WorldNetDaily brings us word of the perfect Christmas present for next year for Ann Coulter and others of her ilk. (I mean people who deny all evidence of evolution — what kind of ilk were YOU thinking of?)
Anyway, it’s a board game disproving evolution, and it was co-designed by Kirk Cameron, the mostly forgotten actor who played “Mike” on “Growing Pains” — so you know it has to be good!
Here are the details:
“We are very excited about this game because it presents both sides of the creation evolution argument, and in doing so, shows that the contemporary theory of evolution is perhaps the greatest hoax of modern times,” said Cameron, who starred in the award-winning “Growing Pains” television series from 1985-1992.
Per Kirk’s website store, the game is ”unique in that the playing pieces are small rubber brains and each team plays for ‘brain’ cards. Each player uses his or her brains to get more brains, and the team with the most brains wins.” So, it’s basically “Night of the Living Creationism,” except that while you may be competing with other lifeless, souless creatures, you probably don’t get to eat the brains that you collect.
Here’s more about the game sure to topple Monopoly from it’s money-grubbing throne from Ray Comfort, its other “intelligent” designer.
“The average person doesn’t know that the evolutionist lives by a blind faith in an unscientific theory (a theory that one scientist called a ‘fairy-tale for grown-ups’). Through the game we show the irrational nature of evolution, using their own beliefs and quotes. This explains why evolutionists have a special language, something we call ‘the language of speculation,’ where they use words like ‘We believe, perhaps, probably, maybe, could have …’ They can’t speak of their theory without it,” said Comfort.
Yeah, if they were really scientific, they’d use much more positive language when discussing their theories!
“To believe in evolutionary ‘transitional forms’ is to hold to the belief that one species evolved into another. However, there is no scientific evidence of any species evolving into another – not in creation, nor in the ‘fossil record.’ Most people don’t know that.”If, in fact, evolution were the truth, there would have to be evidences of some sort of those transitions, such as a sheepdog, pupling, or bullfrog, the game’s promoters said.
Before you point out the existence of some fairly well-known animals to Kirk and Roy, I should probably note that, to then, a “sheepdog” is half dog, half sheep; a “bullfrog” is frog with a cow’s head, and a “pupling” is a golden sporting dog that retrives itself. But yeah, the fact that we don’t see cows morphing into frogs these days is clear proof that evolution is bunk!
And now for the most compelling evidence yet against evolution:
The logic of and support for evolution also was questioned in a stunt the two did for their television show, when they let “evolutionists hang themselves with their own words.”“We called eight airlines (on camera) and asked if they would let us bring a ‘relative’ on the plane. We said that he needed a wheelchair because he had problems with his feet, and after getting approval we told them the ‘relative’ was an orangutan,” Comfort said.
Yes, if airlines won’t let you take an orangutan in the cabin of a passenger flight, then clearly evolution is a big fraud! Case closed! But what other harebrained stunts will Mike Seaver and his goofy sidekick “Boner” try in the next ep of “Way of the Master”? I can hardly wait to find out!
And no, that’s NOT a “good” groan.
Jeebus H. on a fucking cracker with a side of horseradish.
They are so fucking lame, they don’t even fucking understand the CONCEPT of actually DISPROVING ANY-FUCKING-THING!!!!!!!!
I bet that if you asked either one of them, these GENIUSES amongst the sheeple who ACTUALLY ***LISTEN*** to them — they couldn’t tell a hypothesis from a hole in the ground. Or, better yet, they couldn’t tell oozing brain fluid from the holes in their heads… IF, that is, there was anything TO ooze…
Excuse me, darlings, I have to go bang my head against a brick wall in order to try and distract myself from the imminent implosion from cognitive dissonance overload.
Left by Anntichrist S. Coulter on December 31st, 2006