I truly mean the greeting as a wish that today will be a happy day for all of you, and that at least a little of the peace, joy, and good will that the day is supposed to engender in humanity will come your way. (And I hate it that I now have to explain this, thanks to the efforts of the Chistmas Warrior Weenies.) I truly love you guys and gals, and you are a very important part of my life, so I do wish you all the best. I’d invite you over for homemade gingerbread and to play with the pets, but I don’t think you’d want to make the trip. But take care, and try not to kill anyone unless you take the proper precautions against blood stains. (And here’s a hint: the same enzyme-based products that remove pet urine from carpets will also get rid of other biological stains, such as blood — however, you should probably use bleach on hard surfaces, since it destroys DNA.)And now, to deliver our special Christmas thought for this year, is Kaye Grogan, with “True meaning of Christmas under fire.”
We are being told it is offensive to people of other cultures to display Nativity Scenes in public or say Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays.Is this the price we are paying for giving foreigners the opportunity to come to America for a better life?
Yeah, damn it, they come to OUR country and complain about how our religious beliefs are being promoted in the public square, and their’s aren’t. It’s like they want to be treated like equals or something! In America!
If the “politically correct” crowd had their druthers — Christmas would be abolished period. But thank goodness Christians are beginning to awaken from their stupor and are gearing up to battle with the anti-Christmas groups — who are headstrong and have a salacious appetite to defeat Christianity.
Okay, now Kaye is starting to sound a little nutty, so let’s skip right to her special Christmas poem.
Baby JesusInstead of a beautiful palace Baby Jesus was born in a stable and laid in a lowly manger.
As the Christ child laid sleeping…Mary and Joseph felt impending danger.
In the heavens above everyone was rejoicing and elated.
But they knew as soon as the news broke…the baby would be reviled and hated.
Mary stared in awe at her child and felt love beyond compare.
She knew they must go into hiding, so another journey they must prepare.
Soon news of the Newborn King’s birth traveled throughout all the lands.
But instead of widespread joyfulness…many pagan rulers were making assassination plans.
In the distance wise men were preparing for their long journey…to bring Baby Jesus gifts.
They knew it would be challenging to get there through the wilderness and snowdrifts.
As the baby awoke from its long nap Mary fed him and held him tightly in her loving arms.
She knew it was time to take her child and flee…for many wished him great harm.
They followed the guiding star to where they would be safe and secure.
They knew that God would look after them and give them strength to endure.
Now over two thousand years later there are those who still despise to hear of Jesus’ birth.
But no matter how they try to attack the true meaning of Christmas…
Once again… the great tidings bring forth great joy and mirth.
Kaye is truly a poet beyond compare! My favorite part is where the wise men travel through the snowdrifts of Iran, Israel, Egypt, etc. to get to their presents to baby Jesus. But I also like the way the line about the assassination plans scans. I don’t know how anyone could despise to hear of Kaye’s poetry.
Anyway, from all of us at Wo’C (and from Kaye) have …yourself a merry … little Christmas now.