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10 Responses to “Post-Friday Beast Blogging: The Labor Day Lassitude Edition”

Y’know, Scott, every time that you post your lovely pictures of those damned-lucky cats, it gives me something to aspire to in my next life, because I am SO coming back as Riley, or, failing that, Moondoggie.

So many animals that I’ve met have been SO much more highly-evolved than so-called “humans,” it’s a damned shame, but even moreso that bipeds don’t SEE that. In a perfect world, not only would animals be able to defend themselves from sociopathic bipeds, they’d be legally entitled to EAT said animal-hurting psycho-cunts. But oh, nooooo, if an animal defends itself, they put it DOWN. Yeah, THAT’S fair.

Sorry, didn’t mean to drag these happy kittehs down to my downer mentality right now, but every fucking time that I see or am otherwise exposed to another abhorrent example of “humans” hurting/killing animals whom they are SUPPOSED to “care” for and “love,” it gets me headed down that road, and it’s hard to come back from, y’know? And the motherfuckers *ALWAYS* GET AWAY WITH IT!!!!!! That’s the MOST infuriating part, along with the pain of seeing animals suffer.

And yes, I eat meat, seafood and poultry, so yeah, I have a double standard about which critters “can” and “can’t” be mercilessly slaughtered, sue me. But if cows were meant to be brain surgeons, they’d have opposable thumbs.

Give your feline overlords my love.

Oh, man, Annti (o yeah, and thnx for you Amen to a comment of mine a couple days ago) – so many thoughts in that message above that one doesn’t know what to address. But I guess that there are deep reasons why humans need other animals around as companions – and the damaged jerks who hurt them or neglect them are acting out how twisted their version of that need must be. As to those deep reasons, maybe it has to do with the way our frontal lobes seem to sever us from Nature, and our wish that we could rejoin?

After all, say Riley and Moondoggie, see how good Nature can be?? QED.

I keep trying to get a picture of one of my cats in the litter box doing his business while the other one sits on top of the box, reaches in, and swats him in the face like Larry Craig on steroids, then runs away. If I ever do catch him on camera I’ll send it to you.

Trashfire, please do. We’d love to host some Commenter Cats.

I am SO JEALOUS! Also, why is Riley not pictured with her favourite underwear?

Thanks, Li’l. I’m glad that I’m not the only one who wants to torment the beneath-quadruped beasts who hurt animals.

Frankly, I really, truly, do not give a flying frog fuck as to the REASONS that sociopathic critter-killers do what they do, I JUST WANT THEM OFF OF MY FUCKING PLANET. AS IN, FIFTY FUCKING YEARS AGO.

Like rapists, serial killers, child-molesters, cold-blooded murderers and wife beaters, the sick summamabitches who harm animals with malice aforethought and vicious intent CAN. NOT. BE. “FIXED.”

I think that they oughta be ground-up and used as kibble for the animal shelters. Nope, I’m never gonna be an “eco-terrorist,” (Who in the fuck has that kind of ENERGY?!?!?), nor will I ever fall into the ranks of the hypocritical whores of PETA (there are far better and more constructive ways of getting attention & free publicity, n’est-ce pas?), but every single fucking time I see some motherfucker hurting an animal or find the evidence after it’s too late, I want to return the favor.

I *really* want to return the favor.

No need for jealousy, cat. We’d love to have your kitty pictures too.

And while Riley is passionate, she’s not partial; her favorite underwear is whichever pair was most recently discarded. This also holds true for socks and shirts, although she prefers to crawl inside the latter.

Those who hurt animals and/or little kids are lower than crab dung at the bottom of the Marianas trench, with apologies to the crab dung.

Now that I have seen the black spot on her back leg, I realize that my cat Sam is her doppleganger( except for sex and possibly age – Sam is 14)

Cranny: Riley’s about 13, so…practically twins.

Something to say?