We deal with facts here on “The Factor,” not fiction. John Edwards owes us an apology.
I think we need to make an updated version of Trading Places (1983), with Bill O’Reilly playing the smug rich guy dumped on the streets to live as a homeless person. I would pay to see it — in real life, I mean.