This time, Dr. Mike uses story time to complain about how people keep saying mean things about him (which just isn’t right!). He also publicly castigates one of his students, and accuses her of being a drunkard. And then comes the threat . . .
Defamation Nation: By Mike S. Adams
Lately, I haven’t had time to watch The O’Reilly Factor or any other shows on Fox News (not even the “Hannity & What’s His Name Show”). But the last time I watched Bill’s show he touched on one of my biggest concerns; namely, that defamation of character has replaced free speech as the principal way of resolving problems in America.
I find it rather interesting (in a pathetic way) that both Bill and Dr. Mike feel that one of society’s biggest problems is that other people keep saying bad things about them.
And I find it ironic that Dr. Mike, the guy who wrote a column entitled “If your brother is the father of your child?” is complaining about defamation.
And here’s a bit from that column, just to remind you of the kind of stuff Dr. Mike writes about other people:
It sounds like one of those Jeff Foxworthy jokes, doesn’t it? “If directions to your house include what to do after you turn off the dirt road, you might be a redneck.” “If your grandmother wakes you up in the middle of the night and says ‘come look at this before I flush it,’ you might be a redneck.” “If you introduce someone to your brother and the father of your child and there’s just one guy standing there, you might be a redneck.” You know the bit.
But this article isn’t about a redneck. It’s about Julia Boseman, a North Carolina Democrat running for the State Senate against Republican Woody White.
Recently, she and her “domestic partner” had a baby, which was made possible by a sperm donation from her biological brother. When the couple (Boseman and her “domestic partner,” not her brother) sought to have the baby baptized in a local church, many in the community were outraged
Of course, not only did Ms. Boseman not commit incest with her brother (as was implied in the first paragraph), nor did she use her brother’s sperm to conceive a child through artificial insemination, (which is what the column suggests), nor did Ms. Boseman’s PARTNER use the brother’s sperm to beget their child. The brother wasn’t involved at all in the fathering of this child.
Yeah, it sounds like defamation to me too. But how did Dr. Mike respond to a request for a retraction and an apology? He blamed Boserman for not responding to his charges before he went to press.
So, I can see why Dr. Mike considers defamation such a serious problem.
But let’s cut to the threat:
And the stories just go on and on in the age of internet defamation. One day I’m impotent, the next I’m on drugs. According to some, I’ve even fathered a lesbian Senator’s child. [I think Dr. Mike is making a joke here. Ha ha.] But what is one to do about such falsehoods?
I’ll tell you what Mike Adams is about to do. This year, I’m going to pick just one person who fails to grasp the difference between free speech and defamation. And I’m going to make a very public example of him (or her) in a way that will make even cranky old Bill O’Reilly smile.
Stay tuned for the unfolding drama. You don’t want to miss this one.
Yes, we live for this kind of thing: an obscure columnist venting his spleen on people we’ve never heard of.
But we can’t wait for all the unfolding drama, and so we propose a little drama of our own: a blog soap opera called “The Dr. Mike Chronicles.” It will be the continuing story of one Dr. Mike Adamo, a sociology professor who is always having exciting adventures involving guns, feminists, Muslims, drug dealers, Mexicans, transsexuals, E.D., hippies, scary vaginas, and killer deer. And since these stories are both satirical, obviously fictitious, and not about anybody living or dead, they obviously won’t be legally actionable. (Which isn’t to say that Dr. Mike couldn’t make a very public example of us by writing about us in his column, thus ruining our lives forever. He could also give us a wrong address, like he did to one of his other enemies, thus causing us to die. But it’s a risk we’re willing to take – for you, America, and the Bill of Rights.)
So, be sure to join us next time, when Dr. Adamo takes some of his hated college students on an extra-credit hunting project that soon turns into “The Most Dangerous Game.” He then donates their corpses to a poor black family for Thanksgiving dinner.
Scott will be starting the story. That’s the way Dr. Adamo would want it.