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Archive for June, 2008

Shorter Townhall: He Said/She Said Edition

Posted by scott on June 21st, 2008

Cindy McCain, A Real First Lady, by Katherine Jean Lopez:  With all this talk of “change,” it’s important to remember that the First Lady embodies many of our most quintessentially American customs and virtues, and it’s easy to imagine Cindy McCain as a part of that sacred heritage.  Like Nancy Reagan, she boasts a glossy, immobile, deathmask-like face thanks to Botox and plastic surgery; like Betty Ford, she’s a former prescription drug addict; and like each and every one of her predecessors, she maintains a long and unblemished record of being white.

Why I’m Voting Democrat, by Ben Shapiro:  “All Jews are funny,” is a vicious stereotype, which I’m going to debunk right here by writing some jokes.

Is Gay Marriage Inevitable? by Maggie Gallagher:  No!  No, dammit, no There’s still time to wage a holy war!  Those bundles of sticks they used to burn people at the stake during the Inquisition were called “faggots” for a reason!

Was the Holocaust Inevitable? by Patrick Buchanan:  Sadly, no.  If Winston Churchill was so smart, he would’ve allowed the Third Reich to eliminate the Soviet Union, then Hitler wouldn’t have ordered the Final Solution when things went sour, and would merely have continued his pre-War policy of sending Jews to concentration and slave labor camps.

Justice Kennedy: American Idle, by Ann Coulter: Surprise!  I still exist.

Degrees of Incompetence, by Rich Tucker:  “Well, it’s that time of year again. Students are pouring out of high schools across the country, with most getting ready for the next natural step: college. In one sense that’s good. Today’s economy requires more people than ever to have college degrees, and studies show those people make more money and enjoy their jobs more than people without college degrees.”  See what I did right there?  I padded out the word count with inane cliches and mundane observations — a valuable skill I learned…in college!  Anyway, too many poor people and minorities are going to college and diluting the value of my bachelor of arts degree when they should be going to vocational schools or doing manual labor so we don’t have to look the other way when all those Mexicans cross the border.

Bay Buchanan Shares Her Story of Conservative Activism with Students, by Laura Donovan:  If you’re a woman in government, don’t fight for equal treatment and respect, because you’ll just be remembered as a bitch.  But if you pick your battles, you can go down in history as a doormat.

Emotions Are For Ethnic People

Posted by scott on June 21st, 2008

This week, Doug Giles, the pastor at Our Lady of I Worshiped at a Holiday Inn Express Last Night unsheathes his blade and pierces the budding mancrush of a fellow evangelical.

TD Jakes, Dallas based megachurch pastor and televangelist, wrote in a column for CNN earlier this month that as he listened to Barack wax eloquently during his victory speech he got “goose bumps.” This comment by Jakes, an evangelical minister, in turn gave me goose bumps—as in the bad ones.

You’re familiar with the icky chills, aren’t ‘cha?

I’m reading Townhall, aren’t I?

It’s that weird, tangible, frightening freeze you get when you wake up to the demon ghost of Leona Helmsley hovering over your bed in a Victoria’s Secret teddy at 3 AM

This is historic!  For the first time, someone besides Rosie O’Donnell is appearing in the obligatory overweight/lesbian/bitch slot in a Giles column.  I have to applaud Doug; he could have continued to rely on his tried and true material, but instead, he’s stepping outside his comfort zone and really stretching as a writer.

…or when you accidentally drink from the beer can your dipping buddy has been using for a spit cup.

On the bright side, you now Know You’re a Redneck without the necessity of consulting Jeff Foxworthy.


SKOAL spokesmodel Doug Giles, for New Tobacco Juice Mousse.

That’s the kind of tingly feeling I got when I read Jakes’ Barack goose bump bumbling gaffe.

Goose bumps, Mr. Jakes? Please. Isn’t all this “Barack gives me goose flesh” coming from male journalists, basketball team owners and now you, a bishop, a tad tweed?

I’d go further, and declare it positively seersucker!

Unless Doug meant “twee,” in which case…never mind.

Goose bumps? Have ministers and pundits been reduced to giggly fourteen year-old girls who discern Mr. Right based upon horripilation?

Oh oh, Doug has discovered Thesaurus.com.  Fasten your seatbelts, it’s gonna be a goosebumpy night.

If so, then I’m voting for 7/11’s giant cherry slurpee for president because not only did it give me severe chicken skin…

Is it just me, or does Doug’s every attempt at a creative turn of phrase, no matter what he’s describing, sound like some backwoods euphemism for masturbation?

…the other day when I was wailing on it

I mean, come on…!  A slurpee gave him chicken skin so he wailed on it?  Is that ever a reasonable response to contracting an STD?

…but I also had a 30 second brain-freezing drooling moment that was simply awesome.

So awesome he apparently managed to write this entire column during it.

Ah, the divining wand of goose bumps.

I remember an acquaintance of mine who married a whacked girl three years ago, much to his friends’, pastor’s and family’s disapproval. I asked him why the heck he was going to plow ahead and marry this chick even though all his closest friends didn’t dig her, and he said,

“Please stop talking like Maynard G. Krebs.  I’m begging you.”

Exactly what are we, the unenlightened cattle, to deduce from the reflex erection of the hairs on Jakes’ arm while he was watching the Obama pep rally? I tell you, heathen, what you’re supposed to construe: As a Christian who has been a part of charismatic church, when the pilomotor reflexes start popping during a church service, or a meeting, or while watching TBN…


The Power.  The Glory.  The Pink-Tinted Acrylic Shag Toilet Lid Cozy and Wig.

that feeling is a “sign” of the Holy Spirit’s presence, and thus God’s approval (never mind the fact that both the flesh and demons can counterfeit such a sensory experience).

You can easily tell if your goosebumps are indicating the presence of flesh or demons instead of the Holy Spirit, because the former two don’t use scare quotes when they give you a “sign.”

As a Christian who takes the Scripture seriously, I don’t care what an accomplishment it is for Barack to win his party’s nod. In addition, I don’t give flip how great a speaker the uber-liberal junior state senator from Chi-town is, either. Nor do I care whether or not he says he’s “filled with the holy ghost and fire,” loves Jesus, babies, kittens and candy canes. What I care about is his incessant anti-Scripture/traditional American values voting record, such as . . .

1. Abortion being available to mommy in all nine months of her pregnancy (how goose bumpy, eh? Except of course for the innocent kid that gets snuffed. No goose bumps for them).

Barack Obama is the Goose Bump Nazi.

2. Parents not being notified when their 13 year-old girl goes in for an abortion (this, too, is such a goose bumpy little ditty. What progress! It’s what we’ve all been longing for, right Bishop Jakes)?


Uhhh…Why don’t you just leave me out of this?

3. Opposing any and all bans on partial birth abortion, an act that includes delivery of the baby up to the head, the crushing of the baby’s skull, the vacuuming of the brain matter and then completed delivery of the child’s deflated cranium…

It’s called “stillborn” for a reason!  If you bitches really loved Jesus you’d bite the bullet and squeeze out that corpse the old fashioned way!

…(chilling. How a minister can stand by a candidate who supports this is way, way beyond me. But who am I to judge? I’m a critical white Calvinist male who doesn’t have a megachurch…

Bitter?  Oh, a tad…

and who is, according to the secularists and the ministers who support them, stuck in a time warp).

Well, it’s mostly just your vocabulary.

4. Advancing the radical homosexual activist lobby in their pursuit to destroy traditional marriage and voting against the defense of traditional marriage (sassy goose bumpages on this one, eh padre?)


Hey!  I said, leave me out of this, you Ryan Seacrest-looking cracker!

5. The creation of “special rights” for people who engage in homosexuality for the sole purpose of putting them at the front of the line on issues of employment, housing and litigation.

But you’ve got to admit, it’s a clever strategy.  Take “Bleak House,” for example:  If only Richard Carstone had buggered Little Jo in front of the High Court of Chancery, the judges would have immediately snapped into action and settled the case of Jarndyce v. Jarndyce before legal fees consumed his entire inheritance.  Of course, Carstone probably would have caught smallpox from the plucky urchin, but at least his lawsuit would be rocketing to the top of the docket.

7. The continued funding of Planned Parenthood clinics in our nation’s inner cities, which are performing genocide against the populations of African Americans living there (y’all feelin’ the chills on this one?).

But Rev. Jeremiah Wright was craaaAAAAAaaaazy for bringing up the Tuskeegee Experiment.  Speaking of…

8. And last but not least, the goose bump generating, now well-known revelation of Obama attending a church for the last 20 years (until shamed into leaving) that propagates anti-white, anti-American and anti-Jewish blather, zany 9/11 “was our fault because we’re racists” rancor, and a “black value system,” all via a pastor who hung out with Qaddafi and honors Louis Farrakhan (I’m getting goose bumps, howzabout you?).

Well, I’m definitely getting some kind of rash…

Finally, I have a couple of questions for all the ministers/ministries that look to or follow Jakes as a source of biblical and political inspiration:

Can’t you see that man is a ni–  No.  Wait.  That wasn’t the question…”

What are you going to do now that your good bishop has wandered off the scriptural path by giving mad props to Obama

Doug’s black peeps respect him because he cares enough to savvy their kooky lingo.

…who has the most liberal (anti-biblical) voting record of all U.S. senators?

According to the National Journal, anyway.  Which, as Rachel Maddow mentioned, declared in 2004 that Democratic Presidential nominee John Kerry was the “most liberal senator.”  What a weird coincidence, huh?  It’s a funny old thing, life.

Do you agree with Jakes’ take that he’s the man? Do you also get goose bumps when you hear Obama speak? Do you disagree with Jakes? If so, are you going to say or do something about it, or are you just going to sit there like a good boy and say nada?


The previous paragraph was brought to you by the word “race” and the suffix “-ist”.”

Remove Wrenched Ankle. Ha. Ha. HA.

Posted by scott on June 18th, 2008

I just got the results of my MRI back, and it looks like I’ll have to apply to that safety school after all.  “Herniated disc with stenosis” (although I clearly remember ordering  it al dente).  This apparently means that certain parts of my body have gone rogue, and when they’re not busy throttling my spinal cord like Albert DeSalvo, they’re running around pinching nerves like grammar school kids on St. Patrick’s Day.  The good news: there’s a treatment.  The bad news:  it’s a series of epidurals — big ol’ needles to the spine — but on a happy note, least I don’t have to lug home a baby after its done.

So once we get through the insurance company paperwork, I will finally have some hope of climbing out of this pain and poppy byproduct-induced purple haze and occasionally posting something here that makes sense.

In the meantime…

I Blame the Drugs…

Posted by scott on June 18th, 2008

[inspiration via Sadly, No! comments and  Balloon Juice]

Bonus Jonah Quote O’ The Day!

Me: Surprising as it may be to some, I’m far from an aficionado of donkey porn. But going by what little I’ve been exposed to (usually unwittingly), I’d say that video comes up way shy of “bestiality.”

Are Assholes Always Alliterative?

Posted by scott on June 18th, 2008

Over at Townhall, Kevin “Musclehead” McCullough stumbled onto a 5-year old newspaper story which suggests that:

  1. Dolphins may have a greater capacity for abstract thinking than was previously suspected.
  2. Kevin has learned to use the Google (yay!).
  3. We must immediately start drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge before Flipper beats us to it.
  4. We’ve secretly switched the House of Representatives’ usual Speaker, and replaced her with Norman Bates’ mother.  Shhh!  Let’s watch and see what happens…

Kevin didn’t bother to link to a source, but I’m guessing his inspiration was this July, 2003 article from the Guardian’s science section entitled “Deep Thinkers“…

At the Institute for Marine Mammal Studies in Mississippi, Kelly the dolphin has built up quite a reputation. All the dolphins at the institute are trained to hold onto any litter that falls into their pools until they see a trainer, when they can trade the litter for fish. In this way, the dolphins help to keep their pools clean.

Kelly has taken this task one step further. When people drop paper into the water she hides it under a rock at the bottom of the pool. The next time a trainer passes, she goes down to the rock and tears off a piece of paper to give to the trainer. After a fish reward, she goes back down, tears off another piece of paper, gets another fish, and so on. This behaviour is interesting because it shows that Kelly has a sense of the future and delays gratification. She has realised that a big piece of paper gets the same reward as a small piece and so delivers only small pieces to keep the extra food coming. She has, in effect, trained the humans.

Kevin was profoundly moved by this story, and its implications for human/cetacean relations, as you can clearly see from his opening paragraph:

In an all out assault against the working poor, the struggling families, and the common decency of the citizens of America this week Nancy Pelosi gave the order for Democrats to stab the American voter in the back. Her orders were carried out. Thus Congressional Democrats proved a naked willingness to injure America in a play for power, or alternately proving unsurpassed stupidity.

Sorry.  The dolphin stuff starts in the second graf:

In either case they were also shown up by a cute squiggly girl named Kelly – a dolphin.

Kevin goes on to summarize Kelly’s exciting discovery of capitalism (it helps if you imagine Also Sprach Zarathustra playing in the background) and why homemade cash makes her so squiggly:

In other words this dolphin, sensed the conditions of her circumstances, basically figured out a way to understand the principle of currency, began to save and then budget so that she could rely on herself thus her circumstances would be insured or improved over time.

Given that we are told how smart elected politicians are…

I don’t actually recall anyone ever telling me that.  Although I do remember the media informing me which politicians I’d like to bowl, barbecue, and have a beer with.

C’mon!  Hurry up, insert the beer bong already!  He’s not gonna get any more puckered!

…and how we must trust them to spend our money more wisely on our behalf than we would – one has to wonder if Kelly can figure such things out why can’t Pelosi’s posse of thugs in the House of Representatives!

For devotees of the Hegelian dialectic, the paragraph about a knife-wielding Nancy Pelosi represents the thesis, the section about trickle-down dolphins was the antithesis, and this is the part that mimics the experience of going on Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride.

This week while Kelly was busy being a good conservative…

She was borrowing trash from the Chinese White Dolphin in the next pool…

…Pelosi’s iron fist was shutting down the opportunity to do the very same thing – for humans.

So forget your plans to turn discarded hamburger wrappers into legal tender.

Given the fact that liberals in Washington continue to whine and complain about the degree of groveling we as a nation are doing with middle eastern suppliers of energy – you’d think they’d be the very first people supporting, even advocating for, the chance for us to find our own supplies of energy.

Start drilling now!  Or the dolphins will drink our milkshake!

Ladies and gentlemen… I’ve traveled over half our state to be here tonight. I couldn’t get away sooner because my new well was coming in at Coyote Hills and I had to see about it. That well is now flowing at two thousand barrels and it’s paying me an income of five thousand dollars a week. I have two others drilling and I have sixteen producing at Antelope. So, ladies and gentlemen… if I say I’m an oil man you will agree.

Despite the pro forma carping about liberals, and the general miasma of intellectual dishonesty, at least Kevin has sufficient integrity to admit that the war is partly responsible for the high cost of fuel:

Given the fact that we need to think of the future and what we have ahead of us – you’d think that energy exploration would be responsible use of elected officials time and attention. And given the fact that Americans are paying nearly $5 a gallon for gas – almost exclusively due to the fact that environmental extremists have waged war against the American people

Okay, maybe not the war.  But there’s definitely a war involved somehow!

Of course this doesn’t even begin to address the issue of why the liberal democrats won’t allow us to expand nuclear energy supplies. I guess keeping the environment clean and safe, while simultaneously lowering the cost to the already worn out American consumer is something Democrats don’t see being able to budget into their own future.

Short-sighted bastards.

I also have to wonder why the leader of the Democratic party Barack Obama doesn’t step up and do the right thing.

Because Spike Lee already did it in 1989?

The truth is that this election cycle is watching the old school, common sense, small “L”, liberal (like Tim Russert) be eradicated in the Democratic party by the leftists/marxist machine of Soros/Obama.

So it was murder?  Did anyone check Russert’s scalp for an ice axe?

Political power is worth more to them personally than practical people solutions for the millions of people they wish to “lead”, “protect”, and tax.

Wow.  And I thought my drugs were powerful…

One global warming extremist even admitted to me just two weeks ago at church on Sunday morning that new environmental rules must be established so that people’s behavior would be forced to change. He was even disgusted when I questioned whether or not CO2 was a pollutant or not.

Well, now, don’t jump to conclusions.  Maybe it wasn’t disgust for your stupidity, just disdain for your grammar.

One thing is clear though, if Kelly the dolphin can learn to maximize her resources, take responsibility for her own actions, and seize control of her future as best she can – she is imminently more qualified for office than Pelosi, Reid, or Obama.

She is, however, overqualified for the Justice Department.

So democrats – which makes you more angry, the fact that someone says that you’re dumber than dolphins…

Or the fact that there is now self-evident proof that it’s true?

I think it’s a trick question.

Pegging The Grabarimeter

Posted by scott on June 16th, 2008

I’ve just returned from an idyllic Sunday afternoon at the Mark Taper Imaging Center, where I was inserted head-first into a long, dark, narrow sheath, and treated to a series of vibrations and sounds of varying, but uniformly disquieting, frequencies. And from this experience I learned two things. 1) Thinking about baseball doesn’t help, and 2) It’s a good thing my penis isn’t as claustrophobic as the rest of me.

Anyway, the MRI is probably the worst carnival attraction I’ve ever been on — even worse than the thrill rides at Iron Lung Fantasy Camp — but after 20 minutes of being flayed with electromagnetism while listening to a concerto for Inuit throat singer and diesel jake brake, I may have actually extruded sufficient spleen to power a brief blog post. So, before the narcotics return me to my now customary semi-comatose state, let’s see what we can pluck from Townhall’s Low Hanging Fruit Salad…

Ah! Perfect! It’s been awhile since we checked in on Temporary Assistant Professor of English and Slovenian folk dancing enthusiast Mary Grabar. When last seen, she was explaining how stupid atheists were to construe her previous column, “Letter to a Stupid Atheist,” as some sort of accusation that atheists were stupid. This time, the professor explains that when she wrote about her Yugoslavian relatives being raped by Russian soldiers during World War II, then followed that with a column claiming that Obama’s followers — his goosestepping shock troops of the Culture War — had “ravished our virgins,” she was merely going metaphorical on your ass:

It appears that my use of war metaphors in the opening paragraph of my last column confused a number of people

For the record, here’s that opening paragraph:

An Obama presidency would signal the final salvo by the Left in the culture wars. Obama’s advance troops have already taken over our college campuses, have bound and gagged our conservative professors, have ravished our virgins, have pillaged our stores of wisdom, and have ensconced themselves in the thrones of power in deans’, presidents’ and department heads’ offices.

However deeply swaddled in metaphor it may be, the point Professor Grabar’s trying to make here will be instantly recognizable to anyone acquainted with wingnut tropes, since she’s not actually writing so much as reciting from a text as venerable and unchanging as the Obergammerau passion play. Anyway, those few readers who might have been confused by her poetic use of language don’t seem to bother Mary nearly as much as those who were clearly amused:

[the column was] was circulated around the blogosphere and set off a chorus of chortling. The left-wing bloggers, especially, had a field day with my reference to “ravished our virgins.” They pointed out, in quite crude terms, that one must go to middle schools these days to find virgins.

When confronted with mockery, the best way to turn the tables on one’s irreverent detractors is to make a stiff and dignified appeal to the authority of Webster’s, or the Oxford English Dictionary. This proves you are not to be trifled with.

I will begin with a reminder from English 102 that a metaphor is “A figure of speech that describes something as though it actually is something else, thereby enhancing understanding and insight” (“Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing” Fourth Compact Ed., Edgar V. Roberts).

Ah, she threw us a curve and quoted a textbook instead. Damn her high-falutin’, cognitive linguistics. If only she’d get down off her semiotic pedestal and unpack her densely figurative language for us monosyllabic proles.

So let me, as my more fashionable colleagues in English departments say, “unpack” this:

Oh goody.

“Obama’s advance troops” are the tenured radicals who have left their legacy on college campuses. Their takeover began in the 1960s, but their protégés now control hiring, tenure, and curriculum choice. They have dispensed with the study of dead white men unless it is in innovative ways, like a conference on “Faulkner’s Sexualities,” for which they pin up posters on their office doors.

Thus creating a hostile work environment for those colleagues who believe that Temple Drake had it coming.

William Faulkner, as you may recall, was the Nobel-prize-winning Southern novelist. Old-fashioned scholars used to study him for his innovative writing style, his mark on the modernist movement, as well as for the ideas he presented in his work.

But style and ideas are passé. Sexuality, or better yet, sexualities, is where it’s at if you are a scholar doing “cutting edge” research.

Well, if I were a Southern Literature scholar, and it was a choice between assigning “Intruder in the Dust” for the 23rd year in a row, or taking a sabbatical to study why Faulkner and New Orleans boho William Spratling painted Sherwood Anderson’s son’s penis green, I’d be filling out that grant application as we speak.

Were I able to make the case that the focus of my dissertation, the Southern Catholic novelist Walker Percy, had multiple sexualities, I would not have had my paper proposal turned down at that great fair of English professors, the Modern Language Association convention, where the hippest scholars are interviewed and hired to tenure-track positions.

Indeed. So-called scholars who are happy wallowing in the swine bog of godless deconstructionism make temp work uncomfortable for those aspiring academics who don’t want to know about Faulkner’s penchant for verdant phalli! This is clearly unfair, since Dr. Grabar has obligingly played the Publish or Perish game that all would-be professors must engage in, as a visit to her website will attest. Amongst her published works:

My Townhall Columns
Feminism’s Legacy: YouTube Catfights
The Cultural Illiteracy of Easy Atheists
Bush haters rain on our local parade (Atlanta Journal-Constitution)
Little Girls in Head Scarves (The American Spectator)
Are Terrorists Courageous?
Burquas give Muslims too much cover

Suck on that, Noam Chomsky!

Tenured conservative professors, as old as most of them are, of course are not literally “bound and gagged.” Most of them probably served in the military, and so tenured radicals would not be able to take them down in a physical way.

(TYING ON RAMBO-STYLE HEADBAND AND HEFTING .30 MACHINEGUN) What you call Hell, Professor E. C. Buehler, Director of Forensics at the University of Kansas, calls Home.

The actual violence on campuses is directed more at invited speakers like David Horowitz, Patrick Buchanan, and the Minutemen, by brave undergraduates who bear weapons of cream pies and bottles of salad dressing.

I guess since neither Horowitz or Buchanan served in the military, the hippies consider them soft targets.

Those who are bound and gagged (metaphorically) are afraid to differ in opinion for fear of losing our temporary jobs when the talk in the faculty break room or part-timers’ office turns to political elections. There is always danger, for your lack of assent may make you conspicuous and thereby invite an ambush of questioning.

Because the last thing someone who aspires to teach for a living wants to do is answer a bunch of questions, or try to defend her opinions. Besides, it’s a lot spicier to imagine the faculty lounge as a BDSM dungeon instead of a small, shabby room with two Naugahyde sofas and a Mr. Coffee.

Self-censorship also occurs at faculty meetings, and the sight of a middle-aged Shakespeare scholar (in tweed), a citizen in good standing, quaking at the directives of the feminist department head is deserving of Sophocles. A chorus should come on the stage to weep for such a man reduced to nodding in agreement to a unanimous decision to approve a new assistant professor’s proposal for a course, “Popular Literature,” that would include rapper Tupac Shakur’s lyrics as “poetry.”

Hey, she’s right! This is exactly like the central conflict in Antigone, with its tragic struggle between civic duties and private loyalties, except this version is spiced up with a bulldyke!

“Ensconced themselves in the thrones of power in deans’, presidents’ and department heads’ offices” is a reference to the fact that humanities departments veer left, as evidenced by records of voter registration and surveys. One study by Christopher R. Cardiff and Daniel B. Klein, as reported in 2005 in “Critical Review,” found that for every one Republican in the Humanities in California colleges there were ten Democrats.

Heavens! Well, it’s never too early to start wetting your pants in total panic. Unless the humanities represent some sort of outlier…

Abstract of Cardiff and Klein: The party registration of tenure-track faculty at 11 California universities, ranging from small, private, religious-affiliated institutions to large, public, elite schools, shows that the “one-party campus” conjecture does not extend to all institutions or all departments. At one end of the scale, U.C. Berkeley has an adjusted Democrat:Republican ratio of almost 9.1, while Pepperdine University has a ratio of nearly 1:1. Academic discipline also makes a tremendous difference, with the humanities averaging a 10:1 D:R ratio and business schools averaging 1.3:1, and with departments ranging from sociology (44:1) to management (1.5:1). Across all departments and institutions, the D:R ratio is 5:1, while, in the “soft” liberal-arts fields, the ratio is higher than 8:1. These results are generally in line with previous studies.

Okay, so when you look at the whole picture, the situation’s not quite so dire.

The situation is dire.

Most of the conservatives writing about this issue have either abandoned the academy or have never taught.

…making them your best choice for informed commentary on modern academia.

One 24-year-old editor of a blog on higher education described the situation as being that academia only “occasionally represses conservative thought.” I can tell you that conservative thought in most humanities departments has just about been banished. And I could count in numerous ways how this has been done. Many studies, statistics, papers, and surveys supporting my first-hand observations are presented in articles; but these are read mostly by academics.

There’s gobs and gobs of empirical evidence, computer modeling, and exhaustive statistical analysis proving my gut feeling that the best shoes are made by dwarves living secretly in the Black Forest, but those peer reviewed studies were published in journals that are read mostly by cobblers, so you’ll have to take my word for it.

Those who are still in the academy are too afraid to write about what they see and experience.

You never hear the cream pie that has your name on it.

The strategy of the leftists is to cast their critics as alarmist exaggerators.

Thank goodness that’s not working…

Soon, everyone will forget that there even was such a thing as a conservative intellectual tradition. Referring to conservative and intellectual in the same breath is likely to bring derisive laughter from humanities professors.

Let’s see if the bastard is still laughing after you box his ears with a copy of Liberal Fascism!

The radicals are winning this war. We need the help of the public and our political leaders to break through the barricade.

Yes! Heed the clarion call, people! This is exactly like the big, rousing Act II number “Upon These Stones” from Les Miserables, except in this case the barricade is manned by bitter temps who got dissed at an English Teacher Job Fair.

So…When we last spent some quality time with Mary, commenter R. V. Dump proposed a new standard for “measuring batshit crazy: The Graybar ( Usage: That essay was estimated to reach a force of 6.5 GrB (Graybars).” Personally, I’d give this one a 7.4.

Watching Scotty Blow

Posted by scott on June 4th, 2008

Last night I finally caught up with Scott McClellan’s appearance on The Daily Show, and was particularly enthralled by the flashbacks to his days as Press Secretary, when he bestrode the White House briefing room like a gibbering, bipedal sweat gland.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I have a healthy respect for craftsmanship, but there’s just something grimly fascinating about watching a bad liar lie for a living — lacking the fluent sociopathy of his predecessor, McClellan was reduced to glaze-eyed, stammering repetitions of the daily talking points — because even though you know what he’s going to say before he says it, there remains a certain Damoclean element of suspense. Unlike the glacial performance of Ari Fleischer, Scott’s briefings seemed to buzz with a constant threat — or promise — that things could go horribly wrong at any moment; that he was always just one unusually aggressive query away from a total freak-out or an irrecoverable fugue state. It was entertaining, but nerve-wracking, like watching a funambulist with an ear infection.

All of which reminded me of one of my favorite bits that s.z. wrote for the old site. So in honor of McClellan’s reflections on his tenure at the White House, here’s a little World o’ Crap flashback to February, 2004 (with slight updates):

Can This Marriage Be Saved? A One Act Play

[Scott, a White House Press Secretary, comes home from work unexpectedly to find his wife having sex with another man.]

Scott: Mary Lou! What is going on here? What are you doing naked, with my best friend Bob?

Mary Lou: Let me start by taking the second half of your question first. As to whether Bob is your “best friend,” we’ve heard numerous opinions, but this is not a controversy that your wife believes she should inject herself into at this point in the process, and therefore I would refer you to Bob, who is in a better position to make a determination on this subject.

Scott: I don’t care about him, I want to know why you’re having sex with another man?!

Mary Lou: Scott, marriage is an institution between a man and a woman. Bob is a man, and I’m a woman, and you weren’t home, so I thought you’d be okay with it.

Scott: I’m not okay with it! You broke your marriage vows!

MaryLou: Scott, honey, just calm down. You know that I’m focused on the issue of marriage and feel that marriage should be protected, because it is an enduring institution in this country. So, we’re in agreement, right? Now, what did you do with your paycheck — I need to pay some bikini wax bills.

Scott: But, but, you promised to forsake all others, but now I find you sleeping with another man…!

Mary Lou: I know there’s a lot of back-and-forthing, and finger-pointing, and blame-gaming going on, but the real issue is that our marriage ceremony — which, I would just point out, you fully supported at the time — legally entitled us to engage in marital relations, or “sex.” The right to sleep with a man is therefore inherent in my authority as your wife.

Scott: But — you can’t just decide on your own that it’s okay to sleep with someone else! What about me?

Mary Lou: Scott, rest assured that your wife fully recognizes that you are a co-equal branch of this marriage. But sex is not a popularity contest, and you can’t expect a group of people to participate in the decision-making about who I’m going to sleep with, especially in dangerous times like these, when swift and resolute action is required if we’re going to achieve our objectives before my husband gets home.

Scott: I am your husband! I am home!

Mary Lou: Scott, you can point fingers all you like, but I’m not going to play the blame game. There may be some people in this room who really believe that finger-pointing and blame-gaming are appropriate responses to this situation, but I would remind you that this marriage is facing very serious threats, and I for one am not going to go down that road to playing the blame game.

Scott: No! You’re playing Hide the Salami!

Mary Lou: Scott, as I’ve said before, I cannot comment on an on-going sex act. After my orgasm, there will be plenty of time to discuss this issue, but as long as the intercourse is on-going, I can’t discuss it. Now why don’t you just calm down, have a drink or something to pull yourself together, and then we can all deal with this like adults.

[Scott storms out of the room and mixes himself a Malibu Rum and Diet Coke. 10 minutes later, Scott returns to the bedroom to find Mary Lou and Bob at it again.]

Scott: Mary Lou! Bob! You — you gutter politicians! You trash trollers! Cheating on me in my own bed!

[Mary Lou sighs, rolls her eyes, and appears vexed.]

Mary Lou: This was addressed previously, Scott. I’m not going to continue to respond to something that was already dealt with. I think that, again, this goes to show that some are not interested in the facts of whether or not I am your wife, but are instead trying to invent issues for partisan political gain. The American people deserve better, and I’m focused on acting decisively to meet those challenges.

Scott: You can’t change the subject this way! You betrayed me! And with my best friend too! Why shouldn’t I get my gun and shoot you both right where you’re lying?

Mary Lou: At a time when we are confronting dangerous new threats, we have to focus on our highest priorities, which are combating terrorism and confronting the spread of weapons of mass destruction and sexually transmitted diseases. From very early on in my administration as your wife, I made it a high priority to confront the dangerous new threats we face in this day and age. Let’s have an honest discussion about the type of leadership people are providing to confront those threats. That’s what the American people deserve.

Scott: What the hell are you talking about? Speak English for just once, woman!

Mary Lou: I gave your gun away, Scott. No more gun. But I’m glad we were able to achieve a joint resolve to work together to strengthen this marriage, which is a sacred institution, and I look forward to four more years of marital happiness.

Scott: You bitch! Why should I stay married to you? You vowed to cleave only unto me, but you cleaved to Bob! Twice!

Mary Lou: There’s going to be plenty of time to talk about the choices we face and the statements people have made. Why don’t you take the dog for a walk, and when you get back, I will show you undeniable proof that I’ve been faithful to you.

Scott: How could you do that?

Mary Lou: Your wife certainly is someone who does what she says she is going to do and someone who means what she says. And I think that’s reflected in the actions she takes.

Scott: Well, okay.

[He leaves with the dog, and comes back an hour later. Mary Lou is now in bed with Scott's brother.]

Scott: You whore! Cheating on me with my own brother!

Mary Lou: You’re taking everything out of context. It is sad to see someone stoop to this level, to say anything or try to do anything for political gain. The American people deserve better.

Scott: Oh, just shut up, shut up! I thought you were going to show me proof that you had been faithful?

[MaryLou shows him a copy of her marriage certificate, and a calendar with some days checked off.]

Mary Lou: There. The certificate is proof that I am your lawful wife, and since marriage is an institution between one man and one woman, how could I be in this institution with anybody else? And those days I’ve checked on the calendar were days that I was having my period, and didn’t feel like sleeping with anybody. So, that proves that I have honorably fulfilled my duties, and am a good and faithful wife. Now, could you give us some privacy? Thanks.