Our new friend ”Trollie” seemed really eager to get somebody to read his messages. So, I did. And I learned that he is apparently a British ”Christian crusader” who is an also a “Christian Jew” who lives in New Zealand, when not being an apostate Mormon who lives in Utah. And his hobbies include hating Jews, hating homosexuals, hating women, hating sex, hating “South Park,” and hating the Church of England.
Anyway, even though Trollie is probably just a teen with too much time on his hands who decided that it would be fun to post a lot of “bad stuff” on liberal websites to see if he could provoke a reaction, in these Patriot Act days, he might want to consider the wisdom of associating himself with domestic terrorist groups like the Army of God (Eric Rudolph’s gang) and the Phineses Priesthood (the terrorist arm of the Christian Identity movement), and then posting online assassination lists.
Yes, by doing so, he could very well have Michelle Malkin going after him. Hey, we know how quick she is to jump on anything hinting of terrorism, and how upset she gets at anyone who make Internet threats. (And she even wrote a book in which she spent a lot of time blasting ”unhinged” commenters on liberal websites.) I’d be scared if I were you, Trollie. Just a word to the wise. P.S. Here’s a link that Trollie forgot to provide: Village Voice -The Terrorist Campaign Against Abortion. It’s from 1998, but it has some good background info about the Christian Identity Movement’s link to terrorism. Here’s a snippet from it:
The best example of the merger between militias and antiabortion extremists may be [Eric] Rudolph himself, who has been linked to the Christian Identity movement, which is anti-black, anti-gay, anti-Semitic, and antiabortion. Now that the FBI has accused Rudolph of bombing several different sites, it has become apparent that the targets of antiabortion zealots include far more than clinics.
“These folks are not single-issue,” says Eleanor Smeal, president of the Feminist Majority Foundation, which monitors antiabortion violence. “One minute, they’re screaming and carrying on about the evils of abortion. The next minute it’s homosexuality, and the third minute it could be the federal government. Abortion is their training ground for the creation of domestic terrorism.”
Oh how I wish that there was no such thing as trolls!
[taps foot impatiently]
Come on, Trollie, get on the stick; that’s your cue to pop up and holler “what’s that ya say? No trolls? Well, I’m Trollie the Troll Sprite, and I kin make it so’s yer wish’ll come true!
“Hee hee! Noooooooooo trolls!”
Left by Chris Vosburg on September 7th, 2006