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AllanErickson.jpg We don’t hang around the sandlots as much as we used to, thanks to the restraining order, but every once in awhile we’ll still catch a glimpse of a hot young fireballer burning up the bus leagues.  Today it’s Allan Erickson, who was called up from Short-Season A to play for American Thinker, and who pitched a shutout entitled Obama’s war on Fox News & half the country.  Now I’m sure some of you are checking your programs and thinking to yourself, “Who the hell is Allan Erickson?  And why are all these douchebags named Erickson?”  (As Jay B. once observed in comments: “Lars Larson. Erik Erickson. Douchebag Douchebageson. It’s a thing now.”)

Well, Allan is…some guy.  I guess that would be the best way to put it.  He has a personal blog, called “GOODNESS WORLD LIFE BLOG,” which — aside from sounding as though its title was badly translated from the Japanese — is distinguished by its apparent refusal to follow the modern fad for blogging with words, since it consists mostly of YouTube videos featuring global warming skeptics, patriotic half-time shows, and that crazy British Lord who thinks Obama is going to trade America to the EU in exchange for 24 dollars and a string of beads.  But occasionally he will make bold assertions of fact, which he then meticulously footnotes to prove they probably aren’t true:


Are they?  I don’t think they are.  Why, have you heard something?

Sound like hyperbole?

I wish you’d made this quiz multiple choice.  Um…I’m gonna say, No?

Check out the facts.  (*Some are disputed.)

That’s going to make it very hard to grade.

Any civilization requires a 2.11 minimum fertility rate to survive.  Fertility rates in Europe are below sustainable levels.   The U.S. and Canadian fertility rates are about 1.6.   Thanks to influx of Latinos, our fertility rate is 2.11.   (We’d better reach out to Latinos!)  In 1970, there were 100,000 Muslims in America.  Today, there are more than 9,000,000 Muslims in America. (*BBC says the number is much lower.)

Europe is already gone.

Crap.  I meant to order some of that runny cheese before they went.

In 39 years, France will be a Muslim republic due to immigration and birth rates.  The French are not reproducing at a rate which will sustain their culture.  Meanwhile, Muslims are immigrating to France, and out breeding the French 8 to one.  (*BBC study disputes this conclusion.)

*BBC also thinks you look like the poor man’s Willem Dafoe.

Germany will be an Islamic republic by 2050: Germans openly acknowledge this fact. (*Another controversial assertion.)

This post reminds me of those arguments between Norman Bates and his “mother,” except it’s about demographics instead of murder, and I don’t remember any of Norman’s personalities being quite this racist.

But Mr. Erickson, as we said, got the Call, and is now hurling a little chin music at the President:

It is a good thing President Obama & Co. are angry with Fox.  It means Fox is doing its job, you know, holding the Executive Branch accountable, like a real news organization.

It is, indeed, an incredible simulation.

A real news organization serves the people, acting as a check on power by informing people so they can make good decisions at the polls.

But even when the voter is decisive and brimming with information, there still may be a moment of confusion when he gets to the polling place and realizes ACORN isn’t on the ballot.

The fact that Fox is holding Obama’s feet to the fire should cause rejoicing.

Oh, I’m sure there will be — they’re just waiting for the coals to get hot.  Fox viewers like their presidential feet with those char-broiled grill marks.

On the other hand, there are three bad news dimensions to all this:

Length, width, and depth?

…the rest of the media is content to lick Obama’s boots

Which frankly taste dry and overcooked.

…true to pattern Obama is glad to selfishly attack a private news organization (by the way, the most highly rated television news group in the nation), and the more Nero fiddles, the higher the flames.

So it’s his own fault his feet are burned, because the grill temperature is controlled by violin.  (And may I just say, when Willem commits to a metaphor, it’s for better or worse, till death do they part.)

Barack Obama is happy to fight a war on Fox.  Oh, that the Commander in Chief would fight the war on terror with as much energy and focus.

I agree.  Obama should order a Predator drone to follow Glenn Beck around and shoot Hellfire missiles at his Escalade.

He preaches unity with his mouth, but with his hands, he sows seeds of division.

He should spit the seeds of division out, leaving his hands free to fiddle up the fire, because Grandma likes her Tri-tip well done.  Now stand back and give Willem some air…

Do not forget how he applied thug tactics during the campaign while denigrating Fox, insulting average Americans as gun-toting Bible thumpers, encouraging racial tensions as he always had through ‘community organizing,’ i.e., ACORN.  Never forget how his machine took money from overseas.  Remember how he raised an enormous war chest via the internet with no way to track donors.  Don’t overlook the thug tactics used during the Texas caucuses, how law enforcement was instructed to suppress media criticism in Missouri, how free speech and a free press were quelled in Chicago when a reporter sought to cover Obama’s Chicago activities via Annenberg and Ayers and ‘education reform.’

(*BBC study concludes this is “a compendium of demented bullshit.”)

Notice today his army of Czars: radical leftists, race baiters, anti-American globalists, distinctly and angrily opposed to most traditional American values.

(*BBC throws up its hands and orders out for Chicken Vindaloo.)

And now we have his media czar Anita Dunn singing the praises of Chairman Mao, and bragging that the Obama campaign controlled the media. All this coming at a time she calls Fox nothing more than a Republican mouthpiece.  (Never mind that half of Fox’s viewers are Democrats and Independents, according to a recent survey by the Global Marketing Research Center.)

Ah yes, our old friends Global Marketing Research Center, and their poll for Dick Morris’ completely legitimate and totally not astroturfed Legion of Super-Villain Voters.

Journalists with an ounce of integrity see through the octopus ink now being spewed in the water, for this is what the war on Fox is all about, clouding the issues, providing cover, defense and retreat.  How odd to see a radical Leftist President in Nixonian garb.

Which really irks me, because this year I was gonna go as a Socialist Cephalopod Dressed as Nixon in Charred Wingtips for Halloween (it’s basically the standard Cthulu-in-a-suit costume, but you add a Tricky Dick mask and set your feet on fire).

Fox has been the only news TV organization willing to challenge this President on both foreign and domestic policy.  Fox is the only TV outfit with guts enough to run stories about ACORN corruption.  Fox is the only television organization covering what the roughly half the American people think about healthcare reform and cap ‘n trade, doing so with real coverage of Town Hall Meetings and Tea Parties.  Fox is the only substantive television news group asking the tough questions about Afghanistan.

Occasionally, while reading a wingnut’s column, I’ll come to an earnest and heartfelt passage like this, and realize how Glenn Corbett must have felt in Stranded in Space when he crash-landed on that fascist Earth on the opposite side of the Sun where everyone was left-handed and wore turtlenecks. But Willem is just getting warmed up…

The rest of the major media are either silent, complicit, or cheerleaders for this Government, a government populated in the main by radical leftists devoted to the destruction of our Republic, traitors by any definition.

Granted, accusing the press and the Administration of high treason is a commonplace nowadays, and some of you may be thinking Willem ought to be sent back down, that he clearly doesn’t have the stuff it takes to make it to the Show…

In case you have not noticed, the Constitution is taking a back seat to the EU and the U.N., and economic freedom is being absorbed into the socialist kool-aid served daily throughout D.C., the media, and the public schools.

And yeah, yeah, socialism and Jonestown references, that’s some pretty weak-ass cheese.  But wait’ll he throws the Sarah Palin whipping fantasy…!

Fox has challenged all this, and so Fox must pay.  Fox must pay, as Limbaugh did last week, by being tied to the scourging post and beat with lies, slander, and condemnation, excoriated in public by the most vicious and cruel campaign ever witnessed, unless you consider how Obama’s operatives treated Sarah Palin and her family to a similar whipping post.

And the beatings will continue.

We’re still getting daily search engine hits from that Nude Sarah Palin post Sheri wrote last October (“Was that title just a cheap stunt to bring up our Google hits, or was it part of a ploy by the police predator task force to seek out perverts?  Who can say.”), and I can only imagine what “Sarah Palin in Mandingo” is going to do for our stats.  Anyway, when I read Willem’s work I wonder why he wastes his time watching TV — even Fox News.  It’s like Shelly Berman’s line about Erskine Caldwell, “I don’t know why that man bothers seeking success.  He can have so much fun just sitting around, thinking.”

But just when you figured you’d got Willem’s windage, he throws a change-up! Out goes the flogging and the fire, and in comes the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre!

The only remaining questions are: how long will the People put up with Al Capone in the White House, how far will Al Capone push things, what will be the end game (2010 or 2012?), and how many bodies will he leave in his wake, both at home, and abroad?

That is some Major League batshittery.  You could look it up.

59 Responses to “Scouting Report”

his year I was gonna go as a Socialist Cephalopod Dressed as Nixon in Charred Wingtips
Imagine the potential mortification if you’d turned up at the party and there was P.Z. Myers wearing exactly the same costume.

“Journalists with an ounce of integrity see through the octopus ink now being spewed in the water, for this is what the war on Fox is all about, clouding the issues, providing cover, defense and retreat.”

Do I detect a little jealousy? You have to admit – a lot of guys couldn’t have pulled this one off.

“The rest of the major media are either silent, complicit, or cheerleaders for this Government, a government populated in the main by radical leftists devoted to the destruction of our Republic, traitors by any definition.

So by definition the majority of the voting public, who voted for Obama, are also traitors? I’m not sure he has thought this one through.

☻And the beatings will continue.☻

Until your fucking morale improves, motherfucker!!!11!1!
I got yer whippin’ post, hangin…

In 39 years, France will be a Muslim republic due to immigration and birth rates. The French are not reproducing at a rate which will sustain their culture.

Look, if the French don’t fuck enough to sustain they’re population, how the FUCK does this asshole propose stuck-up prudish Americans possibly compete????

Fox News — is that Australian for “Pravda” ?

actor212 –> It’ll take virile men scoring ‘round the clock — I’ll clear my schedule !

Poor man’s Willem Dafoe? Well, I can kinda see that, but I would have gone with “the poor man’s James Remar.”

James Remar, sure, I can see that. I was also thinking he was a bit on the Jeroen Krabbe side, but I had to edit for space.

On the other hand, there are three bad news dimensions to all this:

Length, width, and depth?

Oh, snap. Scott FTW.

insulting average Americans as gun-toting Bible thumpers

And all this time, I thought they were gun-thumping Bible toters.

Remember how he raised an enormous war chest via the internet with no way to track donors

This is the same business model that has made Jeff Bezos a billionaire.

economic freedom is being absorbed into the socialist kool-aid served daily

So, THAT is where the economic freedom went. And it explains why my kool-aid [sic -- why does he hate capitalism and brand names so much?] is so damn chunky.

unless you consider how Obama’s operatives treated Sarah Palin and her family to a similar whipping post.

And I’ll bet they were only expecting to be treated to dinner. Who said liberals were meanies?

As for the Erickson-ization of the wingnut set, I am really pissed. My maternal grandmother’s maiden name was Erickson — and I really don’t want anyone to think I am somehow related to these assclowns.

Finally, this whole “we have to fuck more” meme is really annoying. To start with, the replacement rate is 2.08, not 2.11. And I would bet dollars to donuts that those saying this (curiously, all men) are actually thinking that

And even with a ratio of 10:1, these guys won’t get laid.

Looks like I forgot to close the blockquote tag. Everything after “whipping post” is — obviously, I hope — from me, not from a quote.

” Fox is the only television organization covering what the roughly half the American people think about healthcare reform and cap ‘n trade, doing so with real coverage of Town Hall Meetings and Tea Parties.”

I think Willem got a little confused or else he doesn’t know how to count.
He means half of the people who still have gonads of steel and call themselves republicans. So that would be roughly 8% of the population that watches Fox Noise. But he still doesn’t prove that they don’t watch it just for the comedic gold.

Oh goodie. Another belligerent, semi-literate Christer (cause whatever else you is, bub, it ain’t Christian) who’s peeved Whitey for not fucking the right way.



“I assure you, unless you turn from your sins and become as little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.” [New Living Translation]

“I’m telling you, once and for all, that unless you return to square one and start over like children, you’re not even going to get a look at the kingdom, let alone get in. Whoever becomes simple and elemental again, like this child, will rank high in God’s kingdom.”
[The Message]

Perhaps Jesus is saying we simply cannot understand and accept his message of love and forgiveness unless we clear away all the trappings of being grown up, and assume the posture of a trusting child. And we certainly can’t trust without faith, a child-like faith. In order to rise up from the wreckage of the Fall, we need His help, help he can only provide when we willingly accept, acceptance we can only exercise in child-like faith.

How do I become like a child? What are the characteristics of a child Jesus points to here? How do I turn from my sins, have a change of heart and return to square one? What is humility? How do I humble myself? The best definition of “humility” I’ve ever heard is: the state of mind and heart that comes from a deep belief that everything I am, and everything I hope to become, is a gift from God, and other people. I wish I could remember the source!

Is it possible children inherit the kingdom because they are real, genuine, honest about who they are and how they feel? No boatload of pretense mixed into their minds. They have not yet put on the mask. And, generally, children are trusting little people, faith-driven. They also readily recognize their need for help. Is it likely Jesus was pointing to these attributes in the teaching he gave the disciples?

Notice also how children are so quick to forgive. Can we as adults say the same? Children are also readily accepting. See their bright faces in Sunday school, responding instantly to the good news about God’s love, uncomplicated in their ability to receive, joyfully. Somehow, as adults, we lose the accepting heart, or a portion of it. Our adult minds crowd out our child heart.

Approaching it from a different angle, what do adults possess not found in children? Adults are wary of vital relationship, suspicious of pure affection, seemingly incapable of uncomplicated communication. We seem hindered by fear (or ego), prevented from unfettered interaction. Adults have agendas. Kids are simply affectionate, loving and trusting. Perhaps these are other areas the Lord is driving at.

Imagine the scene in Matthew 18:3-4. The disciples ask Jesus who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Jesus calls a little child over, declaring children the greatest, urging us to change, to humble ourselves like children. Throughout the Gospels we read how children found Jesus so attractive. They always wanted to be near Him. They were content to simply abide with Him. Are we likewise content just to fellowship with him? Or are we only occasional visitors, always asking for something, asking amiss, rarely asking according to His will?

Later, in Matthew 18:14, our Lord rebukes the disciples who are trying to keep children away from Him. “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Note in Mark 9:37: “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me: and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the One who sent me.”

[Help me this week Lord to become more like a child. Help me understand your will. Help me obey your commandments. Please help me turn from sin.]

Heh heh heh. Mr Erickson, you never met my child, or myself when I was a kid. Or my brother, who called himself ‘The MAD BELCHER” and used to make random phone calls and BELCH (aka Burp) at whoever answered: man, woman or child.

If you really believe children are humble and innocent, I have a bridge and some swampland you might be interested in. Or better yet, give me your phone number and I’ll pass it along to my brother. He likes to keep in practice.

Matthew 6:19-21

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

[New International Version]

This commandment of Yeshua directly confronts our ravenous appetite for “stuff,” but it is also a companion commandment to the Second of the Big Ten: No Idols. I can make an idol of most anything. I have idolized my occupation, my role as a man, my bank account, my family and possessions: all these “treasures” on earth. As I understand it, anything that becomes more important to me than God (for however long) is an idol, and my idolatry breaks God’s heart. His treasure is of such great value. It is everlasting. All the things I can see, taste, feel, smell, hear or touch are only mists, flashes of light, fleeting sensations. All the things I cannot physically perceive, yet sense in my spirit, are the essence of reality, the ‘very’ real behind the seemingly real—-the never ending beyond the temporal.

It is tough, and altogether contrary to my natural inclination, living in the spirit versus living in the flesh. (It is tough, and, it isn’t, because the Lord says his yoke is easy and light. I must be missing something.)

Notice the goodness of the Lord. He does not rebuke us for being in the flesh, and then abandon us to that dark alley, that dead-end corridor. No, instead he urgently calls us to look up, and not just look, but store up, treasures in heaven, in that eternal place, free from want and worry and decay and crime.

The question then becomes: what are heavenly treasures? How do I store up treasures in heaven? Certainly, these parables help answer those questions:

Parable of the Lost Coin (Luke 15:8-10)
Parable of the Pearl of Great Price (Matthew 13:44-46)
Parable of The Talents (Luke 19:11-28)
Parable of the Shrewd Manager (Luke 16: 1-17)

Also, the story of the Rich Young Ruler (Mark 10:17-31)

If my heart is right, I’m looking up, searching for His will in my life, asking Him to help me accomplish His will, seeking the kingdom. If all these things are working as priorities in my life, my heart will “be there.” The fruit of the spirit will show. I’ll be a blessing.

If God is accomplishing His purposes in the life he has given me, then treasures are being stored in heaven. It is the place of peace, and freedom, on earth, as it is in heaven.

(Another question comes to mind. What is God’s treasure? The short answer: YOU! “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross . . .” (Hebrews 12:2) (Isaiah 52:13 through 53:12) What joy? Seeing you in heaven, and seeing you thrive in this life. YOU! In this Light, self-esteem difficulties should buckle, fold and fade.)

[Father, take me as I am and make me what you Will. I know I’m prone to selfishness, greed and living with a focus on this world. I understand you want me to concentrate on your reality, because that is what is best for me, and that is what pleases you, and this is what will make me useful in your work blessing others. Help me break free from the chains of self.]

For some reason he reminds me of Sean Bean, an old and hard-living version of Sean Bean, anyway.

I’m fairly humble and anyone who knows me can tell you I’m as childish as they come. I’ve also stored up next to nothing in the way of earthly treasures.

I (and most of my unfortunate acquaintances) have always just considered my myself a shiftless douchebag. Not sure why God’s into that kind of thing, but hey, I’m not complaining. I think I shall grab another beer and become even more childlike and, therefore, more blessed.

Hey, feral adolescents!! Become feral children in the eyes of gawd or whatever the hell I’m babbling about.

So, wait, God wants Wall Street to rip us off, collapse the economy in which we’re barely surviving anyway, and then demand bailouts, just so we stay poor enough that he can promise to make it worth our while later? A) Your god seems like kind of a dick, and B) this all sounds like a scam. Sorry, I in my childlike way, am still gonna go with the pitchfork thing, because even without being fucked by the wealthy, there was so little chance of me storing up treasures on this earth anyway that I’m not worried about it.

Ooh! He’s a Christian concern troll. I’ve never seen one before.
They’re kinda boring, eh?

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

Arthur Schopenhauer
German philosopher
(1788 – 1860)


In his famous book Mere Christianity, Lewis makes this statement, “A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic – on the level with a man who says he is a poached egg – or he would be the devil of hell. You must take your choice. Either this was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us.”


I’ll take Door# 3, please. I just hope it isn’t a set of tires. I already have tires.

They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.

Carl Sagan

Stanley Moon: You’re a nutcase! A bleedin’ nutcase.
George Spiggott: They said that of Jesus Christ, Freud, and Galileo.
Stanley Moon: They said of a lot of nutcases too.

Ya know, if you’re gonna thump the Bible that hard, it’s a little silly to get bent out of shape if you’re called a Bible thumper (even accepting your gross and no doubt intentional distortion of what the President said). Bet you dollars to gay abortions, this yay-hoo has a gun fetish, too.

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

Well, that would be delightfully relevant if you actually had ahold of truth there. Otherwise, you know, you need some kind of quote about extraordinary claims requiring extraordinary proof or something. But I’m glad Scott has found you something to do with your weekend.

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Jesus Christ (John 14:6)

Matthew 7:6

Genesis 6:5

Matthew 13:41-42

wonder why ol’ Allen doesn’t go concern troll the folks who are re-writing the bible (now with more smiting and less humility) since they don’t want to recognise anything past teh original version written in the King’s English. their intellectual level sounds about the same

Because, preznit, unlike scott, those folks don’t allow anyone to post comments, or heavily censor them if they do. Heaven forbid they EVER come in contact with People Who Are Not Them.

Have you folks taken a few moments to listen to yourselves? The bigotry expressed by most of you is stunning. Are you so numb and unaware you can bath in this vitriol without the slightest twinge of conscience?

Otherwise, a reminder from a great mind:

“Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.” –

— Eleanor Roosevelt

(And gross hypocrites damn others while they exalt themselves.)

Don’t you even perceive the tyrant within?


Are you fucking kidding us? You come to our attention because of the hatred you’re expressing towards Obama, whom you compare to a murderous mobster, the bigotry you aim at Muslims and the accompanying fear of a planet with fewer white people than you’re happy with, the contempt you show towards poor people who just fucking want to vote, and anyone to the left of you. Holy your god, man, no one here has called *you* a “traitor by any definition”, so I don’t really see how you have the moral high ground to complain about our bigotry.

D. Sidhe,

If you are ignorant of the worldwide Islamic revolution and the traditions of authoritative Islam and choose to ignore the teachings of the religion and the history of aggression demonstrated for centuries by Muslims, that hardly makes me a hate monger, but it does make you a blind bigot to claim I am.

I’ve had nothing to say about shrinking white populations. That is entirely your bigotted projection. If you are honest about that you will admit it.

You cannot call me a traitor because I’m not trying to over throw the republic.

Do words have any meaning for you?

You are blind. I expressed hatred for no one. I expressed a point of view supported by evidence and source material. Anyone waging war against his own country, seeking to turn it inside out, is by definition a traitor. If you would fasten on logic, verifiable information and the definition of words, rather than allowing yourself to be whipped into an emotional frenzy, you’d overcome your blindness.

What you people on the Left routinely do is hold up your template, (readily supplied by the American university system) and if the rest of us don’t fit, you label us racist, homophobe, the usual list of invective. I’ve listened to the drivel since I was first exposed to it in college in the 70s. Conservatives are viciously attacked simply for having a point of view. Christians are likewise attacked only for their beliefs. Bigotry! If you had one gram of integrity you would condemn Farrakhan for his anti-Semitism, but do you? Hell no. You quail in the face of grievous violations of human rights from the Left, and routinely condemn those on the Right without cause. Sarah Palin for example. Anyone who does not sign on the PC dotted line is condemned. Bigotry. The tyranny of the Left is incomparable. And now your president and his pals are using any means to bury the opposition, and destroy our republic, tyrannical by definition. Intellectual integrity demands general agreement on the meaning of words. But you guys don’t play by the rules, sheer Alinsky guerilla warfare. I met the man in person and know what I am talking about from direct experience. You probably think Ayers is a hero, a murdering cop killer whose wife made jokes about Susan Atkins murdering Sharon Tate and stabbing her unborn child to death with a fork, praising the murderers, screeching, “Kill the pigs.” You have no idea the atrocities that flow from your world view. I’ve roamed the hills of Humboldt County with a member of the Grateful Dead and had Tom Hayden as a house guest, and spent time with members of the Chicago 7 and Leonard Wineglass and the rest, so don’t tell me about what the Left believes and how it behaves. So many of you have either been brainwashed or brain damaged by LSD and what not, you can no longer tell the difference between simple right and wrong.

Bigot: “One fanatically devoted to one’s own group, religion, race, or politics and intolerant of those who differ.”

You feral adolescents are thoroughly intolerant of any divergent point of view, yet you claim to ‘celebrate diversity.’ What a bunch of hypocrites.

I’ve demonstrated tolerance and a willingness to engage communication without resorting to ad hominem attacks, in my writing, and in my interactions here.

In the main, the people commenting here cannot say the same.

Bigots. You display irrational hatred for anyone not like you, refusing to debate the merits, engaging only in personal attacks.

PS: I compared Obama to a Chicago thug. Apparently you are unaware of the linkage betwen Obama and Alinsky and Capone.

Do some homework and evaluate the information before your arrive at conclusion, and try to keep your emotions under control. They do tend to cloud one’s thinking.

Dude. You fucking called us traitors. Because we want a society that does not privilege people quite so much for accidents of birth. We want health care for everybody so that poor people don’t die for bigger profits by a handful of corporations which other health care systems have proven to be not only unnecessary but counterproductive to the actual delivery of health care. We want everybody to be able to vote. We want everybody to be able to worship their own god, or not, as they see fit, including Jews and Muslims, without being discriminated against by a theocratic state, *any* theocratic state. (Given the demographics and the history of this country in recent decades, religious minorities have more to fear from Christian theocracy than Islamic, so maybe you can see why we prioritize that.) We want people to be able to define their own families as the people they love, rather than the people someone else’s religion thinks they’re allowed to marry. We want our tax dollars to go towards solving the problems that hurt Americans, rather than going towards killing people you think are plotting against you. And we like democracy, small D. When we lose elections because more people voted against us than for us, we don’t think it’s because over half of American voters are TRAITORS. That’s not ad hominem? Buddy, you started that one. And while we have called you silly, mean, ignorant, and bigoted, we have not suggested you’re trying to OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT, an accusation which reeks of eliminationism just as much as your view that Muslims are out to get you and must be stopped.

I apologize for the white people remark, you’re right, that was a partial mis reading of your bullshit about Muslims: your actual fear is of a planet with fewer Christians in it than you are happy with. Which doesn’t make you less of a bigot, just a different flavor. (And is certainly no less weird a reading of your views than your assumption that I’ve used LSD at all, let alone enough to be “brain damaged” by it. WTF?)

You haven’t been willing to engage us at all, you’ve just copied and pasted from a text most of us here know pretty well to begin with and many of us have rejected for the levels of hate in it. Your own religion exhorts to genocide just as often as any other, including your call to *do something* about the alleged Muslim Menace. Their book may say awful things, but so does your own, which doesn’t mean they’re all bin Laden anymore than it means you’re all Rushdooney.

And, again, you called us, and your president, traitors, which tends to be a serious accusation unless you are an intellectually dishonest jackass. And why are we traitors? Because we want to make our case to voters that this country could be run more fairly and more wisely for all of us, not just the currently-powerful. If you think making sure everyone has some say in how this country treats them is inherently anti-American, revolutionary and treasonous, (And your apparent view that it’s anti-Christian sure doesn’t say much for the god you profess) then there’s nothing to argue with you about. You’re either crazy or cruel, and richly deserve the mockery you’ve gotten here.

Still, I’m glad Scott found you something to do with your weekend, though maybe you’d make more friends at it if you didn’t start off by calling people to your left traitors for seeking a more just society.

I said people trying to destroy the republic are traitors. Do you know the definition of treason? If you seek to overthrow the U.S. system of government as defined by the Constitution, that is treason, and anyone who does so is a traitor. I do not believe half the American people are traitors. I believe half the American people are poorly educated and have been fooled into believing the propaganda our enemies have spewed for decades to demoralize us into submission to an anti-American agenda.

Get a load of Yuri Bezmenov. CIA associates and other confirm he is the real deal.


Social justice is code for socialist revolution. It might interest you to know that Christian conservatives were on the forefront of the fights against child labor, corporate excess, slavery, discrimination and environmental degradation, and we likewise at the front fighting for voting rights and integration and civil rights. No one I know endorses discrimination or persecution of any kind. Simply because we cannot in good conscience approve gay marriage does not make us hate-filled homophobic bigots. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Christian and a Republican. We used to celebrate Democrats who simply had a different way of working to achieve “a more perfect union.” However, the Democrat party has been radicalize. They no longer seek a more perfect union, they seek the destruction of the Union.

As to justice . . .

What is just about trying to destroy our country? What is just about stealing money from one citizen to give it to another? What is just about the federal government taking over 1/6th of the economy without any Constitutional authority whatsoever? What is just about putting us so far in debt we have no hope of recovery? What is just about ceding sovereignty to the U.N. and allowing that body to tax U.S. citizens without representation? What is just about violating the free speech rights of citizens via so-called hate crimes legislation? What is just about cutting defense in a time of war, demoralizing our troops who’ve volunteered to protect us, and capitulating to murderous dictators who only escalate when they sense weakness? What is just about destroying our economy behind the junk science of global warming and the lunatic legislation called cap ‘n trade? What is just about centralizing power in Washington to the detriment of states’ rights? What is just about the federal government taking over entire industries and driving a socialist agenda contrary to the will of the people? And what is just about a federal bureaucracy that acts without legislative authority, a government within a government, running our lives beyond any control or accountability? Is it just to force people to confirm by judicial fiat void of legislative action insisting one group conform to the dictates of another without regard to the Constitution?

I challenge you to demonstrate where the Scripture promotes genocide. (By the way it’s a lie I copied and pasted anything.) No doubt you will invoke 1 Samuel 15:1-35 or the accounts of the Israelites entering the Promised Land. Is it possible these historical accounts have nothing to do with genocide, but everything to do with preserving a remnant of righteousness so as to save the entire human race? Let me ask you: if today we learned we had 30 minutes to act or an Iranian missile would destroy New York and everyone there, would you, if you were President, order a pre-emptive strike to destroy the Iranians if necessary? Hillary said she would do so. Does that make her a genocidal lunatic?

Furthermore, Christians don’t fear nuclear weapons or Muslims or anything, other than the damnation ahead for unbelievers. Out of love we reach out to urge them to avoid judgment and embrace the Lord of love. If indeed we serve the King of Kings who runs the universe on the principle of love, and we are assured of live everlasting, why should we fear Muslims or Leftists or anyone? We know the King will return one day and reconcile everything to himself, and when he does, the world will be amazed. Unfortunately, between now and then, horrendous things will happen, thanks to the Devil, and the sinfulness of fallen human beings. God has made every provision for your safety and salvation. If you refuse his gift you have no one to blame but yourself. He does not force anyone. After all, that would violate the law of love.

The reason I fight and write and hope to persuade others is I truly care about others thanks to what the Lord has done for me, and, I have five children (I know, a crime in some of your minds), and I want them to enjoy the freedom I have been privileged to experience. Freedom is precious and fragile. It has been established and preserved in our country thanks to the Constitution, and thanks to people willing to die to preserve it, among them, many friends. Intimately tied to the preservation of Constitutional freedom are the notions of individual virtue, a republican form of government, and economic freedom. The Constitution is being ripped apart by executive power: czars, administrative directives, executive orders, extra legislative power graps. Virtue is scoffed at by at least half our population. The republic is being transformed into a dictatorial oligarchy. And economic freedom is being destroyed by the collectivist impulse. If you choose not to see therefore how freedom is being threatened, then do not complain on the day your freedom is gone. For if you refuse to see and act you are complicit and as responsible as those fashioning your chains.

PS: Egalitarianism is not justice. It is only another form of tyranny.




PS: Fairness is a trap. Equality is the thing.


And for your entertainment pleasure: ALFONSO RACHEL!

Just back from church. How refreshing! Sermon: God’s extravagant love.

You are precious in His sight!

The Devil loves to quote Scripture.

Mr. Erickson, I burp in your general direction.

Female Cats are intelligent. You are the exception to the rule. (Your breath smells of old tuna…)

All RW BS passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is ridiculed. Third, it is ridiculed.

Allan Craps On and On: PS: Fairness is a trap. Equality is the thing.

And brevity is for people who can think clearly.

So true, Chris. If that guy cut all the stuff that was completely asinine, his comments would be considerably shorter.

And the parade of inanities marches on, led by Scott wielding the baton.

PS: There is a statute of limitations on grace.

Wow, this is more fun than since Amy Alkaloid (sp. ?) trolled Sadly, No! (Aieee! The comments are coming from inside the blog!!)

There is a statute of limitations on grace.

“Like an iron fist in a velvet glove,
You don’t see what they’re made of;
They shout about love,
But when push comes to shove,
They live for the things they’re afraid of;
And the knowledge that they Fear
Is a Weapon to be used against them…”

2 Timothy 3 – (The Message)

1 Don’t be naive. There are difficult times ahead. 2 As the end approaches, people are going to be self-absorbed, money-hungry, self-promoting, stuck-up, profane, contemptuous of parents, crude, coarse, 3 dog-eat-dog, unbending, slanderers, impulsively wild, savage, cynical, 4 treacherous, ruthless, bloated windbags, addicted to lust, and allergic to God. 5 They’ll make a show of religion, but behind the scenes they’re animals. Stay clear of these people. 6 These are the kind of people who smooth-talk themselves into the homes of unstable and needy women and take advantage of them; women who, depressed by their sinfulness, take up with every new religious fad that calls itself “truth.” 7 They get exploited every time and never really learn.

Here’s a riddle for you all:

How is it possible to fear God and not be afraid?

Here’s another riddle for you all (well, maybe not “all”):

How can you be Allan Erickson and not be a complete ass?

Rhetorical question, I know.

D. Sidhe, by the way, that was really lovely, what you wrote up there in defense of the light and common decency — while being respectful (enough) to our friend Al. But then sure as shit, as it demanded an actual response, Captain Christ started spewing platitudes and idiotic riddles and dumb things — circularly coming around to the point which he was denying he made (isn’t lying wrong in your religion Allan? Or is that the other Christianity I’ve heard so much about with the false witness and shit?)

Lying Christian douchebag on his attempt to “talk” to D.: I do not believe half the American people are traitors.

So who are traitors? To Allan: I said people trying to destroy the republic are traitors.

And then: It might interest you to know that Christian conservatives were on the forefront of the fights against child labor, corporate excess, slavery, discrimination and environmental degradation, and we likewise at the front fighting for voting rights and integration and civil rights.

First, that’s some pretty serious contortions you have to make to categorize William Wilberforce and William Lloyd Garrison as “conservative”. They were plainly radical and you’d fucking hate their guts (while lying about “loving them”) if they were around today because they were — at their core and in everything they did — trying to upend their respective countries in a way you can’t hardly conceive of. The rest of your laundry list can just as easily include actual Communists as much as Conservative Christians and probably more so. But to even admit that takes more honesty than you are capable of expressing. You want to talk about “ideas”, then present some. And take your thumb off the scales, surely a Lord as powerful as the one you describe can handle a gay commie like Bayard Rustin sharing credit for civil rights along with his friend Martin Luther King (who, not for nothing, some other Christians equally as Christian as you, think is a A Communist more than a Republican.)

No one I know endorses discrimination or persecution of any kind. Simply because we cannot in good conscience approve gay marriage does not make us hate-filled homophobic bigots.

Yes it does. Just because you don’t want to admit it to yourself means, literally, nothing. By making up excuses for your bigotry is simply the gloss on top of your bigotry.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Christian and a Republican.

Which is about as meaningful today as calling Strom Thurmond an old Democrat. Either “conservative” means and meant something or it didn’t. You think King was “conservative”? Again, you don’t even really know what you are arguing. You claim that people seeking to destroy their country are traitors — radicals even. Well, King sought out to destroy the country as it was for all intents and purposes, for very, very good reasons. And conservatives, in real time, called him a nigger and radical and traitor for doing it. Again, you are playing semantic games to deceive. For most of us this is simply called “lying”. You can quote some verse if you’d like. Or pretend that because you don’t fear and fear Schodinger’s Cat at the same time you can get away with such shameless duplicity, but this is why you don’t do your religion service in our eyes. We’ve read Gantry, you know.

We used to celebrate Democrats who simply had a different way of working to achieve “a more perfect union.” However, the Democrat party has been radicalize. They no longer seek a more perfect union, they seek the destruction of the Union.

Which gets back to the point of your response to D. Sidhe. You are lying or so fucking confused that you hardly recognize the words you type (which, given your grammar is likely anyway). You said you didn’t call half the country traitors at the beginning of your fraudulent sermon, until you did — by your own definition of treason (destruction of the union) — at the end (those of us who are or voted for Democrats, roughly half the country).

Really preacher. This is supposed to move us or impress us how? That so-called religious folk are walking, talking, fountains of hypocrisy? We know this.

You want to claim a larger Truth Al, you better start with some small ones first.

Jay B.

Lie down on the coach and drink some chamomile. You’re gonna blow an artery all over the wall.

Perhaps this will help.

A pastor invites a guy to church.

The guys says: “I ain’t goin’ to no church. Church is full of hypocrites.”

Pastor says: “There’s always room for one more.”

You know you guys are amazingly vicious. Brings to mind something Jesus said:

Matthew 5:22 (The Message)

I’m telling you that anyone who is so much as angry with a brother or sister is guilty of murder. Carelessly call a brother ‘idiot!’ and you just might find yourself hauled into court. Thoughtlessly yell ‘stupid!’ at a sister and you are on the brink of hellfire. The simple moral fact is that words kill.

You know you guys are amazingly vicious. Brings to mind something Jesus said:

Matthew 5:22 (The Message)

I’m telling you that anyone who is so much as angry with a brother or sister is guilty of murder. Carelessly call a brother ‘idiot!’ and you just might find yourself hauled into court. Thoughtlessly yell ‘stupid!’ at a sister and you are on the brink of hellfire. The simple moral fact is that words kill.

Lie down on the coach and drink some chamomile. You’re gonna blow an artery all over the wall.

That’s rich, you fucking fraud. You’ve puked out tens of thousands of words about Democrats, liberals and the President in the most hysterical manner possible. Then you come in here with your combination of smarmy Good News AND your breathless McCarthyism to stumble over words and concepts which are plainly over your head — only to lose the entire fucking plot.

D. Sidhe was right. You are wrong. At least have the decency to apologize to her. Lest you want to confirm every stupid fucking stereotype I have of big mouthed Christians convinced of their own salvation and rectitude, yet who know literally nothing of the things I was taught in Sunday School.

Even as an atheist I’m a better Christian than you and as a liberal I’m a damn better American.

Carelessly call a brother ‘idiot!’ and you just might find yourself hauled into court.

Bring it, fraud.

Or do you want to drop the pretense Churchy? Let’s get real. You are a hysteric. Too vicious? Not by half. Not even as close to the level of invective — eternal damnation and treason to as milquetoast a group as Democrats — that you bring to every half-thought you puke out.

You are the kind that makes religion seem like a mental disorder. As sure of your savior as any self-righteous Imam and to the same end — submission to God.

Thoughtlessly yell ’stupid!’ at a sister and you are on the brink of hellfire.

But saying that half the country is guilty of treason is Okey-Dokey. F-R-A-U-D. The beam. Your eye. That kind of thing. It’s in there. Somewhere.

The simple moral fact is that words kill.

Your loopy and long-winded existence on this thread is proof positive of the opposite, champ.

You see Jay B. you miss the entire point. Driving people like you up the wall is recreation for me. Like shootin’ fish in a barrel. More than that however, I hope to reach the few who have some conscience left, those who might soberly consider the claims of Christ. I realize with others I’m casting pearls before swine but that is the risk you take, the price you pay, along with abuse received, if you are willing to reach out to the lost.

Oh, the water is hot. Tea’s on!

Run along little feller.

Almost bed time.

PS: And for you D. Sidhe, if you never dropped acid, I apologize.

(There you go Jay B. Will that make you sleep better?)

[...] One such is Scott Clevenger, alleged satirist, the author and finisher of World-O-Crap blog, no doubt a card-carrying member of the Optimists’ Club.   Notice he says something about runny cheese. At first I thought he meant his brain, then I realized my mistake. [...]

Driving people like you up the wall is recreation for me

So you admit you’re playing one note on your kazoo because it annoys us.

Noted, shithead.

Something to say?