You Can’t Refuse This Man []
Rob Long. Funny man. Cool man. Conservative man. Hollywood institution. Will be in Colorado. Must go.
And who has reduced K-Lo to such short, Frankensteinian utterances? Why it’s this man, Rob Long, Hollywood institution and America’s Smuggest Dockers Model.
As we learned recently, Jonah, Rob and Christopher Buckley (the “Cute One”) will be in Colorado fighting the poisonous influence of the Democratic convention with the anti-venom of stand-up comedy — the kind you can usually only find on a rainy night in Youngstown, Ohio when you’ve had car trouble on the turnpike and you wander into a club called Ha! Ha! to use the payphone and discover that it’s Open Mic Night.
But connoisseurs of Conservative Comedy are notoriously demanding, and not even a trio of right wing wordsmiths famous for their spontaneous wit (which man will be the first to pull his ears out at a right angle to his head and shout “Hope!” It could be a dead heat.) will satisfy all.
You Want Funny? I’ll Show You Funny. []
I’m sure the Long, Buckley, Goldberg pre-game show in Colorado Springs will be hilarious. But NRI has overlooked one of the funniest people on the planet. … I’m talking about Kate O’Beirne.
For smart, quick-witted, side-clutching repartee, one need look no further.
To be fair, isn’t there really an absolute limit to the amount of rib-tickling and zaniness the human body can endure in a single evening? (Although it’s been reported that Kate can really rock the Harlequin mask at Adult Comedy Nights on the Clothing Optional NRO cruises.) Besides, their graphics people have already come up with some great images for the event, and I’m not sure where, at this late date, they’d stick Kate’s head.
Click here for the full poster, including testimonials to the cost effectiveness of conservative comedy.
Christopher Buckley couldn’t carry Shemp’s jockstrap.
Left by Ivan G on August 17th, 2008