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Archive for July 2nd, 2008

Are You Aglow To Check Chapeaux and Know You’re Making Your Tips?

Posted by Maryc on July 2nd, 2008

Tbogg has a typically awesome post in which he spanks Roger Simon for comparing McCain to Col. Nicholson in Bridge On The River Kwai.

And for Roger Simon (themanwhocreatedmoseswine), a very special wish from Tbogg:

I await the arrival of the McCain TruthSquad at PajamaMedia WorldWide Headquarters & Snackbar where they will wrestle a kicking and screaming Simon to the ground, snatch his fedora away from him and then crap in it… Be happy in your work, Roger.

Ahem. Allow me, Tbogg:

Stossel Bitchslapped By The Invisible Hand

Posted by scott on July 2nd, 2008

This has undoubtedly been around for ages, but I just saw it for the first time thanks to Hoffmania.  Now, just to be clear:  I do not approve of Redneck-Wrestler-on-Libertarian-Wanker violence.  I did not laugh when Stossel was slapped.  I didn’t even laugh the second time he was slapped.  Admittedly, I did chuckle — just a bit! — when Stossel ran off down the hall (although, under the circumstances, it was probably the most — if not the only — sensible thing I’ve ever seen him do).

But I hated myself for it.

You may find that the guilt is slightly eased if you follow Hoff’s other link to a video on Think Progress:

Last night, CNN’s Larry King Live stacked its show with oil, coal, and nuclear apologists. One of the show’s guests — prominent libertarian pundit John Stossel — said of Big Oil: “I think these oil companies are heroes.”

I’m going to jump on this meme now, before it becomes conventional wisdom, and work up a pitch for the networks.  I see a group of middle-aged men — pale, bejowled, and convex-bellied — the last people you’d ever suspect of leading secret lives as costumed crimebusters…

Now, I’m just spit-balling here, but how about a cocky, dashing hero called “Slick,” who has the power to fight seabirds by dousing them with crude (we’ll give him a tragic, gritty origin story; maybe his mom was the Suzanne Pleshette character in The Birds?  Hm…make a note of that…).  I’m also working on concept sketches for another hero called “The Gusher” who I think is going to be pretty darn popular with the ladies…

S what do you guys think is the best way to exploit this Heroes of Big Oil bandwagon?

Big Brad Boils It Down

Posted by scott on July 2nd, 2008


After sequestering himself in a rundown boarding house somewhere in South Boston, living on Lucky Strikes, pots of java heated over a spirit lamp and fortified with a shot of Old Overholt, and the generosity of an aging, but kindly hooker who works out of the room across the hall and would occasionally treat the skinny, hollow-eyed kid to a blue plate special down at the diner, Cub Reporter Brad Reed has finally typed “The End” on an expose that’s a cinch to knock the codfish aristocracy into a cocked hat.

Fortunately, before a couple of wrathy mugs out of Five Points could take it into their heads to row him up Salt River and leave an Arkansas toothpick in his back, the plucky youngerster flung a carbon copy over the transom at Alternet, which has now published the jeremiad for the world to see:  The 10 Most Awesomely Bad Moments of the Bush Presidency.

How did he get it down to just ten?  The answer, of course, lies in cutting edge green technology, which allows Brad to stretch a premise while still reducing his carbon footprint.  Or it may be a simple effort to cut down on the number of suicides likely to result from a more comprehensive accounting of the last 7.5 years, since the reader attrition would send Alternet’s traffic swirling right down the toilet.

So click HERE.  Click now.  And above all, don’t flush.