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Archive for July 26th, 2006

Here are the answers to Sunday’s “WHO SAID IT?” contest, and the winners for this round. Sorry it’s taken me so long to get this posted, but I’ve experienced major technical problems each time I’ve tried to put this thing together.  I blame AOL, Word Press (which I really, REALLY hate), EMachines, and NSA).

There were some great answers, so I encourage everyone to read the comments for that post, because I am too frazzled to post all the funny ones.  But be advised that many more style points were earned than will be awarded this time.  Sorry. 

Also, if I mistakenly miscredited the wrong person for being the first to name the Mystery Guest, I am also sorry, but take comfort in knowing that after Armageddon, God will sort it all out. Now, let’s get started before something else goes wrong.

 1.  Peggy Noonan Bill S.

And a style point to julia for the following:

When you consider that she thought Reagan’s organic brain dysfunction was a sign of zenlike deeper wisdom, 1 would pretty much have to be our girl Peg.

2. Bill O’Reilly- Zeno

Zeno also gets a style point for this:

#2 is Bill O’Reilly, fun-loving sexual predator and, in his own opinion, one of the smartest men on the planet. I await his attack on Noonan for her glorification of stupidity.

.3.  Pastor Swank Bill S.

And a style point to Marq for:

J. Grant Swank, Jr., master of the mystic arts. His long sabbatical (to the Westboro Baptist Church) has finally paid off, and he knows who’s *really* behind everything bad–Doug Giles!

4.  Doug Giles Christopher

And a style point to D. Sidhe for the following:

Should a guy who “repeatedly pees on the toilet seat” be trusted with guns? Someone needs to practice his aim before being handed live ammo.

A point also to Marq for:

And speaking of the “manly” Pastor Giles… Excuse me, smoking cigars in his wife’s closet?!? Somebody must be pleased when her lace teddy smells like an ashtray, but I bet it osn’t *her*. Maybe it makes Dougie feel more comfortable when he slips it on, who knows?

5.   Ann Coulter Zeno

Style points to Marq for:

mAnn-hands Coulter, patiently awaiting the arrival of the cops to arrest her for that fake NY Times “mAnnthrax” letter like Karen Black at the end of Trilogy Of Terror…*chock* *chock* *chock*.

6.  Roger L. Simon Zeno

Style points to Christopher for

Dr. Victor Frankenstein.

The tip-off was this: “… A literal living chronology of the ongoing Israel-Hezbollah War has been created…”

That’s right, this chronicle is a lving being. Apparently Dr. Frankenstein is spending his spare time tatooing the monster with a pictoral history of the middle east. This will only end in tears.

7.  Rush Limbaugh Christopher

Style points to preznit giv me turkee for his answer:

Rush (fka BlowHard) Limbaugh- after realising he had been taken in by the Costa Rican “you gotta get the girl pregnant so we can the abort the fetus to provide you with stem cells to grow a new liver, kidneys etc” scammers.

8.  George W. Bush - Clif

Style points to Tara the anti-social social worker for her answer:

Thomas Sowell – he meant to say they are “now” spare parts.

Style points also to Marq for:

Chimpy McHitlerburton? Commander Coo-Coo Bananas? Dumbya? Incurious George? El Gringo Loco? The Littlest Preznit? Jeebus v2.0? Drunky McDrunkington? Shrubby Arbusto? Teh Cheerleader In Chief? Condi’s Husband? Spendy “It’s Only Credit” McDefecitington? I Spy (with my little NSA) Something Beginning With Dubya? Worst. Preznit. Evah? oh, yeah–It’s George W. Bush. Bleah!

First to get them all right in one post was Zeno, who may or may not have cheated, but since he did it with style, he is allowed to get away with it.

Congratulations to everyone!  Save your points, because some day you might be able to trade them for cool prizes, such as this hooded sweatshirt from American Life League:

Front: Abortion is homicide

Back: You will not silence my message / You will not mock my God / You will stop killing my generation.

“My generation”?  I guess it’s a little tiny sweatshirt for embryos to wear while they work out in the womb.  It’s probably all the rage among the Snowflakes.