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I apologize for the scanty posting, but our usual wingnut friends have really been leaving it in the locker room lately. Fortunately, WorldNetDaily has just brought up a young prospect from the farm level, and let me tell you — this kid really knows how to bring the heat.

This year, as the birth-control pill turns 50

…it now has to get yearly prostate exams.

America is discovering a lethal side effect. It’s called moral stupefaction. The pill has made an entire generation of adult Americans progressively more stupidly infantile.

America’s most mature and intelligent adults:


One half-century of a fatal, anti-baby culture is killing us. There is a culture-wide inability to think intelligently about what we have done to ourselves.

Remember the days of uncontrolled fertility and high maternal and infant mortality rates? Man, we were smart back then…

When the saga of oral contraception began in 1960, my surviving peers and I were in kindergarten. I say “surviving” because the pill emerged the year my classmates were conceived.

So you attended kindergarten as a fetus? These Head Start programs are getting out of hand.

This was the year some of my other peers were not conceived.

“[P]eers who were not conceived” seems like an overly fancy term for “imaginary friends.”

The fanatical eugenics crusader Margaret Sanger had been demanding a “miracle pill” since 1923. In 1953 she persuaded a rich, frustrated, anti-child feminist to bankroll hormone experiments on women. Eight-hundred ninety-seven test subjects, who did not want to have babies, simply popped the new experimental drug. Eureka. No babies.

Well, you can’t argue with success. Thanks, Science!

My surviving peers grew up being taught this was success in the name of science, in the name of the future and in the name of the state. The FDA approved commercial sales in 1960, and the Sanger generation, seated in the kindergartens of a government school system, would now give life to a culture of death.

Right after Story Time and finger painting.

I have since wondered which of my potential classmates missed their birth days.

I’m guessing all of them.

And I wonder how many of my kindergarten friends lost little brothers and sisters when the pill went on the market that first year of school – the year my school chums were celebrating each others’ 6th birthdays.

I think you forfeit the right to have your argument taken seriously if
A) You use the word “chums,” and
B) You’re not Adam West.

We were the culminating fruit of the eugenics movement.

That’s the worst name for a school athletics team I’ve ever heard.

Soon my hot-blooded classmates were matriculated into junior high.

To the accompaniment of Foreigner’s Double Vision album.

They were now old enough to taste social freedom themselves, and they all knew exactly what this culture of freedom was. It was an endorsement by science and government to be immature and irresponsible. They knew exactly where babies came from. And they knew this drugs-and-personal-self-indulgence culture was anti-baby. Eureka. Perpetual fun, no consequences, and no babies.

That sounds…awful?

For the Sanger generation, mature family life with children was no longer a part of growing up. Approved drugs could be obtained – free – by the healthy adolescent for a new cultural purpose: to bypass the responsibilities of family.

Mature, responsible adolescents start making babies the instant their testicles drop.

These drugs cured no medical ailment, but promoted a long-term social purpose endorsed by the government. The FDA, the Post Office, the courts and the school curriculum all approved of the new “pill” culture.

The Post Office? Seriously? You’re not just pining for the Fifties like most wingnuts, you’re actually weeping bitter, salty tears over the Comstock Act? Wow. I’m accustomed to reactionary pundits who want to turn back to the clock, but Mr. Botkin apparently wants to turn back the sundial. Let’s check his bio…


Well, you’ve got to admit, he’s got a friendly face.

Geoffrey Botkin is the founder of the Western Conservatory of the Arts and Sciences. He is the host of a mentoring webinar for men at www.westernconservatory.com.

His wife and two daughters are profiled along with (Reverend? Lay Preacher?) Mr. Botkin at Vision for Ministries:

Geoffrey Botkin is a Christian leader and mentor to pastors in New Zealand, a nation that holds promise for the reformation of Christian civilization…Geoffrey is the father of Anna Sophia and Elizabeth Botkin, recent co-authors of Vision Forum’s best-selling book, So Much More, a book which is reintroducing the West to concepts of multi-generational family fruitfulness and the ways daughters can become cultural leaders by becoming dynamic assets of family and church.

Unfortunately, Anna Sophia and Elizabeth were recently confiscated by the federal government when the FDIC determined they were “troubled assets.” Anyway, back to the way the Pill raped Modern Culture, and then didn’t even have the decency to give it a baby…

Take a pill and engineer the population of an entire nation. Take a pill and be yourself. Take a pill and gratify your desires immediately. Take a pill and protect yourself from the consequences of infantile stupidity.

So there’s a pill that will relieve me of the urge to read your column?

Now, sex and recreation were co-joined with the concept of permanent adolescence. An entire generation was listening to Mick Jagger croon, “Let’s Spend the Night Together,” and Jim Morrison scream, “Light My Fire!”

They were also listening to the 1910 Fruitgum Company sing “Goody Goody Gumdrops” and Frankie Avalon croon “True, True Love” and “Theme from Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea.”

Federal bureaucrats were doing their part in the revolution, not just giving pills to poor minorities (per Lyndon Johnson), but to school girls (per Margaret Sanger).

She was our worst President ever.

My headstrong peers graduated to yet greater social freedoms, with fewer and fewer responsibilities. The first year of dorm life in college was an opportunity for unlimited indulgence and uninhibited childishness. When the pill didn’t work, my peers threw tantrums to demand a backup, another “fix” for the wages of indulgence. It came that year, right on time, with Roe v. Wade. I remember campus discussions about legalized abortion.

“It’s murder, isn’t it?”

“Of course it’s murder. Everybody knows it’s murder. But it’s legal. And it’s just a baby. The Supreme Court said it’s totally OK to abort. So it’s totally OK.”

How nice that they have Special Ed programs at the college level.

Eureka. Perpetual intemperance, no babies and no arrest warrant for murder.

Well, I’d call that a good day. Now comes Miller Time.

But consequences of the death culture are piling up. The children they never had are not there to keep the economy strong.

If only we had more crack babies on welfare, we wouldn’t have had to bail out AIG.

The government’s solution? No babies. According to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the government must tax more workers to pay for more state-funded contraception so there are fewer children to take care of, thus relieving the nanny state of the high costs of raising children for infantile parents.

Ah yes, Nancy Pelosi — mother of five, and anti-baby jihadist.

But the absence of babies leads to, well, something the Sanger generation does not want to think about: future consequences. Infants think only about the immediate present. Infantile men have the same problem.

Voting Republican?

Could this be true partly because of the pill and what the pill does to men physiologically? An estimated 110 million women currently ingest the pill. Large amounts of unprocessed estrogen and progesterone pass through their bodies, into the sewage treatment systems and back into the water supply…

Male fish down river from these plants are becoming physiologically female.

It’s a valid lifestyle choice.

When male humans drink the water or eat the fish, what happens to them? Why is sperm count falling in American men?

Well, it could have something to do with the industrial and agricultural chemicals that saturate the environment: “Among the estrogen mimickers scientists are concerned about are carbon chlorines, used in many pesticides; phthalates, widely used in the plastics industry to soften PVC; and dioxin, a byproduct of paper processing and herbicides.”

So unless Archer Daniels Midland is using woman pee as a pesticide, I think toxic runoff from factory farms remains a greater threat to public health than the consequences of eating a tranny trout.

Why is breast-reduction surgery on the rise in men?

Well, I don’t know about you, but these boobs are killing my back. Plus, yesterday I got poked by my underwire.

Why do men show such passivity?

Because we’re Passive Purple Four Balls!

Why do they insist that overpopulation is still the No. 1 environmental problem when there are so few babies?

Really? I guess you haven’t been to a movie theater lately. Or a grocery store. Or on an airplane…

Fifty-nine modern nations are plagued by the high-tech benefits of birth-control pills.

And that would be — what? Flying cars? Warp drive? Programmable sex droids?

Each of them have waged a cultural war against babies.

So far, we’ve barely held our own, thanks to our high-tech, birth control-powered weapons, and the babies’ preference for fighting like barbarian warriors — with sword and shield — mostly because their diapers can double as loincloths.

Each of them suffer below-replacement birthrates. Each of them face potential extinction.

Apparently he saw , which opens with the words, “Man is an Endangered Species,” and he’s afraid that soon we’ll all be wearing leather Viking pants and French braids, like Barry Pepper, and mining gold for genocidal aliens who sport deadlocks and platform shoes from the Bootsy Collins collection. But don’t worry, Geoff, because even though we’ll be crapping behind bushes and barely able to summon fire from flint and tinder, we’ll be totally capable of flying thousand year-old F-16s, so we can bomb the Pfizer plant that makes birth control pills.

But concerns such as national suffering, dangerous international geopolitics and the disappearance of entire nations are matters that would require mature thinking – something that was successfully bred-out of the American people when they accepted the pill as, in the words of Hugh Hefner, the greatest invention of the 20th century.

So is it just the Pill, or do all forms of contraception make you stupid, infantile, and indifferent to the disappearance of entire nations? Suppose Luxembourg vanished, overnight — even though the study door was locked from the inside! — would I still be able to solve the mystery — assuming I just use condoms and hadn’t caught man-boobs from girl urine or hermaphrodite mahi mahi? Or would the baffled police have to bring in a consulting detective who likes to bareback?

48 Responses to “I Am Become the Pill, Destroyer of Worlds”

Why do they insist that overpopulation is still the No. 1 environmental problem when there are so few babies?

Really? I guess you haven’t been to a movie theater lately. Or a grocery store. Or on an airplane…

Or a Costco on a weekend…

Pssst, this guy is onto one of my diabolical secrets: I only had my babies so I could convince them to get pregnant lots and have tons of abortions and murder even MORE babies – *that’s* how much I’m an anti-baby feminist!

We were the culminating fruit of the eugenics movement.

That’s the worst name for a school athletics team I’ve ever heard.

but totally the name of my band (assuming I form one)

His wife and two daughters

so I guess he’s only had teh secks twice. and here I’ve always heard male pattern baldness was an indicator of virility. so I guess, eh, not so much

Why do they insist that overpopulation is still the No. 1 environmental problem when there are so few babies?

hmm, mebbe because the world population has more than doubled since the advent of the Pill? sounds like he’s just counting the white ones

OH Jesus Christ, I should have known…

Now it’s not just abortion…it’s babies that might have been conceived, had the parents wanted to conceive! Jesus’ General was right all along. We’re moving rapidly toward preserving sperm in mason jars being a pro-life prerequisite.

Why is breast-reduction surgery on the rise in men?

A lot of wing nut bloggers got mirrors for Christmas?

Um, I don’t want to trigger anyone or anything here, but what does reintroducing the West to concepts of multi-generational family fruitfulness mean?

(Botkin’s bolding, I assume.)

Is this (trying to be tasteful here, or not disgusting, at least) Botkin’s take on the story of Lot & his re-populatin’ daughters?

Sorry, but would have been irresponsible, yada …

Geoffrey Botkin is a Christian leader and mentor to pastors in New Zealand, a nation that holds promise for the reformation of Christian civilization

Is he one of those hideous Yanks who moved south because there aren’t as many wogs in NZ? Good luck w/ that!

“It’s murder, isn’t it?”

“Of course it’s murder. Everybody knows it’s murder. But it’s legal. And it’s just a baby. The Supreme Court said it’s totally OK to abort. So it’s totally OK.”

Of all the fanciful creative ‘thoughts’ in his article, this stands out as just frickin’ invented conversation. People don’t speak like this. “OMG Heather, I felt like, totally guilty about killing my baby, but I’m, like, all about Supreme Court rulings so, whatever”.

” The FDA, the Post Office, the courts and the school curriculum all approved of the new “pill” culture.”

If the Post Office so approved of the pill culture why did they refuse to deliver the black beauties I ordered through my Jr. High nurse?

Wow, you found a live one this time.

*atavistic shivers*

*mentally showers*

He’s obviously learned from business jargon (you know, where “assets” means “min. wage, mistreated temp workers”): dynamic assets = perpetually pregnant drudges for small-dicked (mentally if not physically) men.

When the saga of oral contraception began in 1960, my surviving peers and I were in kindergarten. I say “surviving” because the pill emerged the year my classmates were conceived.

Holy shit, talk about the soft bigotry of low expectations. He’s a survivor because he managed to be conceived? Culture of victimhood, anyone? Dude, you’re not exactly beating the odds there.

I’m sure I’ve told this story before, but I was conceived pre-Roe, and my mother, for extremely good reasons that even I agree with, tried to have me aborted. In the end, she just got conned out of her money and remained pregnant. So you want to go down the “survivor” road, okay, maybe there. But you know what? I’m still pro-choice. And absolutely pro-contraception. It would have saved her, and me, a lot of grief. Fuck this woman-controlling, fecundity-worshiping, “if-only”-fantasist “survived the pill” bullshit in both misogynist earholes.

Most of these pricks can barely manage success by their own terms now, and they think they’d be doing better if there were nine billion people on the planet competing with them for the soft jobs that don’t involve heavy lifting or carcinogenic chemicals? Believe me when I tell you that the other couple billion would also think you’re toads.

If his classmates were conceived in 1960, how could they be entering college when Roe V. Wade was passed?
And that’s just the first stupid thing that jumps out.
Anybody who’s opposed to giving poor people access to birth control is just a spiteful asshole. Then again, this guy also thinks sex should have consequences, with pregnancy being one of them. Which meanms he hates babies more than he thinks pro-contraception/pro-choice people are. Because babies are a punishment for teh secks. It never seems to occur to needle-pricked misogynists like him that, along with punishing sluts/poor people/people of color by making their life harder, forcing people to have children they can’t afford or don’t want will make the lives of those children suck.
Or it HAS occurred to him, but he simply doesn’t give a shit. In any case, the idea that having control over whether or not you have a child is irresponsible is the most rock-stupid thesis I’ve run across in a long time.

Could this be true partly because of the pill and what the pill does to men physiologically? An estimated 110 million women currently ingest the pill. Large amounts of unprocessed estrogen and progesterone pass through their bodies, into the sewage treatment systems and back into the water supply…

Male fish down river from these plants are becoming physiologically female.

Piss on a man’s fish and he’ll get man boobs today. Teach a man to drink… Nah, forget it.

Federal bureaucrats were doing their part in the revolution, not just giving pills to poor minorities (per Lyndon Johnson), but to ** school girls (per Margaret Sanger).

**There’s a word missing here. I almost know what it is…starts with a “w”, I think…maybe another cup of coffee…

The obvious is hidden in plain sight: this guy has a problem beyond the mere pill. He bemoans that uppity, non-compliance that all women seem to have for him and his Big Thoughts.

Sure, his wife and kids are mentally coerced into silence right now, but where is everyone else?

Get in line, people! Respect the authority of my goatee!

Funny, I was in Kindergarten in 1960, and I grew up trying to stick it into every woman I met, and I never made the connection. Sex, as I recall it, was something which seemed like an enormous amount of fun. Contraception was something which prevented pregnancy, was not nearly as much fun, and generally came in the form of a condom (which, I add solely for historical perspective, I was renowned among my early-teen, non-feticided peers for marching into the Hook’s Drugs and demanding of the lady pharmacist, though in those simpler times the pharmacist filled orders for her retailer employer without filtering them through her own moral system first). True, I have no idea what sort of contraception, if any, accompanied most of the thousands of tawdry, faceless, anonymous sexual acts I engaged in in the dorm rooms, motels, empty classrooms, alleyways, elevators, public parks, bridge abutments, cornfields, and fortuitously unlocked parked cars in and near my college campus, but the women I did bother to speak with afterwards were on the Pill about 50% of the time, and a lot had negative physical reactions; IUDs and diaphragms were trendy alternatives. Which, like all those Sheiks and Trojans that pockmarked my wallets, pretty much pre-date the ethical morass created by oral contraception by a century or centuries, you sick, sex-adverse fuck. Wonder what people were usin’ ‘em for all those years?

“Fifty-nine modern nations are plagued by the high-tech benefits of birth-control pills.”

It’s not too often that people plagued by benefits. Here’s one: “Dentists are plagued by the benefits of flouride in the water.”

“Dentists are plagued by the benefits of flouride in the water.”

Especially if they have boat payments to make.

Funny, other forms of contreception were around before teh pill.

Condoms: why doesn’t he rail against condoms? Because the Man uses them? How about ‘pulling out early’? Is that juvenile?

What about IUDs and diaphragms? How do they compare in juvenile evilness to the pill?

“Fifty-nine modern nations are plagued by the high-tech benefits of birth-control pills.”

And what about the nations, like some African and South American nations, which are not plagued by the pill? How’r they doing?

Botkin has five sons who have been schooled in this crap as well. His two daughters may write books about about doing Daddy’s bidding until the right man comes along (approved of if not chosen by daddy) but they’ve managed to avoid getting married and popping out sprogs for quite a while now.

These guys are too hard core wingnut for the Republican party, Botkin is tight with the head of Vision Forum who is the son of the guy who ran for president 3 times under the Taxpayer’s Party banner/Constitution Party. They are anti Palin because she’s a woman in politics when she should be stuck at home, preferably pregnant and doing her husband’s bidding.

Eight-hundred ninety-seven test subjects, who did not want to have babies, simply popped the new experimental drug. Eureka. No babies.

…shit! I wish my trials went like that!

I am always amazed at how these morons think that birth control and contraception made sex fun. It wasn’t fun before? Women ran from men in screaming fear? Men only had sex to make the babies and never a thought of anything else?

There never was sexual crime, never was extra-marital sex, girls and boys getting it on under the bleachers with all the fervor of wingnuts at a charity shoot-out?

For the love of all that is right, can’t anyone figure out what the hell went wrong in the lives of the following types of men and fix it?

- rapists
- serial killers
- pro-lifers
- supporters of pro lifers
- batterers
- child abusers/rapists

Oh, wait a minute, we already know what’s wrong. Patriarchy.

Yeah. Us bitches are chipping at it and they are some pissed.

Why do they insist that overpopulation is still the No. 1 environmental problem when there are so few babies?

Because the population keeps growing?

You know, there are really three choices: an above-replacement birthrate, a replacement birthrate, or a below replacement birthrate.

Now, the earth has a finite number of resources, so eventually we’ll HAVE to stop increasing the population.

Given that, does it make more sense to

A. Wait until we have more people then the planet can sustain, suffer mass famines, and then strive to keep our population at the very most the planet can sustain and hope there are no sudden unforseen resource shortages?


B. Stop increasing the population BEFORE we’re forced to start turning people into soylent green?

The number of people who think A. is the best choice never ceases to amaze me.

On the plus side, somewhere out there a tea-partying wingnut has reached the frontier of their crazy upon reading Mr. Botkin’s article and has responded: “fucking-a this guy is nuts.”

Geoffrey Botulism…
…is a Christian leader and mentor to pastors in
New Zealand, a nation that holds promise for the reformation of Christian civilization

Googlegooglegooglegoogle… “Geoffrey Botkin”, results for New Zealand only: 222 results, but after Google knocks that down to effectively unique pages we have…


He’s really making a splash here all right.

Is he one of those hideous Yanks who moved south because there aren’t as many wogs in NZ? Good luck w/ that!

He seems to be based out of Christchurch, which is about as white as a city can get here, so maybe he’s trying.

But about one in eight Kiwis identify as Maori, and that’s without the very large immigrant population from the Pacific Islands.

Thanks for adding my blog on you list.

GReetings from Nairobi

Botkin is just another believer in pregnancy as punishment: http://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_hans_mey_070807_hypocrisy_or_values_3f.htm

The viewpoint that Sex Should Equal Babies supports anti-gay and anti-masturbation agendas, and probably there is something in there about voting rights for women and minorities too.

I used to wonder where Mary Cheney acquired the gametes necessary to fertilize her snarling eggs. Then I was reminded (above) of the strategy used by Lot’s daughters to repopulate the ranks of the righteous. Scripture, baby, it explains everything.

And I wonder how many of my kindergarten friends lost little brothers and sisters when the pill went on the market that first year of school – the year my school chums were celebrating each others’ 6th birthdays.

I wonder how many of their little pre-siblings were spewed out onto bare skin that year, to be swept away by uncaring tissues and towels. And I wonder how many were consigned to acidic death in a stomach or spat into a sink to circle the drain of oblivion–not to mention the poor unfortunates who found themselves deposited in a rectum. Imagine the teeming multitudes who languished behind the Latex Curtain, never reaching uterine sanctuary, and all the little pre-lives snuffed out by the horrors of chemical warfare agents like nonoxynol-9.

But the greatest slaughter of all is the one perpetrated by the abstainers: countless pre-lives expelled unfertilized from the womb or broken down by the testes like so much recycled garbage. Murderers, the lot of you.

saga of oral contraception

True story. This is the sequel to the Kalevala, a Finnish epic saga of a man’s search for his Lemming Margarine.

My surviving peers grew up being taught this was success in the name of science

I’m still trying to figure out “surviving peers”, cuz, you know, the dead ain’t your peers.

Well, maybe in this case…

We were the culminating fruit of the eugenics movement.

Fiber will help that, yes.

Soon my hot-blooded classmates were matriculated into junior high.

Where they promptly went blind. You’re not supposed to matriculate, at least not after you need glasses. Find a woman.

And use a condom if she’s not on the pill!

You know, as he doesn’t, that the birth-control movement was initially driven by married Victorian women who realized, as he doesn’t, that unprotected sex within marriage means a wife who could spend 9 or more years of her reproductive life pregnant, that is, if she’s lucky enough to survive that many pregnancies, which in many cases she wasn’t. Not to mention the infant/child rate of death, or the tendency to poverty that having more children than you have means for can lead to. Apparently, married Victorians were smarter than he is. Well, no surprise there. And he has two kids? Not likely without some controls. Probably many headaches?

Man, I wish I could like seafood. Tranny trout sounds good.

I just spoiled my entire late afternoon by Googling this guy. I’m not so sure even WorldNutDaily would be so eager to spread his Word if they knew more about him. He’s a control-freak Old Testament-spouting cult leader of the true, child-beating stripe, but with a good line of rational* sounding rhetoric about rescuing yourself and your loved ones from the insidious and debilitating effects of international nanny-stateism.

I got this info partly from reading a couple of the man’s own articles on his “Western Conservatory” site, and partly from a post on a site called the Cult Education Forum written by an intelligent Evangelical woman who is an ex-follower of a couple of groups related to Botkin’s. It’s worth a look if you’re feeling strong-stomached and in the mood for some ploughing into the deeper weeds.

Or you can just read Geoff’s essay about chain saws on his site, and reflect how everything – really everything – is about Man-ness.

(I can’t help feeling a fairly large number of people, present and future, would be better off if he could somehow be slipped a hefty dose of those girly brook trout.)

Oops – that *asterisk was supposed to have a snide footnote to the effect that everything’s relative.
A sentiment that Botkin would not approve of.

So he’s not just an asshole, he’s a sociopath?
seems about right.

Also my ahref code didn’t work. The Cult Forum post is at http://forum.rickross.com/read.php?12,72320 .

Eh bien.

Ooo, thanks for the link, Innocent. Scampering along to read the dish.

this clown looks like the spawn of the late Anton Xandor LaVey. sounds like it, too, in the rebelling-against-daddy way.

Doesn’t “multi-generational family fruitfulness” sound like a goofy euphemism for “incest.”

Soon my hot-blooded classmates were matriculated into junior high. … They knew exactly where babies came from.

A near-decade of abstinence-based education sure turned that around — shouldn’t Botkin be happy?

Or would the baffled police have to bring in a consulting detective who likes to bareback?

Lying Thompson’s Jezebel of the Yard!

I had an interesting experience with oral contraception just the other night.

I asked a woman to have sex with me. And she said “No.”

h/t Woody Allen

Who knows how many babies were prevented when a woman refused to sleep with a man?
And what about all those women who became nuns? Baby haters, all of them!
And all those men who had to work late hours to pay for the kids they could only barely afford to feed, and then came home to exhausted to conceive another baby? Selfish bastards!

Who knows how many babies were prevented when a woman refused to sleep with a man?

Unpossible! Don’t you know that women must always submit to any man at any time for sexual favors?

I must point out that in writing his article Botkin sacrifices valuable time that could be spend reproducing, so that his writing is murder of a possible person who is taking him to court right now in an alternate possible world. Given the rights he ascribes to possible persons, he should voluntarily put himself to death for this murder (assuming he’s in favor of the death penalty which, you know, I think is a safe assumption).

Lapsing into pedantry, I point out that the number of possible persons is uncountably infinite. There are an infinite number of possible characteristics each person could have and each comes in infinitely variable degrees. Hence, if each possible person has the right to life, Botkin is not simply a murderer by failing to act toward reproducing a possible person at every moment at which he exists, he is in fact history’s greatest mass murderer by murdering an uncountably infinite number of possible people. (Admittedly, since each person is equally responsible for the non-existence of an uncountably infinite number of possible persons, we are all equally history’s greatest murderer but at least most of us don’t believe that we’re murdering people when we don’t bring them into existence.)

Which brings me to the question about the entire justification for his article:
If people are made stupider by having access to contraception so that they can have sex without consequences and are thus perpetually juvenile, these stupid people are then less likely to reproduce than the smarter people, such as him, who do reproduce. Thus, the pill should be making the human race smarter in the long run by breeding out the dumb ones who use contraception and increasing the proportion of breeders (aka smarter people) in the population as a whole. So, the pill should be making the population (although not individuals) smarter and improving the human race over time unless inheritance occurs negatively somehow (so that you pass down characteristics of other people or characteristics you lack). Thus, the point of his article, which is to argue for making people more intelligent by banning contraception, is undermined by his own argument.

I think, perhaps, his parents would have made him smarter by using contraception themselves.

arithmonquine, that was the perfect response. The only thing I can add is, he parents could also have made him smarter by giving him a lobotomy.

the anti-Idiocracy theory

Something to say?