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I believe WorldNetDaily columnist Mychal Massie may be new to us here at Wo’C, but he’s the guy who’s usually employed to say that everything Obama does, says, and thinks is wrong, illegal, or fattening.  So what better spokesman could there be to announce that everything RNC Chairman Michael Steele says is right, right, RIGHT! Which can’t be the easiest job in the world; you may have heard something in the liberal, and even the conservative media regarding Mr. Steele’s inversions of widely known facts, and penchant for historical revisionism of events which occurred within living memory — hell within short term memory — culminating in a recent piece of rhetorical ejecta that dropped from the Chairman’s mouth like dung from beneath the twitching tail of a bull: dark and rich in potentially explosive organic compounds, and hitting the ground with a moist plop!

Well forget all that, because Mr. Massie is going to rock your little world!  In fact, judging by his headshot, he’s about to get feudal on your fundament.

Michael Steele told the truth

Michael Steele is being demagogued and excoriated by those on his own side of the aisle for basically telling the truth. Let me explain.

Speaking of Parson Weems, this reminds me of George Washington’s famous declaration, “I basically cannot tell a lie.”

First of all, there is no one more pro-military than I – no one.

Being the most pro-military man on the planet, he naturally never enlisted, because — just as St. Peter felt unworthy to be crucified right-side up — Mr. Massie regards the Uniform as such a holy vestment he would never dream of profaning it with his dandruff and underarm perspiration.

But unless Obama, the leftover Clinton Pentagon pansies and all of the pusillanimous Harvard/Yale theorists get out of the way –

“– I’m going to start running out of alliterative insults.”

the war in Afghanistan will be reduced to a Vietnam. I’m more interested in killing all the enemy radical Muslims I can

Oh!  So Mr. Massie is apparently crawling through the mud and blood of No Man’s Land, crouching in a shell hole full of stagnant water only long enough to scratch out this column and attach it to the leg of a carrier pigeon; I must have misread his bio.  Well, let’s give a hero his due and celebrate his no doubt many valorous feats of arms:

Mr. Massie is also a columnist at WorldNetDaily and the former host of the top-rated show on Right Talk Radio network, “Straight Talk with Mychal Massie.”  He is a frequent inspirational/motivational speaker and regular guest on national and regional TV and radio programs.

Right, right, but we’re more interested in all the enemy radical Muslims he’s killed…

He’s been a keynote speaker at rallies support our troops and at rallies supporting conservative causes across the nation.

Well, since he’s been a “speaker at rallies support our troops,”  I’m sure that’s close enough for horseshoes and hand grenades, except for the hand grenade part.  Perhaps he’s a scholar of strategy and tactics, or a highly respected military historian

Mychal holds degrees in education, business/real estate, theology and pastoral counseling.

So if you’re a military man interested in purchasing a house or condominium, and you’re looking for a Century 21 salesman who really understands what it’s like to be in the shit, you should ask Mychal for his card.

Okay, even though Mr. Massie doesn’t have a service record, applicable academic credentials, or a relevant body of work, he will very likely soon be the author of one of those books WorldNetDaily is always giving away:

With two book manuscripts in process and a third being studied, we can expect him to make a strong debut on the literary scene in the next year.

So we got that to look forward to.  Anyway, Mychal, you were saying…?

I’m more interested in killing all the enemy radical Muslims I can, more than I am in getting more homosexuals and lesbians into the Marine Corps.

Completely understandable!  Although — with all due respect — the homosexuals and lesbians who are already in the Marine Corps are probably killing more enemy radical Muslims than you are with your real estate license.

I’m pro-military, and I’m pro–crush and thoroughly demoralize the enemy at every opportunity.

Not that you aren’t a handsome and eligible man, but if you’ve got a crush on the military, I suspect the enemy aren’t the only ones who are demoralized about it.

There’s no question that war in the Middle East is winnable.

Absolutely!  Muhammad managed it.  And Saladin.  I don’t know what we’re doing wrong…Maybe we should convert…

We are America, and our military is the best in the history of the world. But you cannot have rules of engagement dreamt up and drafted by antimilitary supremacists who care more about not insulting CAIR or offending some Islamist terrorist than they do about effectively prosecuting the war.

Indiscriminate bombing is the best and easiest way to win Hearts and Minds, because after you’re through they’re usually just scattered around out in the open.

This is Obama’s war now, and he’s doing a lousy job of instilling confidence in his leadership as commander in chief. Did officers and troops refuse to obey direct orders of President George W. Bush by refusing deployment?

Of course not; Bush demonstrated that you don’t need to be confrontational about it.  You can just stop showing up, and then later claim you were too busy working on a Senate campaign in Alabama to show up for your flight physical or mandatory drug test.

Michael may not have spoken eloquently, but what he said doesn’t rise to the level of his stepping down.

Sounds like a good way to break a hip, though.

This is “gotcha” politics – Republican-style. If it weren’t, those criticizing him would be making the points I’m making.

Oh, not as eloquently, but still…

The same people attacking him attacked Sarah Palin. The same people, including Karl Rove, derided her at every turn. At each Fox News opportunity, Rove made condescending statements referencing her. He ridiculed and questioned her instincts, her ability and even her political acumen, for stepping down as governor –

She had to — her level was rising!

Those calling for Michael to step down are also close to many of those that Michael very unceremoniously sent packing immediately upon his becoming RNC chairman. It is a very public secret that he ruffled a lot of feathers and flattened a lot of toes when he became RNC chief. [...]

And, let me repeat myself, this is Obama’s war. He’s the president – he owns it. And not until he and the politically correct get out of the way and let our great military do what they do better than any other military in the world will we have victory – because you can’t win a war with one hand tied behind your back.

Obama needs to step out and start flattening some toes.

15 Responses to “Mychal Makes A Martyr”

When Mychal says he’s the most pro-military guy, he means he’s the most fervent devotee of Mars, the War God. Actually, giving all the neocon pundits out there, he may be wrong on that account too.

“Mr. Massie regards the Uniform as such a holy vestment he would never dream of profaning it with his dandruff and underarm perspiration”, not to mention racing stripes !.

I’m just curious.

I waded through all that noxious, odious shit, and still haven’t pieced together why he thinks HIS side thinks Steele is wrong?

I mean, is he accusing, say, Sarah Palin of comforting Al Qaeda terrorists?

I waded through all that noxious, odious shit, and still haven’t pieced together why he thinks HIS side thinks Steele is wrong?

I mean, is he accusing, say, Sarah Palin of comforting Al Qaeda terrorists?

You made me curious, so then I read through all that noxious, etc. crap (thanks a lot, Mr. 212). And as far as I can ascertain, Masse is saying that Karl Rove (who Masse doesn’t claim as part of his team) thought that Sarah was wrong to flounce out of the Governor’s manor and pursue the higher calling of being a Fox News thingee. But then Karl had to admit that Sarah was doing a bang-up job of foisting people like Sharron Angle on a witless population, so now Karl is the jerk. Oh, and Sarah provides no comfort to the terrorists, who also find her to be shrill, stupid, and tedious.

How many of those who are now pooh-poohing his words are the same ones who are turning against Sharron Angle in Nevada?

Hopefully all of them. But again, I really hope Sharron gets elected because, hey, she’s a comedy gold mine.

And Mr. Masse certainly has a passion for “p”s, what with all the Pentagon pansies, pusillanimous Yalies, and pooh-poohing Party poopers.

the war in Afghanistan will be reduced to a Vietnam.

I was really hoping you’d go for a Panama or a King Phillips’. Maybe, sir, you might prefer something more along the lines of a Korea? It’s a longshot, but maybe I could interest the gentleman in a slightly worn Iraq?

I won’t bore you with a Philippine Insurrection, it rides up in the crotch.

Okay, I’m brevetting Mychal Lt. Colonel in the Ralph “Blood and Guts” Peters Brigade (Motto: Just 7000 Miles to the Front, Boys!)

It’s interesting that the Greatest Military the World Has Ever Known–or, at least, the most gadget-bedecked–also leads the World in number of wars lost to tenth-rate opponents blamed post-facto on the Rules of Engagement.

And if there isn’t a special circle of Hell reserved for assholes like this, where they get to experience what real soldiers and real civilians go through in real wars, until Eternity, then I’m never speaking to God again.

Good times… the tiny handful of still reasonably sane Repubs call out their leader for saying intensely stupid shit, and the Howlin’ Mad members of the 3rd Laptop Brigade double themselves up into Gordito-ian knots trying to defend the ignorant dipshit.

Its fun watching a major political party implode! Now, if only we had another party in power that would actually use this to their advantage… Crazy talk, i know.

Okay, I’ll admit that I got no further than “degree in real estate”.

Good times… the tiny handful of still reasonably sane Repubs call out their leader for saying intensely stupid shit…

If by intensely stupid you refer to the hilarious fact that the chairman of the RNC gave a brush-off refutation of GOP foreign policy during pretty much the entire Bush administration solely as a political swipe at Obama, then you go, girl.

If you instead mean the intensely stupid part was his point about how (in not so many words) that Afghanistan is where empires go to die, then maybe a re-examination of World history since Alexander of Macedon is in order.

Props for the word fundament.

Excellent word, that. Shows just how far word roots may travel.

Not to give anyone the impression that I hate black people but

A couple other fun facts about Mychal Massie:

– He’s also with Project 21, the group of black conservatives that’s run by a white guy.

– He works his thesaurus hard. “Sainous marplots,” anyone?

@Ugluk’s Flea: the former, thank you.

Let’s cut it real short: they guy’s a phoney.

Something to say?