Spending New Year’s in the Pacific Northwest, as witnessed by the fact that the view from the kitchen window isn’t the kitchen window of the middle aged Russian woman next door who spends most of her time chopping onions and bellowing into the phone trapped under her chin like a sorely tempted sinner trying to shout down the devil perched on her shoulder.
In other, happier news, I spoke to s.z. yesterday, and her New Years Resolution is to get back to more regular blogging, as soon as she recovers from a minor but painful show-shoveling injury. So let me take this opportunity to pass along her heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed to the upkeep of the Island of Misfit Animals that’s taken over her house.
And let me offer my own appreciation to the many loyal and tolerant readers who’ve stuck with Wo’C during the frequent periods of light posting. S.z and I are aiming to provide markedly improved customer service in 2008, just as soon as we conclude our outsourcingstaffing agreement with Channarayapatra & Vijayagopalan of ThiruvananthapurammMuncie, Indiana, Purveyors of Fine Snark since 1813.
to more ‘crap ‘n ’08….
thanks for the laughs….HNY
Left by distributorcap on December 31st, 2007