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Meet Riley and Hobbes.

Inside every cat — at least, every cat I’ve ever owned — lies a Doctor Smith from Lost in Space.

Oh, how I loathe you…

13 Responses to “Friday Cat Blogging”

“You bubbleheaded booby!”

My theory is that cats are actually an alien species who have an interest in xenobiology and are conducting experiments on the hairless apes. That’s why they glare at us with unadulterated contempt on a regular basis.

Not all of them glare at us ith unadulterated contempt — they just tend to swing that way when having flashes fired-off in their eyes. That’s why you can’t ever sneak up on ‘em and catch ‘em in a “happy” moment — they know that the camera means “BRIGHTLIGHT!!! BRIGHTLIGHT!!!” (picture the Gremlin in the first movie, as he’s shoved into the microwave and starts screeching & scratching at the door before going SPLAT!)

And yes, I could totally believe that they were a superior alien species, if they had the thumbs to operate a can-opener on their own. Otherwise, they’d have conquered us all by now, and the entire PLANET would be enslaved to the feline masters who bow us to their every whim.

Besides, once they’re over the age of 3 or 4, you can enslave THEM with the right tub of Cosmic Catnip. Right old stoners, they are.

Your glorious masters are quite beautiful, Scott, you should feel honored that they chose you as their hairless-ape servant.

Ohmygd we have the same cats, Tiger and Blackie (you can tell who is who) bro and sis, half-wild, born in our garage. Now spay/utered (Blackee still resentfull) members o the family. Will send photos and address for pen-pals.


Mine aren’t up there, they’re waiting for a “mycatisplottingagainstyouandyourpunyspecies.com”. And many canned cat foods now come with poptop rings. They haven’t quite worked it out yet, but it’s only a matter of time–time, and getting those damned rubber claw caps off.

I look at that pic, and I see their thought bubble: “Oh. Are you still here?

“No food? Away with you!”


As of 5P, 5 out of 6 feral cats captured & ready to go to the vet in the morning. Going out now (10:30P) to check the last trap & check on the babies.

/end egregious blog-whoring.

More from Tibby the Ponderous Lap Cat!! Please?

I, for one, welcome our feline overlords.

D. Sidhe said “getting those damned rubber claw caps off.”

Do your masters allow you to glue things to their talons? Do they work? Does it take 6 people to restrain kitty while you glue them on? I’m dying to find out more, and so is my upholstery…

Every cat you’ve ever *what*?

Hillarious. I just started coming here, and it’s a GREAT blog. Keep it comin’, cause the world needs all the crap it can get.

Something to say?