We received an email this evening (as did a number of our distinguished commenters) from Walter Francis Fitzpatrick III, and at first I was quite excited. But it turns out he’s not the guy who played “Linc” in The Mod Squad; instead, he’s the cashiered, ex-Navy Lt. Commander who is — even as we speak — bringing down President Obama with a charge of TREASON! For the sake of posterity, I’m going to post the body of the letter, including all four Hungadungas.
Today’s attack-rant writing brought to us by a gent named Scott Clevenger (historically the reincarnation of British commanders at Cowpens).
I hate to interrupt Walter when he’s on a roll, but I should point out that while I am in fact historically considered the reincarnation of British commanders at Cowpens, I am hardly a “gent.”
(links, oddly emphatic bolding, and idiosyncratic color scheme all in the original…)
Scott and fellow travelers (see the comments) “Doghouse” Riley, “Slywy,” DSIDHE, and Rugosa, are on the record with Patrick McKinnion (who updated his writing yesterday).
Presumably a career-ending letter of reprimand will be placed in our jackets and blot our escutcheons.
McKinnion writes: “In the interest of being fair, I welcome any further information from Mr. Fitzpatrick as to his behavior and his side of the story…”
Isn’t it a shame Mr. McKinnion didn’t check with me first. Or with Ed Offley, author of the work McKinnion relied upon, or with Christine Clarridge who writes for the Seattle Times (Mr. McKinnion’s current home town). Or with so many other independent journalists who’ve seen and vetted the extant document record.
Just a rotten shame!
As troubling is Mr. McKinnion’s exposure in his self-admission that maybe…just maybe…he didn’t know a wit of what he was so libelous in writing.
Tee-ball anyone?
As someone with a smart mouth and a long history of being told to put up or shut up, I just have to say — that’s the weirdest threat I’ve ever received.
It will be interesting to watch McKinnion’s filth travel.
Fellow travelers, as you know, travel by filth. Making us, I suppose, filth columnists.
And I wonder who’s gonna break the news to Norm Dicks, Patty Murray, Maria Cantwell and the criminal thug Obama things aren’t workin’ out so well?
I think we should send a Strip-O-Gram. It’ll cushion the blow.
Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III
United States Navy Retired
United States Naval Academy Class of 1975
And yet, despite all that, he still doesn’t have the Kung-Fu Grip™.
What the…? HEY! I commented! I was the FIRST to comment! I wanna career ending letter of reprimand too!!!!!
Left by Maryc on June 21st, 2009