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Remember in Battlefield Earth, when the primitive, loincloth-clad humans were able to pull thousand-year old F-16s out of mothballs, fill them with aviation fuel they found somewhere, and — after a brief, tutorial slide show — take off and successfully dogfight their interstellar conquerors, even though they hadn’t yet mastered toilet paper or the pulley?  Well, just when you think the right wing blogosphere has begun running out of bizarre conspiracy theories, they suddenly dig up a 50-year old cache of crazy and start going all Top Gun on your ass.

So…Do you have strong, healthy teeth, and vague, Bolshevist yearnings?  Yeah, me too.  Turns out, Robert W. Welch, Jr. and General Jack Ripper were right, and a half century of fluoridation has left America weak, easily confused, and prey to the subversive blandishments of a Red Diaper Moor.  Oh, and the Final Solution was just a byproduct of Nazi experiments in dentifrices and aromatherapy.

At least, that’s what I’ve gleaned from the latest RenewAmerica column by Cynthia A. Janak.

Fluoride — what you do not know

As you, my readers, know, I am a very curious person and when some item catches my attention I research to find all the facts. As you can see by the title Fluoride did just that. Let me tell you why. One day I was curious when brushing my teeth as to what is in my toothpaste. What caught my eye was that there was a warning on the label. That set off the red flag as to the fact that my toothpaste has the potential to be dangerous to my health. Needless to say, I finished brushing my teeth quickly and started my research.

And research is one of Cynthia’s specialties, according to her bio:

Cynthia Janak is a freelance journalist, mother of three, foster mother of one, grandmother of five, business owner, Chamber of Commerce member. Her expertise is as an administrative professional. Her specialties are adoptee and genealogy research and research journalism. Hobbies: Writing prose, crocheting, Conservative Studies, and rehabbing houses. You can visit her website at www.cynthiajanak.com.

I paddled over to Cynthia’s site and took a quick look around, but I wouldn’t recommend getting out of the boat unless you’re interested in an administrative professional’s alarums about the HPV vaccine, and the shaky link between autism and vaccination.  But I don’t mean to denigrate Cynthia’s expertise, especially when I see that she has consulted with the FDA over the Internet!

I was part of an international effort by a group of women to bring out the truth about Gardasil and Cervarix.  The FDA gave us the opportunity to present our concerns by sponsoring a listening session webinar.   UPDATE: FDA has not responded to the concerns that were brought to their attention.

I don’t know which GS-2 at Health and Human Services drew the short stick and had to log into that chat, but I bet her inbox was remarkably clean by the end of it.

The first and only ingredient I looked at was Sodium Flouride. The reason being is that Sodium Flouride is the reason for the Warning label on my tooth paste. Here are my findings.

I’ll spare you the lengthy quotations from Wikipedia and just push on…

I just had to find out more about this because I thought my toothpaste was safe and in essence it isn’t. So why do we have fluoride in this product? I decided to go and find the history behind Fluoride and this is what I found. [...]

What interested me here was I. G. Farben. I know that I. G. Farben was the company that did the studies at Auschwitz. The other thing that interested me was about the fumes the fumes of these compounds have a pleasant, slightly aromatic odor. But a few minutes after inhalation there’s a feeling of pressure to the larynx and difficulty in breathing. I instantly thought about the gas chambers in the concentration camps. I just had to look this up to verify association.


“To whom it may concern: I, Oliver Kenneth Goff, was a member of the Communist Party and the Young Communist League from May 2, 1936 to October 9, 1939. During this period of time, I operated under the alias of John Keats and the number 18-B-2.

Goff’ (or “Keats”) was careful to maintain his cover by never meeting directly with his NKVD handlers, instead using a Grecian urn as a dead drop.

My testimony before the Government is incorporated in Volume 9 of the Un-American Activities Report for the year 1939…”

“We discussed quite thoroughly the fluoridation of water supplies and how we were using it in Russia as a tranquilizer in the prison camps. The leaders of our school felt that if it could be induced into the American water supply, it would bring about a spirit of lethargy in the nation; where it would keep the general public docile during a steady encroachment of Communism. We also discussed the fact that keeping a store of deadly fluoride near the water reservoir would be advantageous during the time of the revolution, as it would give us opportunity to dump this poison into the water supply and either kill off the populace or threaten them with liquidation, so that they would surrender to obtain fresh water. …”

I apologize for the long excerpt, but I’m a sucker for spy novels and Cold War thrillers, especially Fleming’s The Man With The Seared Palate, about a plot by the Soviet Union to tamper with America’s stoves, so that people would overheat their Sloppy Joes, and when they’d take a bite it would burn the roof of their mouth. At the same time, Smersh agents would snatch away the victim’s beverage and refuse to give it back until they pledged allegiance to Khruschev.

I could not find any reference to this being used in the gas chambers but I did find the above reference to what they did with the water and how they used Fluoride as a tranquilizer.

1942.  At the Wannsee Conference, Dr. Josef Mengele, D.D.S., is personally chosen by Gestapo chief Reinhard Heydrich to oversee Hitler’s plan for fluoridating the Jews.

I just had to read further because I was under the impression like all of us that Fluoride was good for better teeth and less cavities. Boy, was I wrong.

“[T]he German General Staff [devised a] scheme was to control the population in any given area through mass medication of drinking water. In this scheme, sodium fluoride will in time reduce an individual’s power to resist domination by slowly poisoning and narcotising a certain area of the brain, and will thus make him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him. Both the Germans and the Russians added fluoride to the drinking water of prisoners of war to make them stupid and docile.”

However, the plan backfired on the Nazis in late 1944.  Desperate to free up badly needed combat troops for the front, the SS recruited Cavity Creeps as prison guards, but they completely failed to intimidate the well-enameled POWs.

This just made me sit back and digest all that I have read because during the last 10–12 years people in the independent media have been complaining how apathetic the people of the United States are. In the last few years they are calling the people “sheeple.” Do you think this is why?

I imagine this is how Mr. Rogers would have sounded if he’d subscribed to The New American and saved his urine in Mason jars.  But I guess the most important lesson I’ve learned is that Americans went to the polls in 2008, like lambs to the slaughter, and elected Obama because we’ve been brainwashed over the last fifty years by our own dental hygiene.  Which means that the only people we can trust to lead us in these dark times are meth addicts.

I call shotgun on the Bandwagon.

27 Responses to “Auschwitz: The Cavity-Prone Years”

As you, my readers, know, I am a very curious person

I will accept this characterization.

I’ve said it before, but how come *I* am the one with the two shrinks and the collection of psychoactive medicines? Does Renew America not offer mental health benefits, or would that just be counterproductive?

Definitely counterproductive, I think!

This woman should meet the dude I met recently who thought NASA had invented an earthquake ray and was going around using it on unsuspecting countries. They could whop up a doozy of a conspiracy theory, with her tried-and-true old standards and his destined-to-be-classics new ones.

What? They didn’t know that all US dentists crypto-Marxists?

It’s true, just ask one. They’ll deny it of course (being under cover), which just PROVES the point.

Just make sure not to let them use “the gas” on you, or you’ll get some special fillings that receive the brainwashing transmissions. PLUS, when you’re under, they’ll be questioning you to find where all your gold and guns are kept.

There’s a reason that Obamacare doesn’t cover dentistry: it’s already “converted”.

Beware of politicians with perfect teeth!

I’m just glad she didn’t happen to glance at the Proctor & Gamble logo while she was reading the ingredients list, or our whole operation would’ve been blown sky high. You don’t suppose she’s switching to baking soda, do you? I told ‘em: ixnay on the ammer-and-ickle-say.

And JesusChrist, lady, it’s 2010, not 1956; any American who’s ever eaten at Taco Bell could explain to you that something which is benign in trace amounts can have deleterious effects when taken in quantity.

I hope she turns her sights toward the menace ofdihydrogen monoxide. That stuff is in everything, and it’s a known killer. Why is the MSM ignoring this threat?

I don’t understand why using this intensive-labor control method, the chemtrails are far more effective!!

Anyway, the fluoride effect clearly explains why Bush junior won the elections. Twice.

At least when my Shop-Vac sucks things in around it indiscriminately it has the courtesy to sit there, retaining it all, until I dump in into the trash.


The moral we should draw from Ms Janak’s panic is, “don’t burn your toothpaste.”

What? They didn’t know that all US dentists crypto-Marxists?

Well, dentistry IS theft, after all….

I have been hearing this crap from the Birchers for nigh on fifty years now and I want to know, when do us commies actually get to take over?

“I know that I. G. Farben was the company that did the studies at Auschwitz.” That reminds me, yesterday was Obama’s birthday and do you know who else had birthdays— Hitler, that’s who !

Remember the good ole pre-Reagan days, when anti-Flouridationists were the most extreme bat-shit crazy types ? Now they are mainstream and seem partly sane in comparison to the invisible Gargoyle-shit insane types running for office !

“I imagine this is how Mr. Rogers would have sounded if he’d subscribed to The New American and saved his urine in Mason jars.”

Sorry, I was going to say that I am jealous of Scott’s great lines, like the one about Mr. Rogers!

Damn, everything old is new again, especially when it involves wingnuts. The dead Red Menace rises from its grave, like a zombie! Except instead of yelling “brains!”, it’s yelling “teeth!”….

Her expertise is as an administrative professional.

So she’s a glorified office clerk?

Apparently, the fluoride has made her too weak to use proper grammar and puntuation.

Then again, maybe she’s just stupid.

Goff’ (or “Keats”) was careful to maintain his cover by never meeting directly with his NKVD handlers, instead using a Grecian urn as a dead drop.

I really hate you, Scott.

Well, shit; this stirring up of the fluoridation canard means my job as a dental hygienist is about to involve more explaining to the paranoid anti-science patients. We don’t usually see too many of these though since they tend to avoid going to the dentist until they are in a lot of pain and are in need of many more fillings, root canals, extractions & crowns than they could ever afford.

In case anyone is wondering why there is a warning on your toothpaste, it is because fluoride in very large doses is indeed dangerous because it effectively competes to replace the calcium ions that are needed to make your heart beat (simplifying here). Of course, you’d need to suck down the contents of at least a full case of toothpaste to have even a chance of that happening, and of course kids require less to get the same effect. Hence, in abundance of caution, the warning not to swallow toothpaste; pretty serious overkill in my opinion but it was probably done to placate these types.

Yes, at one time (early 1900′s IIRC) rat poison contained huge amounts of fluoride (now it contains coumadin so they bleed to death internally); all the anti-fluoride crap you can find on the web eventually links back to the “skree, rat poison!” history.

The whole Hitler/fluoride linkage makes as much sense as going for a Hitler/bratwurst-causes-teh-gay causal link since just as much real scientific evidence can be found for both. Hitler’s 1930′s science guys may have believed that fluoride would make people docile, but they believed a lot of other stupid shit too; eugenics anyone? Oops, bad analogy since the same idiots pushing the current anti-fluoride crap overlaps considerably with the “kill all the brown people and change the 14th amendment” bunch, which is just eugenics practiced after birth has occurred, amirite?

I was just thinking that a more lenient promotion policy at Walmart would allow these wingnuts to become “management” and occupy their minds with something ! Another way that Walmart is responsible for the collapse of western civilization !

Modern science indicates that ingesting fluoride (through the water supply or any other method of ingestion) is ineffective at reducing tooth decay, harmful to health and a huge waste of money.

for more info http://www.FluorideAction.net/health

Modern science indicates that ingesting fluoride (through the water supply or any other method of ingestion) is ineffective at reducing tooth decay, harmful to health and a huge waste of money.

Who to believe?

An Alarmist Website or the CDC?

Just to be safe, I’m gonna say they’re both right!

From the CDC’s Ten Great Health Achievements — United States 1900 – 1999:

“Fluoridation of drinking water began in 1945 and in 1999 reaches an estimated 144 million persons in the United States. Fluoridation safely and inexpensively benefits both children and adults by effectively preventing tooth decay, regardless of socioeconomic status or access to care. Fluoridation has played an important role in the reductions in tooth decay (40%-70% in children) and of tooth loss in adults (40%-60%)”

That’s just what the Commies want.

The funniest part about this post is the google ads in the sidebar warning against flouridation and telling you to buy gold.

Plaque is merely a figment of the liberal media and the dental industry to con people into buying toothpaste. Teeth are for gay people. And Cynthia is an Aqua Teen Hunger Force fan!

Wow, an Antivaxer AND a Flouridation nut! Two great tastes that taste great together!

An Alarmist Website or the CDC?

They may be alarmist, sure, but the CDC also says you should vaccinate your kids against diseases they never even had!. What’s the point of that, I says. And iodine in salt? Poison, that is. A well rounded goiter is the mark of a true lady. And anyway, it’s downright unamurican to have all yer teefs – gummin’ her chaw was good enough for meemaw, good enough for me, dagnabit.

I myself am a trifle curious as to the fact that crack investigative journalist Cynthia somehow managed to get hired as an administrative professional, beget three kids, raise four kids, and acquire five grandchildren without ever getting close enough to notice the warning label on toothpaste.

Or how she crack-investigated I.G. Farben without, y’know, learning anything about I.G. Farben.

Or how she crack-investigated

Maybe it was the crack.

Something to say?