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RussAlan.jpgYou remember Russ J. Alan, RenewAmerica’s resident “adventurist” and “philosophist,” who we last saw here, fretting over the possibility that the Fort Hood shootings would fail to ignite an anti-Muslim pogrom (because what’s the point of being an adventurist if you don’t get to role-play the Charlton Heston part in Khartoum, except — instead of getting a spear between the ribs — this time you roll a natural 20, so it’s that Mahdi guy who gets kebobbed?) Anyway, this week he’s read the tea bags and is feeling much more optimistic about the chances for widespread mob violence in 2010:

I say the biggest mistake we conservatives can make in 2010 is to continue worrying about how we appear to the left, John McCain style, as we have been doing for so many years past. We must to stop appeasing the leftists, we must stop caring what they think, we must have the courage of our convictions and the pride to voice it without shame. No more bipartisanship. We need partisanship and plenty of it.

Note: This column is set in that “Mirror, Mirror” universe from Star Trek where Spock has Jonah Goldberg’s goatee.

Yes, 2000–2009, or the “aughts”…had some bad times, but they weren’t all bad. They started with the last two years of the administrations of President Clinton who sewed the seeds of the “housing bubble” but didn’t weed out the Muslim problem nor take out Osama Bin Laden when he had the chance, and that was bad.

Clinton left office on January 20, 2001, so I’m not sure where Russ is getting “the last two years of the administrations of President Clinton” from. But then, he’s a philosophist, not a mathematician, and likes to fudge Presidential terms a bit. For instance, his bio claims that he “served in the Department of Defense in Europe during the Cold War under President Reagan (1980-82),” which, as commenter Woodrowfan noted, probably means “he was a private in the Army for his minimum 2 years,” while Round Guy points out that “Reagan wasn’t even sworn in until January of ‘81 so he…either peeled potatoes under the dreaded Jimmy Carter or stretched the dates.”

As for Clinton “sew[ing]” seeds — it’s nice he had a crafty little hobby to relax over, but I hope at some point he traded up to a Bedazzler.

The Republicans elected President George W. Bush and we didn’t have a democrat president in the White House when we were attacked by Muslim extremists in 2001…

Cause? Meet Effect.

…and that was good. We lost many soldiers in Iraq which was bad, but we took out the murderous, weapon of mass destruction, Saddam Hussein

Saddam was like Mel Gibson’s character Martin Riggs in the Lethal Weapon films, in that he, himself, was a weapon. But unlike Riggs, he didn’t use bullets and karate, because those don’t create mass destruction, so I guess Saddam would — I don’t know — fart mustard gas?

and we killed lots and lots of Muslim extremists, and that was a really good thing.

On a similar note, Russ is a lot like Martha Stewart, if her magazine Living was called Dying, and mostly contained articles about remodeling your charnel house, and recipes for whipping up a batch of homebrew Zyklon-B out of those leftover holiday snack ingredients.

In 2006, Conservatives lost the majority position in congress, and Mike Huckabee, instead of dropping out of the Republican primary and endorsing Mitt Romney, gave us John McCain who became the Republican nominee (bad), who stabbed his running mate, Sarah Palin, in the back and gave up the presidency to Barack Obama, and that was really bad.

I think Russ is confusing the McCain-Palin campaign with Episode 8 of I, Claudius (“Reign of Terror”), but I admit it would have made the Presidential race a lot more fun.

The Tea Party movement doesn’t need to be organized, we are already organized. We are an “organism” like a colony of ants or even better, like the “Borg” on “Star Trek: the Next Generation.” We communicate with each other and act as one, toward a common goal, and just like the Borg, “Resistance is futile — you will be assimilated.”

Well…it’s good to have role models.

We don’t care that it raises the blood pressure of the leftists to hear the term “Tea Parties,” we don’t care that it “fills them with disgust.” Conservatives get disgusted when we hear “Al Gore,” “global warming,” “cap and trade,” “health care reform”… do the LEFTISTS care what WE think? Why should I care what THEY think? I want them to get their blood pressure up. The higher the better (actually, the lower the better — I would prefer the leftists have zero blood pressure).

Just in case you thought Russ wants to kill all Muslims, he wants you dead, too. So it’s not like he’s a racist

Another “worst thing” conservatives could do is vote strictly “Republican” in the November 2010 elections, especially if many of the so-called “blue-dog” democrats follow in the footsteps of Senator Parker Griffith of Alabama, switch to the Republican party to prevent losing their seats in Congress.

I knew you could switch parties, but I had no idea you could switch from the House of Representatives to the Senate at will. That’s pretty cool, although I don’t know why Griffith didn’t aim just a smidge higher and switch to the presidency.

The Republican party would just be adding more weak, timid, moderate, appeasing, “bipartisan,” woosies, otherwise known as RINOS (Republicans in name only).

I know what RINOs are, but woosies are new to me. Are they a candy or gum? But it’s not merely weak-kneed politicians who are kicking the grass roots in the teabags. Fellow RenewAmerica scribe Warner Todd Huston believes the 24 Hour Tea Party People lack the requisite cult of personality to become a truly effective tool of freedom, but Russ is not having it.

Mr. Huston believes that the Tea Party movement was destined to fail from its inception, and continues to say that the main reason is lack of a leader. If he doesn’t believe we lead ourselves or that Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity or Mark Levin (the latter three are also an “organism”)

Well, wait a second, I don’t think that’s quite fair. Most of his detractors will agree that Glenn Beck is an organism, and some will even concede that he’s multicellular.

…then I guess he is saying he doesn’t want to lead it either. OK, if that’s the case, I nominate myself — I will lead it. As the leader of the Tea Party, I propose that we rename it the Constitution party or the Conservative party, and effective immediately, we don’t care what the leftists think.

So nyah. However, Russ might want to check and see what officials of the Conservative Party and the Constitution Party think, since both are, so to speak, pre-existing conditions.

34 Responses to “A Good, Hard Philosophisting”

In 2006, Conservatives lost the majority position in congress, and Mike Huckabee, instead of dropping out of the Republican primary and endorsing Mitt Romney, gave us John McCain

Mitt Romney? For reals? Mitt “I ran to the left of the Democrat in Massachussets for two statewide races and one of them was Teddy Kennedy” Romney? The guy who pushed through socialized healthcare? George Romney’s kid? The guy who said Sarah Palin was on an influential people list because she’s purty?

As opposed to, say, McCain, whose voting record (with the exception of campaign finance reform, which he pretty much signed onto to defund his opponents) is to the right of Attila the Hun? The torture victim who actually enabled torture to make conservatives happy?

Pretty much the only “conservative” value you can reliably count on Romney for is going to be screwing the workers, and while I’m sure he’s going to be tickled to go there for you (Romney-Fiorina ’12!), I’m not sure that’s going to get people knocking on doors for ya.

That’s got to be the first time I’ve ever seen the Borg cited as an aspirational model.

I love your writing style — I LMAO and I can’t help but think of you while I write my articles, “what will he do with this”, I say to myself on every paragraph. You are hilarious. You got me on Parker Griffith (He used to be an Alabama state Senator and I got used to calling him senator) I’ll fix it on my blog

Well, you gotta love a measured, even complimentary response from a guy who apparently googles himself so often he got to my favorite blog before I did.

So, back at ya, Russ J. Thanks for all the laffs. Can’t say I won’t miss all the kindnesses the Right has provided these many years. But I did want to mention, before things get ugly, that “Tea Parties”, in word nor deed, don’t raise my blood pressure. Y’all are more like seventy-two car alarms going off at once in the Wal*Mart parking lot: par for the course, self-defeating, and inaudible once you get used to it, I suppose, except I can’t see any reason to get within two miles of the place, myself.

Well, if Russ is still trolling WOC, I’ve got an answer for his question in his 12/21/09 column about conservatives tearing up their tax checks on TV next year. “What will they do to us?” Russ, you’re talking about the IRS, which has more confiscatory power than any other Federal agency. Got a car? They’ll take it. Earn wages? They’ll garnishee them. Bank accounts? Gone. And then, there’s prison. (Ask Al Capone.) But go ahead, refuse to pay taxes. You’ll get a chance to repent and pay up, with interest, once the slow wheels of IRS justice get through crushing your hopes and dreams. Maybe you can hire one of those tax attorneys that advertise on TV that they can beat the IRS — conservatives love trial lawyers!

I’m pretty sure Russ is a mathetist. In addition to being an eliminationist and googlist.

but we took out the murderous, weapon of mass destruction, Saddam Hussein

See, now, this is clever, if sociopathic. No WMDs, which were the whole point of the damned war? Let’s just pretend Saddam was a WMD! I invite the sane people here to remember that in our universe, the Bush administration specifically rejected the fact that Saddam was a murderous tyrant as a rationale for going to war, because otherwise they’d end up having to do something about countries with murderous tyrants who didn’t control vast reserves of oil. Hence the WMD bullshit, an argument which increasing desperation to prove led to torture and murder of hapless civilians who were sold to our military by warlords. And for every Iraqi civilian we killed, we created more Muslim extremists, so I guess that’s a really good thing, too, giving Russ lots and lots more people to want the military to kill. Win-win!

However, I agree with the nutjob on one point. Stop caring what those PC wussy leftists think. Let your freak flags fly, as with the tea parties. Because hey, America deserves to see you jackasses turn up with your racist jokes and your bizarre demands for long form birth certificates. Show America how much you don’t want the working poor to have health care, or a minimum wage, or pollution-free neighborhoods. Block all the legislation you can, and better yet block any appointments you can. Because America totally agrees with you that keeping the unions down is an excellent reason to make sure the TSA has no head, and stupid shit like the underpants bomber happens so that on those rare occasions they can afford to fly they’re forced to submit to increasingly moronic rules that make no-one safer. Show voters that all you’ve got is no and hate and fear and tax cuts for the already obscenely wealthy. It’s a brilliant strategy that can’t possibly backfire.

Hey Russ. Glad to see you have a sense of humor. Most of what passes for conservative wit either has something to do with Obama and watermelons or consists of obscure references concerning the Parthians.

Although, unless you’re running full circle ironical, you may want to fix more than just your Griffith reference.

I seldom comment on WOC as I am awestruck of all the truly great writers here and that makes me fairly timid on submitting a response. But thank you Doghouse for your first and brilliant paragraph…….as Russ so “aptly” stated, I LMAO!
D. Sidhe, while I wholeheartedly agree with you, I’m sorry to say that the vast majority of people I work with and live near would take issue with you and agree with Russ (don’t get your ego up sir as my area just teems with mouth breathing,lilywhite,in-bred, christer conservatives that are that way only because “well, my daddy and gramps were Republicans and that’s good enough for me” mentality. That commutes to being nothing but LAZY)but the bright side to that is that my county has a larger deer population than people so they don’t really totalize the America you speak of. But really there are many days that I wish retirement was nearer and I am not required to interact with them.

Sorry. I thought my spacing was better than that.

brilliant, as usual Scott!

I know what RINOs are, but woosies are new to me. Are they a candy or gum?

Those are Razzles. I think Woosies is that musical Disney produced starring Christian Bale.

Russ–while you are fixing your Parker Griffith thingy, you might want to work on your homophones. You don’t sew seeds. You sow them. Needle and thread is never involved.

Saddam would — I don’t know — fart mustard gas?

Scott? You ever actually eat Iraqi cuisine? I wouldn’t put it past Saddam to do this.

Mike Huckabee, instead of dropping out of the Republican primary and endorsing Mitt Romney, gave us John McCain who became the Republican nominee (bad), who stabbed his running mate, Sarah Palin, in the back and gave up the presidency to Barack Obama, and that was really bad.

So Huckabee ruined the campaign season for those of us who sat there, trigger fingers poised on all sorts of magic underwear jokes (ironic, ain’t it?)?

That bastard!

The Tea Party movement doesn’t need to be organized, we are already organized. We are an “organism” like a colony of ants or even better, like the “Borg” on “Star Trek: the Next Generation.” We communicate with each other and act as one, toward a common goal, and just like the Borg, “Resistance is futile — you will be assimilated.”

So our choice was Islamosocialists or Cybernetosocialists. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm….

Another “worst thing” conservatives could do is vote strictly “Republican” in the November 2010 elections

By all means. I hear the John Birch Society is sponsoring a slate of candidates. Please do go vote for them.

I love your writing style — I LMAO and I can’t help but think of you while I write my articles, “what will he do with this”, I say to myself on every paragraph. You are hilarious. You got me on Parker Griffith (He used to be an Alabama state Senator and I got used to calling him senator) I’ll fix it on my blog

Left by Russ J. Alan on December 30th, 2009

I call fake troll.

He spelled his name correctly.

I’m glad you enjoyed the post, Russ, as it’s our modest aim to bring a little laughter and joy into the world. Thanks for stopping by.

Sorry. I thought my spacing was better than that.

Left by Gappy on December 30th, 2009

*sipping herbal tea quietly*

No need to point out the irony.

Scott, you’ll notice he’s not changing his misuse of “sewing seeds”

“The Tea Party movement doesn’t need to be organized, we are already organized. We are an “organism” like a colony of ants or even better, like the “Borg” on “Star Trek: the Next Generation.” We communicate with each other and act as one, toward a common goal, and just like the Borg, “Resistance is futile — you will be assimilated.”

Ooh, or maybe like a Rat King, http://blag.ipood.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ratking.jpg or some, like Killer bees! Yeah, that would be wicked!

Russ J Allen writes: You got me on Parker Griffith (He used to be an Alabama state Senator and I got used to calling him senator) I’ll fix it on my blog

Don’t forget to fix all the other errors in your post which Scott so patiently identified for you, doofus.

Scott, you’ll notice he’s not changing his misuse of “sewing seeds”

mebbe he’s doing that necklace thing with pumpkin seeds, except that’s more beading or stringing

Masochistic little bastard, innee?

I’ve often wondered how The Borg got started, and wished Hollywood would make a film or TV series about their evolution. But having Tea-Partyers’ as the origin of the Borg . . . I don’t know.

It was not a good year for Democrats.

In only a few months they managed to squander enormous political capital, spark a massive backlash, bankrupt the country, foment division in their own ranks, weaken national security, and strengthen our enemies.

Quite a record for the smartest, most compassionate and morally superior people on earth.

Just goes to show how much you can accomplish when you really put your mind to it, with the help of a messiah who still has not performed one single miracle.

so why’s Allen Erickson trolling over here again? are he and Russ “special friends?”

It was not a good year for Democrats.

Healthcare reform (such as it is), the inauguration of the nation’s first black President, an agreement on global climate change, AND a Nobel peace prize?

Gee, Allan, you’re right! All we missed was an Oscar for Best Direction! That would have made this an average year.

I’ve often wondered how The Borg got started, and wished Hollywood would make a film or TV series about their evolution. But having Tea-Partyers’ as the origin of the Borg . . . I don’t know.

The Star Trek canon has it that the Borg were the first victims of the V’ger probe featured in “Star Trek: The Motion Picture.”

“In only a few months they managed to squander enormous political capital, spark a massive backlash, bankrupt the country, foment division in their own ranks, weaken national security, and strengthen our enemies.”

Thanks. We’re trying, but good fomentation takes time. You have to admit the previous administration set the bar pretty high. We need more time to turn a surplus into a deficit, start a couple wars, flood a few major cities, lose a couple of skyscrapers and torture and kill a bunch more people. You can’t just snap your fingers and get that shit done.

I’m still wondering on which planet the right gives a damn what the left thinks, except to wonder if they’re pissing us off..

“I say the biggest mistake we conservatives can make in 2010 is to continue worrying about how we appear to the left, John McCain style, as we have been doing for so many years past. We must to stop appeasing the leftists, we must stop caring what they think, we must have the courage of our convictions and the pride to voice it without shame. No more bipartisanship. We need partisanship and plenty of it.”

That was all I needed to read to know what the rest of the whackjob was gonna write.
Just explain to me one thing. Even in this state of a warped, twisted neo-con mind, how the hell can he say the Progressives have been appeased??

“Well, if Russ is still trolling WOC, I’ve got an answer for his question in his 12/21/09 column about conservatives tearing up their tax checks on TV next year. “What will they do to us?” Russ, you’re talking about the IRS, which has more confiscatory power than any other Federal agency. Got a car? They’ll take it. Earn wages? They’ll garnishee them. Bank accounts? Gone. And then, there’s prison. (Ask Al Capone.) But go ahead, refuse to pay taxes. You’ll get a chance to repent and pay up, with interest, once the slow wheels of IRS justice get through crushing your hopes and dreams. Maybe you can hire one of those tax attorneys that advertise on TV that they can beat the IRS — conservatives love trial lawyers! ”

I love it!! I hope they actually do this. This would make the decade from hell worth while. Thank you. LOL!

So much of what conservatives say and do is counter-productive to their “cause”, or useless, they have to take pleasure in the notion they are *at least* annoying knowitall Liberals. Which makes it all worth while.

“The Tea Party movement doesn’t need to be organized, we are already organized. We are an “organism” like a colony of ants or even better, like the “Borg” on “Star Trek: the Next Generation.” We communicate with each other and act as one, toward a common goal, and just like the Borg, “Resistance is futile — you will be assimilated.”

Ooh, or maybe like a Rat King, http://blag.ipood.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/ratking.jpg or some, like Killer bees! Yeah, that would be wicked!

Or slime mold http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slime_mold!

Don’t copy the exclamation mark. Cheesh.

Actor212 — “So Huckabee ruined the campaign season for those of us who sat there, trigger fingers poised on all sorts of magic underwear jokes (ironic, ain’t it?)?”

Yep, we used up the Depends jokes on Bob Dole !

The Borg analogy doesn’t work for the teabaggers –> Jeri Ryan had the other kind of funbags !

D Sidhe,

Is a matheist someone who denies the existence of irrational numbers?

I can’t help but think that if they were to stop holding back on “what they really think” there will be endless material for the left to poke, prod, dissect. With the prospect of that much crap on the horizon you might need an entire Word-o-Crap head office worth of staff to keep up with flow.

Something to say?