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*And for once I’m not talking about a depressed male porn star.


The election results are in, and it appears that Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. was thwarted in her campaign to become California Secretary of State. Dr. Taitz Esq.’s plan, of course, was to use her control of the election process to throw Obama off the ballot in 2012 by charging him with high crimes and misdemeanors such as Attempted Usurpation, Aggravated Socialism and Excessive Melanin. But Dr. Taitz Esq. is not allowing the election results to dampen her resolve, or the resolve of the people who didn’t vote for her:


I didn’t see Orly peaking on Google Trends, but I have no doubt that many people were indeed typing her name into search engines today, for just as Orly believes in the ultimate vindication of justice, I believe in the constant triumph of schadenfreude. Nevertheless, the ability of her olfactory sense to detect electoral chicanery is keen, and she has noticed a very strange coincidence: not only did Californians decline to vote for her, they also didn’t vote for other crazy people!


“Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ”
“Brian Anders OC REPUBLIC” , “bernie polak”
“GOPUSA” , “Orly Taitz”
Can you call me at 949-683-5411?

It’s an “open letter,” but I don’t think that means she actually wants all of us to call her. Maybe just one person should call her, and the rest of us can get on the extension.

I researched electrons results.

Turns out they’re elementary particles that carry a negative electric charge.

All the candidates, who were strong against illegal immigration were kept at around 25%.

If you look Nationwide teaparty backed candidates were winning elections: Sharon Angle in NV, Rand Paul in KY. In CA all tea party backed candidates were kept at this imaginary line of about 25%.

So apparently 25% of Californians are phantasms. I knew this was going to happen as soon as we amended the state constitution to count kids’ imaginary friends as 3/5 of a person.

In my election in Los Angeles county I got over 30% and statewide 26%, but all in all there was a wall, and tea party backed candidates, anti illegal immigration candidates, pro second amendmet candidates, anti-corrupt establishment candidates were kept behind that wall.

Hm. I guess we did “complete the danged fence,” but apparently it’s facing the wrong way.

It worries me, it means the candidates that were elected, regardless of the party will vote for amnesty. Some surveys show that there are 30 million illegals in this country.

And twice that many bats in Orly’s head, although most of them have settled down and have green cards.

If they go through amnesty, it is the end of the republic as we know it. We will be a de facto destitute third world banana republic

Although if most of the illegal aliens are from Moldova, then we’ll be more of a ghiveci republic, a form of representational government that goes well with stewed fruit compote and vodka.

I hope Steve Poizner [who lost the Republican gubernatorial primary to Meg Whitman] does not stop the fight. He is a billioner.

I’m no financial expert, but I believe a “billioner” is a person employed in the Accounts Receivables department of one of those gold brokers that advertise on Glenn Beck’s show, who bills you for your bullion.

He can provide financial support for legal actions, canvassing, analysis of Diebolt and Sequoia voting machines, outreach to the voters to fight corrupt and toxic thugs in the media.

Well, they’re not all thugs. I bet if Rachel Maddow mutates as a result of her exposure to the oil spill, she’ll become more of a Toxic Avenger.

He is a father. I hope he wants his daughter and his future granchildren to live in a constitutional Republic, not tyranny that we are seing today.

With Tea Partiers trapped behind walls, and a republic that can be peeled and sliced up, then served on Bran Flakes or made into a delicious smoothie.

Please contact him and asked him to continue the fight,
Dr. Orly Taitz, ESq

this letter was sent to Poizner campaign administrator

Yeah, I’m sure this was the first thing campaign administrator wanted to see this morning while he was updating his resume.

17 Responses to “Orly Taitz Done In By Hanging Chad*”

I’m thinking that electron is like Methatron; Carlos Santana’s higher power adviser.

No, you silly billy, a billioner isn’t somebody in accounts receivable. It’s like a birther, but only with a conspiracy theory about how much money Obama has, rather than his country of origin. A billioner just KNOWS that Nigerian is hiding cash somewhere.

Dr.Taitz,Esq is not much of a speller.

Oh, Orly. What would we do for entertainment without you? I hope she sues over the election. She can claim illegal immigrants stole it from her, directed by Obama who is trying to discredit her before people Learn The Truth about his citizenship. That would rock.

It’s been a shitty month here, already I’m looking to return the unused portion for a refund, but I think I need to find out what Orly does next, iye?

Hey, Scott, could I request some more cat pics?

The cuckoo is strong in this one.

Her website is great. She writes like she’s Natasha talking about Moose and Squirrel.

In my election in Los Angeles county I got over 30% and statewide 26%, but all in all there was a wall…

I wonder why that might be?

I hope he wants his daughter and his future granchildren to live in a constitutional Republic, not tyranny that we are seing today.

Leaving aside the question of how one gets two professional licenses in California while exhibiting the writing skills of an eighth grader–and not a particularly bright eight grader–it’s amusing to note the diffusion of wingnut vocabulary (“This is a Republic, not a democracy!”), which for forty years has meant “Tough shit if the public doesn’t agree with the Retro-Dixiecrat/Mineral Rights West stranglehold on the Senate; you get another chance next election day”, and now gets contrasted with “tyranny” and without irony. Even if it is filtered by a woman who’s illiterate in five languages.

I lived in Latin America for six years. I became very fluent in Spanish, but if I were writing an “open letter” in Spanish that would be widely disseminated, I would get a well-educated native speaker to proofread it for me, just so I wouldn’t appear to be a semi-literate goober who can safely be ignored.

MS: I think it’s gonna take more than language skills to dispel that impression for her.

Is it legal for a judge to throw out your case because all your court documents are done in crayon?


She has a 900 number? That explains a LOT!

If you look Nationwide teaparty backed candidates were winning elections: Sharon Angle in NV, Rand Paul in KY. In CA all tea party backed candidates were kept at this imaginary line of about 25%.

In my election in Los Angeles county I got over 30% and statewide 26%

Ummmmmmmmm….? She’s complaining that she broke the “ceiling”?

Some surveys show that there are 30 million illegals in this country.

Most of them from Russia!

If they go through amnesty, it is the end of the republic as we know it. We will be a de facto destitute third world banana republic

First, I bet the chinos are a LOT cheaper in a third world Banana Republic, which would help our economy.

Second, well, here:

On December 17, 1900, the new [Ellis Island] Main Building was opened and 2,251 immigrants were received that day.

Quick math: 2251 a day for a year is 800,000, times 50 years the facility was processing immigrants…that’s 41 MILLION!

Quick! Deport EVERYONE!

He can provide financial support for legal actions

TRANSLATION: I’m tapped out suing Obama, but I must overturn my election loss.

A billioner?

That’s someone who spews billiousness for a living.

I like the way she CCed herself.

I’m guessing it’s no coincidence that her photo makes one imagine her on an old Star Trek set, complete with electromechanical noises on the bridge.

Bet she hears those noises all the time.

And she’s bitching about 25%?!

She should thank her lucky stars that we live in a country where walking trainwrecks are so routinely celebrated that a semi-literate lunatic can not only generate a nationwide following, but also be considered a legitimate candidate for Secretary of State of the most populous state in the Union.

The only thing that pisses me off about her is that she’s trying to deny other crazy foreign people the same opportunities as she’s had.

The only thing that pisses me off about her is that she’s trying to deny other crazy foreign people the same opportunities as she’s had.

Left by Jay B. on June 10th, 2010

Sadly, in the long history of repression, there are always members of oppressed groups more than willing to slam the door in the face of those who should be their natural allies, in exchange for being allowed to pass through the door themselves. Just one example, Asimov talks about the “Jewish quota” at elite medical schools in the early part of the 20th century, and said that the most zealous defenders of the status quo were often Jewish doctors. Sad.

And she’s bitching about 25%?!

In fairness to Orly, the other 8 losing candidates also got 25% of the vote.

Something to say?