Thanks for checking out the new and improved World O’Crap. Your captain will be Scott C. Yours truly (S.Z., the noted astronaut/spy/super model) will be your cruise director. We don’t know who will be playing Gopher.
Anyway, we thought we’d start out by giving you a chance to win a valuable collectible, the limited edition World O’Crap mug. Plus, you get the opportunity to show what you’ve learned in our previous 2-1/2 years together. Yes, it’s time to Write Like Your Favorite Wingnut!
So, adopt the persona of Ann Coulter, John Stossel, Debbie Schlussel, Bill O’Reilly, Doug Giles, Pastor Swank, or YOUR favorite wingnut, and write a paragraph or two, and submit it via the comments.
Entries will be judged on degree of difficulty, content, physical fitness, general wingnuttiness, and whatever qualifies or lack thereof take the fancy of our judge, Harriet Miers. (In the event that Ms. Miers is deemed unqualified for this position, Scott C. will oversee the judicial process.)
All entries must be received by midnight, May 7.
Scott C. may be offering further contest information and/or useful tips on how to write like Pastor Swank, so stay tuned. (BTW, Pastor Swank is more than welcome to enter the contest — he may choose to write like himself, or, for an additional challenge, he could try writing like Kaye Grogan).
So, start writing like a wingnut, and you could be on your way to a new coffee mug (and possibly a job at Renew America)!
Frist! Frist!
What do I win?
Left by Sadly, No! on May 1st, 2006