Kyle-Anne Shiver has been quite prolific this week. After joining the party at Pajamas Media (“Sending the MSM down the river…Then putting its hand in warm water and freezing its bra…”), she’s back in her usual slot at American Thinker, doing what she does best: Thinking American:
If Barack Obama presents a target-rich environment in his inflated balloon of media hype over one non-accomplishment after another, John McCain presents the opposite. No hype. No hot air.
Actually, by this point I think he’s mostly filled with sawdust.
No blathering, bloated claims about ethereal change and meaningless hope in government to save us. None of this Hollywood stuff for McCain.
Except for his appearances in Wedding Crashers and The Tony Danza Show. But in his defense, he sulked in his trailer most of the time and wouldn’t make small talk at the Craft Service table.
McCain is scrappy. He’s a scrounger.
In fact, he’s in your garbage can right now, gnawing on an avocado pit.
He’s downright humble.
Unlike Obama, the Harvey’s Bristol Cream of candidates, who’s downright upright.
Rather than touting his formidable experience, or the fact that he has had three sons in the military
While Senator Obama still refuses to send his 7 and 10-year old daughters to fight in Iraq.
…John McCain presents a true model of decency, self-respect and laudable humility, in the same all-male bundle.
Vote for McCain: He’s like that bandana full of crap that hobos carry on a stick.
The more I read about John McCain, the more I realize that he embodies so much of what we Americans regard as our exceptionalism of character, our grit and determination, our willingness to strip down to brass tacks to achieve a worthwhile goal
While I don’t personally relish the idea of John McCain stripping, I suspect that deep down, Kyle-Anne would enjoy a peek at his masculine bundle.
…our utter disdain for royal celebrity accoutrement in our leaders. John McCain is American to the marrow of his bones, going back generations, and evidenced in every sphere of his life.
Vote for McCain: He’s made from generations-old bones filled with marrow in a sphere.
When the chips were down, did McCain call his celebrity pals in Hollywood to ask for advice and a quick, fancy prop-up and money, money, money?Does McCain even have any friends in Hollywood?
Probably not. Once you get to his age, most of your friends are dead and buried.
John McCain flew to Iraq to celebrate Independence Day in the privileged company of those he has always loved best, his fellow men and women in America’s Armed Forces.
He loves them so much he’s never called them a cunt.
A fancy gym? No.
8 houses, but the in-home gymnasia are really quite basic. Mostly free weights and jacuzzis.
Shopping? No.
That’s the Sugar Mama’s job.
A bunch of Berliners to cheer him on? No, no and heck no.
I love this guy!
Why does she suddenly sound like the drunkest guy at a bachelor party?
McCain’s Country-First life is a winner. I’m not sure we deserve him, but I sure do hope we get him for our next Commander In Chief.
See, I think that’s a mistake. If we go into this believing we’re not worthy, and wondering why he’s with us when he could obviously do so much better, then he’s just going to smell our low self-esteem and eventually leave us for some younger, prettier country.
Holy shit. That started awful and managed to get worse. Does she write her columns in a room filled with 90% cliches and 10% helium?
Actually, by this point I think he’s mostly filled with sawdust.
See, now, that was mean. Probably not as mean as referring to one’s wife as a trollopy cunt, however. And far funnier. But that’s because Scott, being the anti-Kyle-Anne, starts great and gets better.
Left by D. Sidhe on August 8th, 2008