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Flayer of trolls.  Purveyor of fine comments.  Fish-fancying film critic, and one sharp cookie.  D.Sidhe is all this and more, so please join me in wishing her the happiest of birthdays.

(I know s.z. would have wanted me to uphold our sacred traditions, but frankly, she has a stronger constitution than I do, and one Ann Coulter pic per week is about my limit.  So please accept this photo of Aishwarya Rai for some reason.)

Now let’s check your horoscope, and see why the stars keep glancing over here while snickering and elbowing each other.

You possess a more unique manner of expressing and asserting yourself this year.

Because a unique manner of expression is no longer enough.  Changing times demand that you be even more uniquer, while striving to become the uniquiest.

Suppressed anger is more effectively released in creative ways.

Like a genetically-engineered army of winged, urethra-seeking candiru that will darken the skies and spread terror and despair amongst those who doubted and wronged you.  Or maybe a slam book.

Venus conjunct Mars in your Solar Return chart this year points to creative energy, romantic excitement, and playful competitiveness in relationships. Romance is in the air

Along with flying candiru.

…as this aspect increases your sensuality, sex appeal, and animal magnetism.

So remember at the end of the day to check yourself before you go inside; you may have chipmunks, marmots, and mountain beavers stuck to your pants.

Jupiter joined with Uranus is also found in your Solar Return chart

This was pretty embarrassing, and Jupiter promised that next time they’d get a room.

Thanks for hanging out here, D., for making us laugh, and for so often saying what I didn’t even know I wished I’d written until I read it.  You are indeed the keenest cookie in the jar.

Happy birthday!

18 Responses to “Happy Birthday, D.Sidhe!”

Happy Birthday, D.!
You not only amuse us, you also amaze us by saying what we wish we’d said.

The happiest of birthdays to ya, D. — keep those movie reviews coming!

“May the wingnuts in your wake,
burn like candles on your cake,
Happy birthday!”

Happy birth rai, er, day, D!

Happy birthday, D.Sidhe! I concur that you are, indeed, the keenest cookie in the jar! Your comments have been one of my most consistent pleasures in Blogland since I first stumbled upon World o’Crap and Sadly, No! back in 2006. I hope the coming year is wonderful and filled with joy.

Thanks, everybody. Here’s the annual box of really good chocolates, everybody grab.

Scott, I thank you, and my partner thanks you, for the lovely picture of Ms Rai. We’re kinda hoping this means Coulter has returned to her home planet, a place where man and mantis battle it out hour by hour.

Happy Labor Day, everyone, and thanks for being here.

Always a day late, that’s me – but Happy Birthday DS! You are the most uniquiest there is!

damn, had I known it was your birthday I would have gotten here sooner to wish you a happy one. do you know when the next one is? if so I could prolly make it on time

First Ivan, then AnnPW and now D. Sidhe? Some of the best cookies are in that jar! Happy birthday DS and always for your passionate and spot on commentaries.

damn, now I need to find a couple of brilliant commenters whose birthdays are just before mine to join the fray here so I can avoid the scourge of the coultergeist next year
then again, mebbe I’ll just remember the lesson from this year and not click on the link and/or block images that day ;}

Scott, I know you wrote…some stuff after that photo of Aishwayra. What was it, again?

Oh. And happy birthyday D!


Sorry for being so late, D., but I hope that your birfday was a happy and zombie-free one, with good food and enthralling entertainment! If you get a chance, swing by the new Mark Of The Beast (URL above) and see if you like my birfday wishes…

I’ve always (well, since I’ve known you, and you sent me that *humongous* box of glorious cranes in THE most beautiful paper I’ve ever seen!!) wanted to get you those earrings & pendant that have the deliciously delicate silver origami cranes, and regret to say that I have no idea when that will ever be possible, but someday, dammit, if I ever hit that fucking Powerball or find a publisher (ha!), you will HAVE those loverly silver cranes. Someday.

In the meantime, happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy, happy happy happy happy happy happy joy joy JOYYYYYY!!!!! (pah-dah-dah-dink-dink, dink-dink!) Much love & good wishes your way, m’dear.

(and FUCK YEAH{!!!}, I’m jealous as hell that YOU got the glorious Aishwarya Rai pic for YOUR birfday!!! Mebbe this year, I can get, oh, say… Drew Barrymore… or Halle Berry, maybe… Helen Mirren in her topless heyday… Cliff Curtis buck-ass nekkid, perhaps… Blair Underwood in bicycle shorts… mmmm… Denzellll… Owain Yeoman… yup, even though he’s a PETA moron… I’m gonna shaddup now, ’cause this is rapidly going down a whoooole other road… OR, perhaps, Nathaniel Parker and/or Lawrence Fox from “Masterpiece MYSTERY!”… *sigh*)

Day late and a dollop (ice-cream) short, but many happy returns, D. – not only are you the keenest cookie in the jar, but the most delicious knife in the drawer! Wallow, girl, wallow in lovely mixed metaphors.

Why not all 9 of them: Drewq, Halle, Helen, Cliff, Denzel, Owain, Nathaniel and Lawrence?
Something for everyone.
Like a birthday buffet.
But tastier, and less fattening.

Huh. I SAID 9, but forgot to list Blair. Me so genius am.

You possess a more unique manner of expressing and asserting yourself this year.

Wow, it gets better? Difficult to see how it could, D, but I’m looking forward to it. Happy Birthday, and many more.

‘Sokay Bill, it’s easy to get distracted when imagining all of that beautimous eye-candy, yes?

(And yes, dear darling D., those were extra prezzies for your imagination, too… And they’s allll purrrrrdyyyy, in case there’s one in there that you haven’t seen before. Purrrrrddyyy…)

Lovely buffet idea, Bill, but that’s a helluva lot to ask of Scott & S.Z. for ONE birfday post, unless they lump all of the October “babies” into that solitary post, but I can’t exactly speak for all of the other Virgo/Libra peeps. Mebbe we can take a vote on it at some point, who knows… but as always, I *love* the way that you think!

Happy Birthday D. (if I may call you that).

Sorry I’m so late. It has NOT been a good weekend/week (and I’ll leave it at that).

I think one of the many reasons you’re so good is that you are, as the kids say, real.

Something to say?