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It’s been awhile since we last visited with Sher Zieve, America’s Most Wistful Paranoid™, and since the rash seems to be fading, why don’t we drop in on RenewAmerica. Hm? Shall we?

You go first…


Obama and the elephants in the USA’s living room

The following column is not a fairy tale. I only wish that it were. Some years ago, an advertisement against alcoholism ran on television.

Typical lamestream media nanny-statism. And I bet the networks never once ran an advertisement promoting alcoholism. There’s two sides to every story, you know.

In the Ad, an elephant was depicted bumping into and breaking furniture in a living room while the resident occupants ignored it. But eventually, try as they might, they could not. Suffice it to say, the Ad depicted Americans’ reluctance to deal with severe and glaringly obvious problems within their families. But, try as we will, eventually elephants can and will no longer be ignored.

The lesson is clear: Don’t cheat on your wife with an elephant.

Today, there are now so many elephants in the USA’s living room that they are bumping into each other and multiple stadiums need to be erected to hold them.

Here in L.A. we used to hold elephants in the Coliseum, but there weren’t enough luxury skyboxes from which the alcoholic wealthy could ignore them.

It appears that Obama has brought most of them into our house; or is at the very least the one who willingly and even effervescently allowed them in. A new, improved and nauseatingly capricious Hannibal, perhaps?

Perhaps? How about abso-friggin’-lutely! I’ve gotten a bit bored with the “Obama is Stalin/Hitler/Mussolini/Mao/Pinocchio/Mr.Whipple” meme, and if nothing else, Obama as Hannibal would put a very entertaining backspin on traditional Republican symbology.

But this is where the tricky part comes in:

However, instead of a traditional familial grouping that overlooks said pachyderms, Obama’s “family” is the leftist media — and of course his adherents (who include members of Congress — all Democrats and most RINOs) and sycophants. Oops! I forgot, the Obama media, adherents and sycophants are one in the same and all belong to his leftist totalitarian family.

So they’re like hillbillies you can poach for their ivory!

1. First and foremost — and the biggest elephant of all — is the lack of a true and viable birth certificate. Without said certificate, Obama is a usurper of the US Presidency. That which has, thus far, been given to the erstwhile press and Obama’s other fawning flatterers is nothing more than a short form Certificate of Live Birth — a certificate that (at the time of The Obama’s birth) Hawaii issued even to those who were foreign born and not US citizens. It may still follow this practice, today.

Somebody should probably look into that. Let’s put it on the “To Do” list for after the Coup.

In his quest for ultimate power, Obama ignores the US Constitution.

Which requires the President of the United States to present his birth certificate upon demand from a blanched Stooge.

And his media and Congress allow him to get away with it. So many pay-offs so many bribes? That’s a Dictatorship

(and Amore!)

(aka Tyranny), folks. By the way, our US Republic is gone.

Please do not reveal the incredible twist ending to “Obama and the elephants in the USA’s living room.”

2. Obama’s “health” care bill was the fight its instigator said he must win. And Obama won not only by attacking and fighting against the will of We-the-People but, will soon also be over our dead bodies. Yes, Virginia, Death Panels are STILL contained within the ObamaCare Death Plan and so are some of the ugliest commands against human life and one of — if not the thus far — most Machiavellian pieces of legislation ever written. No right to life? No “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” no Republic. But then, a smaller population is easier for the slave masters to manage and control.

I’m not sure, but I think she’s trying to write a Gor novel.

3. Knowing full well that Arizona is under siege from and by Mexican drug cartels, that Phoenix is now the #2 city in the world with the most kidnappings (drug cartel related) and #1 in the USA and drug-related murders of US citizens are increasing exponentially in that State, Obama and his regime have refused all desperate pleas from AZ Governor Jan Brewer for help.

When will the usurper Obama stop pretending to be the President and start acting like the loose cannon cop in a mid-80s Simpson/Bruckheimer action flick who may be crazy, but he’s the only hope we’ve got!

The passage of this bill — AZ SB 1070 — was mandatory, in order to begin to protect US citizens from the daily onslaught of the drug cartel members and thousands upon thousands of other illegals who have successfully — with the tacit assistance of a politically motivated US government — invaded the State of Arizona.

Maybe Bush should have launched a pre-emptive war on Arizona instead. Would’ve saved on gas.

Again, the Obama federal government will do nothing to protect US citizens. Instead, it now protects the illegal invaders…Now [Obama] and his Marxist entourage will march and riot against protecting US citizens and he and his willing Congress will attempt to force though another new Amnesty bill — which will protect the drug lords who have invaded and are taking over portions of what used to be OUR sovereign country. The drug lords’ payroll is rapidly increasing. USA as a new 3rd world country? It appears so.

There is some good news, though. The drug lords aren’t quite as snippy as the time lords; and according to Shermp, they’re hiring.

4. Obama & Co is stealing all of the money they can from We-the-People.

He also boosted my hubcaps.

They have affected it via all of the Obama “stimulus” bills (bills that stimulate only him, his masters and his minions)


President Barack Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, conferring on the distribution of TARP funds, have a frank and open exchange of views and spit.

Then, there is the Obama nationalization of one industry after another (including banks — where OUR money is stored), Cap and Trade (to add additional taxes and charges to further bleed us dry and destroy any chance We-the-People have to continue our usage of energy

Denied access to the national power grid, Sher is forced to use one of those typwriting birds from the The Flintstones to chisel her columns directly onto the Internet.

Yes, folks, the elephants are too numerous to list here. It will take many books to list them all.

I would recommend starting with the Dr. Seuss classic, Horton Hears a Home Invasion by Illegal Aliens.

[T]he problem we have is that — at least — the US Government Executive and Legislative branches are now a totalitarian entity that is willfully ignoring US citizens in favor of their own personal wealth and power; wealth and power that is now being stolen each and every day from all of us. And, this same government has begun to arrest and incarcerate political prisoners — those who oppose Obama.

Truly, one way or another it’s time to send Obama, his elephants and his elephant-trainers home — and that’s not the United States of America.

One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. Because he was a socialist who stole my pajamas.

22 Responses to “Babar Obama”

Wow! There is a person who should be thankful that Marxist-totalitarians agreed to de-institutionalization way back in the 20th Century. And then the Republicans agree to employ the worst of them.

That’s some serious crazy there. Even Glenn Beck would be, “Bitch, get some therapy.”

What histrogeek said! Does she get paid for writing down her delusions?

“It appears that Obama has brought most of them into our house; or is at the very least the one who willingly and even effervescently allowed them in. A new, improved and nauseatingly capricious Hannibal, perhaps?”

Perhaps I don’t know what the fuck she’s talking about. I was following along until she tossed in “effervescently”. What’s with the classical reference? An attempt for a Trojan Horse analogy using elephants and rooms? Do elephants even need birth certificates? Evidently, somebody else took the brown acid.

Puts me in mind of this little story, only the “blanched Stooge” (love that!) would think it was serious.

A guy goes around snapping his fingers everywhere he goes. One of his curious friends says to him:

– [Friend] Hey, Bob, how come you’re always snapping your fingers?
– [Bob] It’s to keep away the elephants.
– But the nearest elephants are in Africa, 10,000 miles away.
– See? It’s working!

I guess the Stooge wants us to to snap harder and faster?

Obama and Pelosi are… Diabolik!

I thought Republicans were “elephants” — if they hate both elephants and RINOs, are there any large vegetarian mammals they do like ?

“Phoenix is now the #2 city” — well the Phoenicians definitely are #2!

You know, I just couldn’t go any further after this gem:

“It appears that Obama has brought most of them into our house;

She talks about alcoholism and it gets her mind going about…YES how all family dysfunctions are Obama’s fault. Alcoholism, child abuse, drug abuse, extramarital issues, you name it.

Because Obama has the Magic Elephant Eyes that see all in everyone’s bedroom, granted to him by Stalin through some kind of ultra-birth magic, which is why he doesn’t have a birth certificate because HE’s REALLY STALIN!

and so on.

And I don’t even drink.

Truly, one way or another it’s time to send Obama, his elephants and his elephant-trainers home — and that’s not the United States of America.

I thought since the elephants were trashing the place they were, by definition, untrained elephants. That, or I lost the metaphor.

I’m not sure, but I think she’s trying to write a Gor novel.

C’mon . . . with all that talk of the fall of the Republic it’s obviously a Star Wars fanfic.

It appears that Obama has brought most of them into our house; or is at the very least the one who willingly and even effervescently allowed them in.

Elephants? Effervescent? Holy Laughing Madcap! Is Sher a closet Syd Barrett fan? Has the world gone MAD?!?

She must be a total party at family gatherings. I hope her teenage nieces and nephews have an ongoing challenge on who can get Auntie Shemp the most riled up.

Dude, a Gor reference! How geekishly obscure.

Tarl Cabot

Man, one post and we get “Cabot! Cabot! Cabot! Cabot!” and that awesome money-pile-love scene from Danger: Diabolik. You rule, scott.

(Am I the only one who thought Danger: Diabolik was a pretty amusing movie in itself? The screengrab from above being an example why?)

Thanks, Djur. And no, you’re not alone; as much as I enjoyed the MSTing, I thought Diabolik really captured the feel of those 60s Euro-comics in a way that, say, the Modesty Blaise film didn’t.

the phrase ‘we the people’ being used in place of just ‘the people’ is probably my least favorite teabaggerism. Not only is it grammatically incorrect in almost all contexts but it also gives me a mental image of a smug prick (for some reason the image is always Shapiro, even in this case when the author is a woman) grinning to himself because of how clever he thinks he is.

Elephant in the parlor is an old saying, you don’t need to dredge up the memory of some PSA you once saw in order to pad the article.

Also, I agree with George. We-the-People sounds like “no, not The People, not those people, just We-the-People”.

One thing about Sher’s writing is that I can just about guess at the kind of voice she’s got – her speaking voice, not her authorial one. One of those brittle, hectoring, hard-charging onslaught voices. Still, if I’m right that she almost never smiles (so many rightpunditwomen flash those hard-plastic bleached-enamel specials), that’s a small plus. Nobody’s all bad.

“Sher Zieve, America’s Most Wistful Paranoid™”

And this title was well-earned at the expense of longtime champ, Peggy Noonan.

Dude, a Gor reference! How geekishly obscure.

She’s writing the unfinished Norman novel Strawmen of Gor, in which the PriestKings have given up trying to limit technology, allow the Kurii to purchase iPads, thus creating a new race of elephants with a weird urge to sit in our living rooms.

Only four items, Sher?

You’re losing your touch. Your status as card-carrying paranoid is deeply in doubt. Soon, you’ll be lumped in with such wannabes has-beens as Mort Downey, Jr and Art Bell!

3. Knowing full well that Arizona is under siege from and by Mexican drug cartels, that Phoenix is now the #2 city in the world with the most kidnappings (drug cartel related) and #1 in the USA and drug-related murders of US citizens are increasing exponentially in that State, Obama and his regime have refused all desperate pleas from AZ Governor Jan Brewer for help.

The passage of this bill — AZ SB 1070 — was mandatory, in order to begin to protect US citizens from the daily onslaught of the drug cartel members and thousands upon thousands of other illegals who have successfully — with the tacit assistance of a politically motivated US government — invaded the State of Arizona.

I think Sher took an old _Death Wish_ script and search-replaced all the references to “gang” to “drug cartel.”

“If he would have stolen a dollar less we’d be able to see her ass.”

Couldn’t resist.

Something to say?