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A big thank you to s.z. for her analgesic posts of yesterday; it did my heart (if not my head) good to learn that John (Stash LaRue) Stossel is shoplifting his material from the likes of Dr. Mike Adams.  It does come as a bit of a shock, considering that Stossel was, within living memory, a credible reporter and the co-anchor of a major network magazine show, but he’s hanging around Townhall these days, and I suppose the peer pressure finally got to him.  It’s like my old granddad used to say — “lie down with dogs, get up with cupcakes.”

But if we’re footnoting Stash’s sources, this raises the question of where Dr. Mike gets his ideas from.  My guess is, it’s Barbara Bush.  Showing a teenager a Mason jar full of miscarriage just seems like the kind of thing Dr. Mike would threaten to do; in fact, I expect that any day now we’ll hear reports of a man, naked but for a raincoat and a sports bottle full of embryos stuck in his jockstrap, leaping out of bushes at the University of North Carolina–Wilmington and exposing himself to co-eds.  The campus cops will probably give him a snappy alias, like “The Fetal Flasher,” or “The Spontaneous Abortion Bandit.”

Speaking of unsavory characters darkening the doorsteps of the right blogosphere, R. Emmett Tyrrell is editor-in-chief of the American Spectator, although he is primarily famous for the circus midway-like assortment of Siamese consonants in his name.  Today, however, he has decided to drop his daily fundament-muffin on the front page of Townhall.

Hair from the Rand Paul Collection™


WASHINGTON — The other day, I sat down to breakfast. It was a normal day. Five daily newspapers were laid out before me. As I went over the front pages, I downed orange juice and a bowl of oatmeal powdered with brown sugar and flaxseed.

And if that doesn’t turn his bowels into a log flume, nothing will!

Then I went off to my library with the newspapers and a cup of coffee. By then, incidentally, I was revolted.

Because my careless bibliothecary had shelved the several books of the Twilight saga in non-sequential order, with Eclipse preceding New Moon, while Breaking Dawn haunts some non-contiguous netherworld, between the non-fictional Twilight: The Complete Illustrated Movie Companion, and the non-canonical Twilight and Philosophy: Vampires, Vegetarians, and the Pursuit of Immortality (The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series).

The New York Times carried on its front page a perfectly disgusting story. It was not a news story, for it broke no news. It was, rather, a feature story, meant to inform and, I presume, to move me to action.

Fat chance, broadsheet-borne bleeding hearts!

It was about the prevalence of suicide in Afghanistan by women who use cooking oil and matches to do themselves in, sometimes successfully, sometimes incompetently and all the more painfully. This was brought to my attention even before my matutinal coffee!

Fortunately, he was still slightly drunk from his crepuscular cocktails.

It is not the first time the Times — or, for that matter, The Washington Post — has put on its front page appalling stories that did not have to be there. Both newspapers run such feature stories on the front page rather regularly — but notThe Washington Times, not The Washington Examiner and certainly not The Wall Street Journal, my other three newspapers. They run repellent stories but usually inside. I think it tells you something about the biases of these newspapers.

For instance, the Examiner feature, “John Boehner’s Daily Ochering Ritual: Let a Smile Be Your Umber” was buried in the Lifestyle section.

The New York Times and The Washington Post share a liberal bias, and their preoccupations are increasingly morbid. The Washington TimesThe Examiner and The Wall Street Journal are biased toward the conservative position. They do not shy from reality but generally keep it inside the newspaper, at least when they can. Whether they have my oatmeal in mind, they, for a certitude, have the dignity of the individuals covered in the story in mind, I hope.

One Afghan woman who attempted to immolate herself spoke these chilling last words:  ”I hope the morbid liberal media exerts enough editorial discretion that they don’t interfere with the laxative effects of their readers’ morning bowl of whole-groat porridge with slivered almonds and Goji berries.”

If the story had been breaking news, I would have expected all five newspapers to put it on the front page, but even then I would expect the conservative newspapers to desist from running pictures of corpses and mangled bodies. Certainly, the corpses would not be front and center — as they often are in the liberal newspapers — and faces would be covered.

In fact, when conservatives are in charge, the bodies are usually snuck into the country under cover of darkness, and no cameras are allowed at all.  I mean honestly — is this the kind of thing you want to see before your morning constitutional?

I don’t know how my grandparents choked down their Postum and Cream of Wheat with this crap splashed across the front page of the East Zimmerman Courier – Telegram.

As I say, liberals have become morbid. They are obsessive about the gruesome and the gloomy.

As a sign of the times, UC Berkeley School of Engineering has just endowed the Jigsaw Chair in Baroque and Ironic Deathtrap Studies.

She was rushed to the hospital with burns over 60 percent of her body, and after two weeks of excruciating pain, she died. In the course of telling us of her death, the Times talks about other suicides and their causes. It tells us of these women’s suffering. It is all quite pitiable, but what am I to do about it?

“Decline a second helping of organic corn meal breakfast pudding?  Why, this matutinal morbidity has turned my hair so gray I’m going to have to schedule an antemeridian application of Just For Men®!”

Presumably, not much. I cannot even talk about it, for what it tells us about Islamic culture is not very favorable. Life, particularly a woman’s life, is not cherished in Afghanistan. But we do not talk about it, even in America. It is not politically correct.

Sure, it’s on the front page of the New York Times, but who reads that bunch of oatmeal-spoilers?

So the Times wrings its hands about the fate of women in Afghanistan and goes on. Perhaps tomorrow the paper will be talking about the fate of women in Kenya or dogs in Indonesia or a fabulous new disease. It is all of a piece with the liberal preoccupation with the morbid.

“It disgusts me that we are so pusillanimous and politically correct that we as a nation lack the intestinal fortitude to honestly grapple with these issues that I don’t really want to talk about.”

Actually, two days later, the Times pictured on its front page a young woman lying on a floor on some kind of pallet. She is in an isolation tent, but it is not very sanitary. Supplies are piled around her. She is forlorn. The caption reads “Cholera Moves Into the Beleaguered Haitian Capital” and goes on to explain: “A woman suspected of having cholera, in an isolation tent in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. An outbreak has spread into the city.” Again, what are we to do?

Waste our Beautiful Minds?

Well, I suppose we can send money, more money. We certainly cannot help the victims in Haiti in any real way. Nor can we aid the women of Afghanistan.

There any Cinnamon Streusel muffins left?

We can share the liberals’ morbid preoccupations or do what I usually do: read the liberal newspapers last

“That’s when I make my ‘donation,’ so to speak.  Heh heh heh.”

30 Responses to “Don’t Bother Me, I’m Having My Manservant Lube My Intestines”

The other day, I sat down to breakfast. It was a normal day.

Uh oh. That right there can’t be good…

I downed orange juice and a bowl of oatmeal powdered with brown sugar and flaxseed.

Apparently, Mr Consonant can’t just eat Rice Krispies, the elitist bastard.

Then I went off to my library with the newspapers and a cup of coffee. By then, incidentally, I was revolted.

Flaxseed fibre will do that to you.

It was about the prevalence of suicide in Afghanistan by women who use cooking oil and matches to do themselves in, sometimes successfully, sometimes incompetently and all the more painfully. This was brought to my attention even before my matutinal coffee!

OK, I realize the right wing is starving for someone who can talk down to them incomprehensibly since Buckley died, but seriously…”matutinal”? Why not just say “antemeridianial” and really do the readers in?

It is not the first time the Times — or, for that matter, The Washington Post — has put on its front page appalling stories that did not have to be there.

Watergate and the Pentagon Papers leap to his mind…

They do not shy from reality but generally keep it inside the newspaper, at least when they can.

Nothing like keeping reality penned in, in between the ads for penis pumps and auto repair services!

If the story had been breaking news, I would have expected all five newspapers to put it on the front page

…but that would assume the WashTimes, WashExaminer and Wall Street Journal could locate Afghanistan on a map.

Well, maybe the Journal. If Afghans had oil…

It tells us of these women’s suffering. It is all quite pitiable, but what am I to do about it?

Indeed, Jesus informed us there would be poor always, so I guess I shouldn’t give to charity either. While I’m at it, the kids…let them pay their own way thru college and fuck ‘em, I’m taking it with me!

But we do not talk about it, even in America. It is not politically correct. So the Times wrings its hands about the fate of women in Afghanistan and goes on.

Errrrrrrrrrrrr, Emmy? Um, not to point out the obvious internal inconsistency here, but you know, the Times is sort of the paper of record…

Actually, two days later, the Times pictured on its front page a young woman lying on a floor on some kind of pallet. She is in an isolation tent, but it is not very sanitary. Supplies are piled around her. She is forlorn. The caption reads “Cholera Moves Into the Beleaguered Haitian Capital”

Forlorn? Really? Emmy, she’s sick, not brokenhearted, you fucking pussilanimous pudwhustle!

Stupid, evil, or crazy

As the Speak you’re Branes site says:
“What kind of cunt, when asked to either care about or ignore [a situation], complains about not being able to have someone else ignore it for them?”

God forbid your precious piece of mind should be disturbed asshole.
And “can’t do anything for the people of Haiti”? Right because cholera is untreatable and unpreventable, like earthquakes. It just emerges spontaneously out of poor people.
Fucking sociopath!

They do not shy from reality but generally keep it inside the newspaper, at least when they can.

So he admits that the front pages of those three rags are nothing but steaming heaps of groat clusters?

If the world is lucky, perhaps the flaxseed will work so well that he will someday “donate” his entire self to the plumbing infrastructure. Because from the moral and human POV, I can’t help feeling that Mr. Tyrrell is taking up real estate, oxygen, nutrients, etc. that would be far better used by a nice big compost pile, or termite colony.

That is one sickening piece of public prose.

and certainly not The Wall Street Journal, my other three newspapers. They run repellent stories but usually inside. I think it tells you something about the biases of these newspapers.

but what of Murdoch’s other paper of record, the Sun, and what they run inside?

The worst part? While the cultural mores in Afghanistan are very hard to manipulate (even by Afghans) and the US hasn’t been able to keep our own people from being driven to suicide, CHOLERA IS FAIRLY EASY AND CHEAP TO TREAT. At the easy stages, the treatment is basically salty sugar water–to keep the person hydrated while the bug moves through their system. Later stages need the water through IV tubes, but if its caught early, people can drink the water themselves. So yes, sending more money–or lots of the special sugar-water tablets that keep cholera patients from dying of dehydration.

Sure, that won’t solve the underlying problem–a lack of proper water systems, which is, ironically, also caused by a lack of money. So his argument about sending money is?

One word. Two syllables. Asswipe.

Reading his description of breakfast, it’s easy to imagine a uber-uptight, anal retentive scene. Each flaxseed arranged on the oatmeal with care. The spoon perfectly perpendicular to the edge of the table. Each newspaper placed to form a perfect semicircle. “Oh my, what’s this? Dirty, sick people! This isn’t proper.” How dare they offend his delicate sensibilities! You’d think the big baby would just start with the comics or something.

It takes a special type of assholery to be upset not by the human tragedy, but by the REPORTING of it.
Ans seriously: reporting on suicides and disease betrays a LIBERAL bias? I was under the impression these were politically neutral issues; that liberals and conservatives alike would want to prevent those things. It’s kind of depressing, really, that I’m old enough to remember when “conservative” didn’t necessarily mean “asshole”. But, at least within the world of punditry, that’s what it ALWAYS means.

I downed orange juice and a bowl of oatmeal powdered with brown sugar and flaxseed.

Oh, Bob, still exorcizing the ghosts of Sarkes Tarzian? *

Nor can we aid the women of Afghanistan.

I’m sorry, but isn’t that what we’re over their doing, right now? Or am I a couple justifications behind?


* In case not everyone here is a fifty-something Hoosier with a taste for the minutiae of a previous century, after a few years passing out towels to Speedo-clad hunks on the IU swim team, “Bob” Tyrrell hung around Bloomington, Indiana, for no discernible reason (turns out he is a pioneer of wingnut welfare) beyond publishing a rag (which became the Spectator) filled matutinally with compensatory Latinate dirty hippie jokes, and being the butt of campus wisecracks. During this time he bunked on the palatial grounds of Tarzian, television pioneer, Edward Telleresque wingnut, and noted reprobate. Tongues, as they say, were known to wag.

So his argument about sending money is?

It was Molly Ivins who noted that before people started bitching again about how “just throwing money at a problem” doesn’t work, we should maybe try it just once.

How can eating oatmeal take so long that he can read 4 newspapers (since he reads the NY Times last) ?

It reads like a 1970s National Lampoon parody. But not funny.

One word, one syllable: fucktard!

Yes, I lied about the syllabic count, my impish ways winning out again.

Its like the last 150 years of public health just zoomed by this guy without a trace. As others have said there is only one thing necessary to treat and prevent Cholera. Clean Water.
Its a goddamn solved problem. There is clean water everywhere anyone with money wants it. Las Vegas Nevada, in the middle of the fucking desert? There’s enough clean water to shoot into the sky for fun at the casino fountains. Antarctica, where every drop of water has to be melted out of ice or purified from seawater at a water plant that ran on diesel fuel that by the time they got it there cost $15 a gallon? 10 years ago we had enough clean water, we were pumping the extra back into the bay. Dubai? the United Arab Emirates? They purify and desalinate enough enough water from the oil soaked, unflushed toilet that is the Persian gulf to make an indoor ski hill with real snow.
Here’s an idea, he could read just one newspaper in the morning, hell make it the fish wrapper that is the Washington Times and donate the subscription fee of just one of the other paper to a charity that brings clean water to people and he personally could save dozens of lives a year. And you would never have to read about those impolite foreigners dying just to ruin his breakfast again.

yeah, but that implies that a) he has a working brain and 2)he actually gives a shit about poor people

I have a question: is R. Emetic Ttyrrell the pen-name of Barbara “Beautiful Mind” Bush?

That’s what the NYT gets for trying to run human interest stories past readers who only fit the “human” definition in biological terms.

I’m confused. Emmy is bitching because a subject he believes doesn’t get enough attention is placed in the part of the newspaper where it will get the most attention?

I think Emmy’s brain is made of oatmeal.

Well, I don’t shy away from reality, but I normally keep it in my pants, at least when I can.

Shame on you, ultra-liberal New York Times, for making R. Emmett Tyrrell waste his beautiful mind on such things.

“Perhaps tomorrow the paper will be talking about the fate of women in Kenya[...]”

I’m assuming that he just picked an African country at random (I mean, they’re all the same, right?), seeing as how Kenya wouldn’t exactly top of the list of countries currently known for its mistreatment of women.

Kenya, Haiti, Afghanistan…Why do I get the feeling that when this tool thinks about these places, he has those old racist Warner Brothers cartoons running through his head?

Flax seed? What, no column about how the lefties have ruined breakfast? Where’s the manly American bacon and eggs?

Fucking news, telling me about things going on in the world. Why can’t they just run articles on the top ten best oatmeals?

I too enjoy a good bowl of oatmeal, in fact I think my tastes may be a bit pickier; I prefer Irish steel cut oats and I say a prayer to our hippy brethren everytime I dash a few flax seeds over my cinnamon.

I too also enjoy a good stroll into the library with my morning coffee. But unlike Remit, I have the convenience of my library also being my sitting room, receiving parlor, dining room, sometimes bedroom, television viewing theater and domestic board room.

Now as a lowly member of the lower class, I take my position properly and with pride. I know Remit would approve. I shan’t lose my dignity over loss opportunities! I shall never complain at the threat of eviction due to layoff from my employment, the slip of the surgeon’s knife that leaves me an amputee. Why no! Who am I to complain and threaten the sanctity and the purity of the upper classes with my trifles?

Indeed Remit, please continue to enjoy the fine brandy and scotch, my liver is but a phone call away! Cleanse your bowels for the sake of your health but know that I wait patiently nurturing my own kidney and bowels should you ever need them.

Indeed, send me off to war! Let me birth your genius spawn!

I am at your service.

Oh what glee is life! Remit you inspire me to suffer in silence and serve you with pleasure.

This is the inevitable result of teh Wingnut Welfare Generation: writers who have all of the condescending attitude of Wm. F. Buckley, but none of his actual education or knowledge; the only thing they know is that hifaultin’ words were part of his schtick.

I’m confused. Emmy is bitching because a subject he believes doesn’t get enough attention is placed in the part of the newspaper where it will get the most attention?

Or, to put it another way, he’s complaining that it’s “not politically correct” to talk about the fate of Afghan women — his evidence being the fact that the presumably “politically correct” New York Times actually is talking about it, prominently and at great length, while he, presumably “politically incorrect,” is arguing that that article and others like it should be banished to the inside pages (or not run at all)?

Emmy, I get it — you had what seemed like an airtight premise, until you hit that glaringcontradiction. So you soldier on and ran right over the damn thing.

‘Hair from the Rand Paul collection’ SNL did a skit a few weeks ago on hair replacement and I think nailed it on those hair-dos.(those curls aren’t usually found on your head)

Something to say?