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Our good friends at Sadly,No! have put out the call, and we will answer! They have been nominated for “funniest blog” by the Weblog Awards, and were winning handily until the blogger for “DUmmie FUnnies” started begging and stalking and harrassing people online and in real life to vote for his site. Is his site funny? Let’s just say this: Fox’s 1/2 Hour News Hour was funnier.

Read more about Sadly, No! and this DUFU guy here:
Sadly, No! ยป Prequel: The Prequeling

And then go vote for Sadly, No! here:

Weblog Awards

Remember, every vote for S,N! will make a Freeper cry.

18 Responses to “Sadly No, if you don’t vote for it, Then the Unfunny RightWingers Win.”

I’ve already cast my vote for Sadly, No! this evening–it was pretty much a no-brainer, since after looking over the nominees, I realized it’s the only weblog that makes me laugh.

Seriously. I checked out DU Funnies. Undoubtedly the most inane website I have come across. It’s humor seems to consist of trolling Democratic Underground ( hence its Title DUmmie Funnies – get it, DU – DUmmies -) and sometimes Daily Kos and then – well, I don’t really know what they are saying.

DUFU aint funny

Sadly — got my vote

I would also like to ask that you consider my modest blog, Jon Swift, in the category of Funniest Blog, if I may be so bold.

I second Jon Swift

You have my vote tomorrow. In fact, why you and Sadly,No are not in a deadheat and leaving the others far behind attests to something or other about the culture or something. I’m not certain. Can I be on the Supreme Court?

Check out this thread at the Weblog Award Forums, in regards to the writer of Dummie Funnies and his stalking and harassment of Andy Stephenson in his last dying days.

You have a hate site nominated as “Funniest”

This DUFU guy is worse than anyone could imagine…. harassing a dying man in his last living days.

At the risk of blogwhoring…

You can vote for me in a different category…World’s Smallest Blog or something like that…believe it or not, I’m neck and neck with Whiskeyfire.

I went to vote for you, A212, but the fuckers accused me of having voted in that category within the last 24 hours, when I haven’t voted for SHIT in the past 24 hours.

Yeah, I voted for S,N! the other day, but every fucking time that I go back, no matter how often I clear out my cookies and spyware and all of that other shit, they still keep telling me that I can’t fucking vote.

Some cocksucker gave ‘em my ISP address.

And I do *not* mean cocksucker in a good way in this particular instance, by gum!

“cocksucker” and “gum” in the same sentence…hmmmm….

Annti, thanks for voting for me, even if it didn’t record. The effort counts.

For the record DUFUs had half his votes taken away, so S,N! is winning in a landslide.

Then there is SOME justice in the world, dammit.

And you keep yer gums to yourself, bucky, or I’ll come after you with my half of a remaining front tooth!

(You’re welcome for the image that will have Little Actor shrivelled-up like a worm in a turtleneck until the Spring Thaw… heh heh heh…)

And Sadly, No! won!!! And so did Simply Left Behind!!!

Congrats to all!!!

There are no “Little Actors” just little roles…

So his major, career-defining role was in “Antz”? Huuuuuge box office on that one, yup.

…heh heh heh…

Actually…it was “A Bug’s Life”…


That wudden you.

You were that guy standing behind Stallone in “Antz.”

Did you get to do your voice parts in the same studio as him, or did Little Actor have to use the little booth?

There’s nothing little about Actor…

…that’s what SHE said…

(If I could do HTML worth a shit, I’d have embedded the link to FlatAssShrugs in the “she”…)

Something to say?