I was awake doing kitten related stuff when the late showing of Friday’s H&C aired, so I watched it. Sadly for Nurse Iyer, the duo spent most of the hour rehashing the Duke rape case, and so our persecuted nutcase only got about 5 minutes at the end.
They introduced Carla by playing clips of her saying that Terri could talk, laugh, follow directions, interact with staff and visitors, balance her checkbook, etc.
Then Sean indignantly announced that she was in danger of losing her nursing license, her job, and her livelihood, just for telling the truth, and trying to help a patient who was in danger. Sean asked her if she thought that Michael Schiavo was behind the plot to get her kicked out of nursing. She replied that she wasn’t sure, but it started with a complaint from MA (so you KNOW there’s a liberal in the woodpile). Sean asked Carla why she was getting in trouble for just repeating claims that were part of the public record (thanks to her affidavit for Jeb Bush), and she said she didn’t know, since it was her DUTY to report abuse (and cable news programs are the designated venues for such reporting in the state of Florida),
Alan jumped in at this point, and said that many of our Florence Nightingale’s claims had turned out to be unsubstantiated by the facts, such as when Carla had accused Michael of trying to kill Terri with insulin injections, but a police investigation had found no evidence to support her claims. He added that the autopsy had found that Terri was incapable of speech or sight. He paused for a response for Carla.
Carla froze for several seconds, obviously unprepared for such questions, then stuttered something about Michael’s mother-in-law working for the sheriff’s office. She added that there was a police report, but it could have been tampered with, and evidence could have been destroyed. (While she didn’t address the second part of Alan’s question, I guess it’s obvious that conspiracy could have also done something to Terri’s brain before the autopsy was performed.)
And then Sean interrupted to tell Carla that they were out of time, and to say warmly that he always hate it when people get fired just for being on his show, even if they are obvious nutcases who should not be allowed around prescription medications and sharp objects, and he wished he well, but don’t call him, he’ll call you.
But my favorite part of the hour was a newsbreak conducted by one of Fox’s trademarked blonde news bimbos, this one obviously still in high school (they work cheaper that way). She could read the teleprompter, but just barely. Here, from memory, is one of her stories:
“The U.S. will grant a five-million dollar reward for any information that would lead to the capture of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s successor, Condoleezza Rice. The US Secretary of State announced today.”
Hey, Fox just reports. YOU decide if you want to turn in Condi for the reward.
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