… NewsBusters.org (“Exposing and Combating Liberal Media Bias, Because Getting Paid to Watch TV and Whine About How It’s Unfair to Idiots Is a Pretty Good Gig”) provides a screen shot of the ripped-from-headlines Ann Coulter who will cause a murder tonight on “Law & Order.” (Apparently an embryo is the real killer.) You will note that the pseudo Ann is much more womanly (or, as NewsBusters puts it, “huskier”) than the real Ann, and has actual breasts. But hey, just keep repeating to yourself, “Willing suspension of disbelief.”
NewsBusters then goes on to catalogue all the slights that NBC crime dramas have made about the sweet and gracious Miss Coulter. (Presumably all such remarks were made at Keith Olbermann’s behest, since he is behind all the liberal bias that goes on at NBC — per Bill O’Reilly). It’s not as big a list as you might imagine, but if you throw in the digs at Rush, Bill O’Reilly, and Nancy Grace made by the L&O franchise (which the Busters didn’t), it’s clear that the writers of NBC crime dramas do have a liberal bias against obnoxious conservative media ”personalities” — and so, in all fairness, NBC should be forced to air a crime drama in which the lead detective is either a drug-addicted conservative loud mouth with sexual performance problems (or a thin-skinned, short-fused, not-that-bright conservative know-it-all with a kinky addiction to phone sex, vibrators, and sexually harassing his female employees). His sidekick should be a corosive blonde bimbo in a black cocktail dress who is always making witty quips such as “I know you are, but what am I,” and “I’m rubber, you’re glue.” I’ll leave it to you to come up with a title for the new series, and then we’ll pitch it to NBC, no doubt with the full support of “NewsBusters.”
Oh, and remember to watch L&O tonight, but only if you have nothing better to do, and only if you don’t think that you will throw things at the TV when you realize for the umpteenth time just how formulaic and stupid this once enjoyable series has become.