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Archive for December 21st, 2006

A Little Help From Our Friends

Posted by s.z. on December 21st, 2006

We want to thank the one and only Anntichrist Coulter for her very kind plug for our critter rescue over at her fine blog, Mark Of The Beast.  Sure, she called us a ”heifer,” but I’m sure she meant it in a nice way.  :-)

And a big thank-you to all of you who broke open your piggy banks to send us generous donations for our on-going pet rescue and poop collection efforts.  I’ll be posting some cat and dog pics later, and letting you know which particular pet YOU are now sponsoring (and assigning you times to come by and scoop out a litter box for your new charge). 

I’ve said it before, but it’s worth saying again: you folks are the best!

Happy Birthday, Marq!

Posted by s.z. on December 21st, 2006

Marq, the place just wouldn’t be the same without you (and by that, I mean that it would be WORSE, and definitely less fun).  Here’s wishing you a year free of hospitalization, Bush blunders, and “sexy” Ann Coulter photos.

Anyway, in honor of your special day, here’s a blurry greeting from Tonto, Tarzan, and Frankenstein, and a link to the the Lost Ending To “It’s A Wonderful Life (a movie which I have a feeling I’ll be watching this weekend . . .)

Slightly Shorter Dr. Mike Adams

Posted by s.z. on December 21st, 2006

Here’s a synopsis of Dr. Mike’s latest column, “Welcome to Integrity 101.”  I swear that this is an accurate summary.

Dear Student Who Was Disappointed In His Final Grade,

You claimed that you missed several meetings of my class due to a death in the family, a robbery, etc., but you actually missed 28 such meetings, you big liar! Obviously you have a deep flaw in your character if you would refer to 28 as “several,” you snotty-faced heap of parrot droppings! Your type really makes me puke, you vacuous, toffee-nosed, malodorous, pervert!

Now, to prove to you that I am farting in your general direction, I will tell you about my hunting trip to South Carolina.  See, while I was using dogs to chase deer, I encountered two wild boars — it was them or me, I tells ya!  But I had the gun, so one of them died — I would have killed the other one, but it ran into the brush, and there were stickers there, so I had to let him go.  Then, to prove what I great guy I am, my hunting companions (manly men all!) and I gave two dead hogs to a poor black family who would have starved this winter if not for our buck-shot bounty.

So, here’s an extra credit assignment for you, you festering tit: go hunting wild boar with me in January, so that I may abuse you in the great outdoors. And then, after you have peeded your pants from fear,  you will go apologize to those poor black folks for having squandered an opportunity they never had: the opportunity of attending MY class.

Blah blah, metrosexual little sissy. Blah, blah, “shaking like a blind lesbian at a weenie roast.” Blah, blah, abortions, feminists, vaginas.

Let me conclude by saying once again now much I hate you (and all of my other students), and how much I love my guns.  And that’s what integrity is all about.

That’s the gist of Dr. Mike’s column.  REALLY!  If you don’t believe me, read the original yourself.

But I can’t leave this column without providing you with at least one direct quote, so here’s a typical one.

When we all got back to the cabin about seven deer and seven hogs had to be skinned. A couple of hogs had to be left behind because they could not be found and/or dragged all the way out of the woods. Nonetheless, there was enough meat for two hogs to be given to a poor black family that lived in the vicinity.

Hunters are not only our best conservationists. They are among our best humanitarians, too.

Yes, killing animals you can’t retrieve is good conservationism, and giving poor people the carcasses you don’t want is the best kind of humanitarionism.  If you don’t agree, you too will get an “F” in Dr. Mike’s “Intro to Criminology and Hog Hunting” class.

And that concludes this week’s lesson in integrity from Dr. Mike.

Because The Wine…Forgot

Posted by scott on December 21st, 2006

Ah, the holidays.  Where I grew up (a little beach town in Southern California), we had to do without weather, so one of the most poignant signifiers of the season was a perennial series of commercials for crappy vintner Paul Masson, done by Orson Welles (who apparently really, really needed the money to finish Don Quixote).  Even as a kid, I wondered what a smooth character like him was doing, drinking the white man’s T.J. Swan.  Well, these outtakes answer that burning question, while simultaneously ushering in a frost-and-topped frisson of the holiday spirit.  We give you:

Orson Welles.  Assailed By Wassail: