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Via Doghouse Riley, via Lawyers, Guns and Money:

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Maybe this is a sign to cut back on all the boner blogging…Or maybe we should just stop filling the page with long quotes from Jonah.  Anyway, the two sites above are rated post-graduate and undergraduate level respectively, but please consider us for all your middle school needs.  We’ve got locker room hazing, homosexual panic, and Tater Tots!

17 Responses to “Caution: Content May Include Sloppy Joes, Gym Class, and Nocturnal Emissions”

1. I shoulda hat-tipped Lawyers Guns & Money.

2. Trade ya.

I had high school

I was too embarassed to post it, but dammit! If you guys can come out, so can I!

No wonder I love this site.

I Blame the Patriarchy was leveled at elementary. I don’t think so, ole Twisty is pretty erudite.

My halfassed site was rated college level. It is only 36% evil though. I need to work on that.

Firebaton is existing at the elementary school level, just like my palate.

Fuckers couldn’t “process” my URL.


Really is like 12 years of public school.



I got Junior College, but you know what a know nothing I am.

Jeezis, I expected better for you guys. There’s seriously something odd about that thing (not my web log getting “Post Grad,” lah-di-dah). The only two I ran through that rec’d. “Genius” were Matt Yglesias & (hold onto your hats, or vital body parts) Atlas Shrugs!! Seriously. What’s up w/ that?

And I got a fuckin’ NC-17, (natch!) but where might one go to see how evil one is? I need a competitive edge!!

Oh, sure, you win in the readership dep’t., but that’s trivial, really.

High school. I have an actual site with actual writing on it that got grade school, but I suspect it only read my opening, links page. Or else it just hates run-on sentences.

I tend to think there’s more to the software than ‘education level’ at play there.

Annti says, Fuckers couldn’t “process” my URL.

But they could process http://anntichristscoulter.com. I don’t know what the results say about the sort of language kids in Junior High School are using these days.

(Yeah, but that’s just a holding space that Realist built for me, we still haven’t figured out what to do with it yet.)

And just think of all of the junior-high kids that I’ve substitute-taught over the years… The mentality fits, dontcha think?

I felt kinda bad about the elementary school rating until I discovered that notorious hate site godhatesfags.com got the same “College (Post Grad)” rating as Microsoft.com. Maybe this education stuff isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

This is hilarious: I set up a blog on Blogspot but, I’ve yet to post anything. So I put the URL in and received a rating of “Genius.”

Zen blogging at its best.

Hey! I resemble that sentiment!

Best piece of advice I ever got for technical writing, which I still do a bit of, is to “aim for a fairly intelligent twelve-year-old”.

So, I don’t think I’d be put off by a junior high reading level assessment; it’s a testament to the clarity and conciseness that characterizes much of the writing here.


Something to say?