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No. Really. You Need To See It.

What?! You’re still here?!! Go. Just go see it, for the love of Stan Lee go see it!! And for the Love of All That is Good and GEEKY–STAY THROUGH THE END OF THE CREDITS.

8 Responses to “Yeah. You Need To See It”

I always stay till the end of the credits. It’s a sacred commitment.

This will probably come off as trite, but I think the casting of RD jr. as Tony Stark is as brilliant as Daniel Day Lewis as Daniel Plainview – it alone made me want to see this months ago.

Be warned though, those credits are half an hour long.

OMG, OMG, OMG, the end credits bit, just goddamn!

The casting works on the whole 2 levels thing in a way better than any other I can think of, I mean RD Jr. playing a brilliant addict whodathunk it?

Love that they got the original suit into the movie.

It’s a geek thing.

To paraphrase someone who said something much like the following, I love that you had to sit through the F/X-laden action scenes to get to the good parts.

The fire-extinguishing robot had more personality than everyone in “Fantastic Four” combined.

The fire-extinguishing robot had more personality than everyone in “Fantastic Four” combined.

That bit reminded me so much of Helper from the Venture Brothers.

Something to say?