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RenewAmerica columnist Selwyn Duke is much like the Elephant Man — his head is so big because it’s full of dreams.  Dreams in which he’s smarter than you; so smart that when he tells you about the ducks and the cupcakes, it will change the way you think about politics and snakes and internal torque wrenches.

Giving Obama a chance

Being a cerebral sort

You can tell he’s cerebral from his headshot…


…still, it’s nice of him to point it out to those of us who might not immediately recognize the “Big Thinker” pose from the Olan Mills stylebook.

when I ponder President Obama’s seduction of America, I think of the story of the snake and the duck.

This story is perhaps better known as the Scorpion and the Frog, but Selwyn’s brain is so big he can think up new animals on the spur of the moment and randomly plug them into fables.  For instance, The Boy Who Cried Wolf  becomes, in Selwyn’s hands, The Banana Slug Who Screamed Wildebeest.  You have to admit, this kind of refinement does make the moral of the story a lot more potent.

To be brief, the snake wants the duck to take him to the other side of a creek, but the duck is reluctant. He says, “But when we get there, you’ll bite me.” The snake is very persuasive, however, and convinces the duck he wouldn’t do such a thing. He just wants help and would have the utmost appreciation. Well, I think you know what happened upon concluding their little crossing. Bam! The snake bit the foolish bird, who then started stammering, “Bu-bu-bu-but you said . . . .” The snake just replied, “Hey, you knew what I was when you picked me up.” I suppose the duck just wanted to give the serpent a chance.

That certainly is what many want us to give Barack Obama.

The moral:  Never let the President of the United States ride on your back.

I could be snide and just say that I’ll give the president every bit the chance the left gave George Bush. With him they certainly did hiss, and spew venom, attacking him viciously and relentlessly for eight years starting with the oath of office. The man could do nothing right in their eyes, even when spending like any liberal Democrat, even when supporting amnesty for illegals, even when lavishing tax money on Africa, even when signing the prescription drug benefit.

Um, Selwyn?  I don’t want to be accused of trying to punch above my cerebral weight class, but those were all things Bush was attacked for from the right.  What you’ve got here is pretty much the entire list of Bush Administration policies the left actually supported.

But I won’t take that leaf out of the left’s book. I’m not a child and don’t play tit-for-tat.

“I’m a highly evolved life form with a prefrontal cortex no human skull can contain!”


Selwyn (age 13) with Mom and Dad, visiting the Kentucky Caverns.

If Obama is right about something, I’ll acknowledge it and just chalk it up to the inevitable twice-per-diem correctness of a broken clock. What I also won’t do, however, is “give Obama a chance.” I’ll explain why with a couple of analogies.

This should be good.

Imagine there is a businessman who manages a small fast-food restaurant in Illinois. His record is one of virtually always embracing the wrong policies and making bad decisions. Nevertheless, he is offered a position overseeing operations on a statewide level, wherein he once again pursues the same bad policies and makes the same bad decisions. Will you now propose making him the CEO of the company?

Well, if his name is George W. Bush, that’s what we always did in the past.

Or, let’s say there is a lawyer with a small practice, oh, as it happens, also in Illinois. He continually commits misfeasance but nevertheless is appointed state attorney general. He then continues to commit misfeasance. Will you next consider making him Attorney General of the United States? If not, why not? Sure, he never demonstrated competence in law before, but, come on, U.S. Attorney General is a different position. Give ‘im a chance.

It worked for Alberto Gonzalez.

Maybe even ducks get the point.

I think the ducks = us.  Which means we’d better start keeping up with his densely-reasoned thoughts, or Selwyn’s going to eat us with orange sauce.

Contrary to the Republican campaign mantra about Obama having no experience, quite the opposite was true. He had tremendous experience doing the wrong thing, more than enough to paint a picture of what kind of animal he might be.

This week, he’s a higher primate.

The picture may seem like a resplendent deity to followers or a repugnant demon to foes, but it existed. And if you didn’t see it, it wasn’t because Obama hadn’t done enough but because you didn’t know enough.

“Stupid duck brains.  Why do I even waste my time with you people?!”

In reality, Obama has had chance after chance after chance after chance, in the Illinois and U.S. senates and as a community agita . . . uh, I mean, organizer.

Historically, that joke works better if you wink.

Anyway, Selwyn goes on to pad out his column with a bunch of damning things you might not know about Obama, such as Black people seem to like him, but the National Right to Life Committee doesn’t, plus the usual lies and distortions (Obama supports sex education in kindergarten, etc.).

An editor may not know my feelings on blueberry cupcakes or Allen wrenches, but, if he scours my work, he will find enough relevant information to know whether or not I’m suited to his publication.

Sadly, The Journal of Torque Tools and Muffins still turned down Selwyn’s unsolicited poetry.

Likewise, those of us with ears to hear and eyes to see know what Obama is. We’re not ducks.

Because ducks are blind and deaf.  Wait…I thought we were ducks.  So we’re the snake now?  Or the blueberry cupcakes…

Of course, to some, the give-’im-a-chance plea is a ploy, a political artifice used by snakes to silence critics. But these folks really aren’t all that interesting. The ducks are more so, as what often drives them is man’s lamentable propensity for rationalization.

Okay, I think I’ve got it:  We — the ones who want to give Obama a chance — are the snakes, but Selwyn’s readers are the ducks.  Except we don’t really want to give Obama a chance, we’re just saying that so that RenewAmerica’s audience will give us piggyback rides, and then we can inject them with a paralyzing venom and we all drown.

Whatever the ducks’ motivation, what they essentially suggest is comical. To wit: “A doctor who committed malpractice when operating on your toe, hand, leg and stomach should be allowed to operate on your brain because, by gum, he hasn’t had a chance to work above the neck yet.”

This is why I specifically told my HMO that I no longer wanted waterfowl selecting my primary care physician.

Well, what can I say?

Something about mallards, I’m guessing.

The issue is not that Obama isn’t being given a chance; it’s that he has been given too many. But this is a persistent problem in our nation; in fact, we live in a second-chance society. Children are given too many chances to misbehave. Miscreants are given too many chances to commit crime. And, worst of all, the ducks are given too many chances to vote.

And the end result is that America just may have run out of chances.

And now that ducks have the franchise, let’s just hope we don’t also run out of fish eggs and submerged pond weed, or we’re likely to see a severe backlash at the polls.

46 Responses to “Selwyn Duke’s Brain Is So Big It Hurts His Skull. And Mine.”

I’m speechless (like most ducks).

Well, I think you know what happened upon concluding their little crossing. Bam!

GAH!! The whole beauty of this parable is that the scorpion bites the frog WHILE they’re crossing, knowing full well that they will both drown. Taking advantage of someone AFTER they’ve helped you is actually an integral part of the Republican work ethic (see: renegotiating contracts for retired UAW members).

Ah yes, the poignant fable of Snavely the snake and Mallard Fillmore.

I’m not very enlightened. No matter how hard I try to be swave and erbain, every time I read a neoscreed I have two responses. The first one is that I want to puke; the second is that I want to, literally, beat the motherfucker who wrote it into a coma. Man, I fucking hate those people.

Well, if I remember another fable correctly, there was a squirrel who wanted to eat a tantalizing peach, but never could reach it and gave up, and as he slunk away he declared, “It was probably sour anyway.”

C’mon, cut them a break. It’s been hard times for the wingnuts, and it’s all they have left. Like, I ran out of marijuana and all I have left are these spray cans and some sterno. What’s a guy to do?

Okay, first of all, that Olan Mills link was a HUGE distraction. More entertaining than your average car wreck, I just couldn’t look away… for far, far too long… *sigh*

“Never let the President of the United States ride on your back.”

Little late, after those photos emerged of Bar Bush in a saddle…

“…the second is that I want to, literally, beat the motherfucker who wrote it into a coma.” — Democommie

Um, hon, not that I don’t second your instincts, but I think that you may have missed the boat. Judging from what this water-headed fucktard dribbled upon the page, I think that he’s been in a coma longer than Terri Schiavo, and his ostensible “brain” is even more liquefied than a Jell-O mold that’s been left out in the sun all day. Meaning: Terri was a Rhodes Scholar compared to this ostentatious, pretentious little prick. And I do mean LITTLE.

Scott, I think that you’ve managed to find a form of torture that even Rupert Murdoch could not have imagined when he created “24″ in order to make torture seem “acceptable” to the Murkin sheepuls. Make every suspect read this senseless, condescending and yet utterly illiterate drivel, maybe twice for the repeat offenders, and if their brains don’t immediately expire/rot from exposure to such radioactively bad “logic” and such tormented analogies, they’ll definitely find a firearm and splatter what’s left of their brains all over the cinderblock walls, thereby saving the taxpayers innumerable millions on trials, due process, room & board.

It’s the Cliff’s Notes version of Gitmo.

I’m cerebral too, my brain is so big is occupies some of my sinus’. Or else its an infection or cold. I, too always use animal fables to explain my meaning to the unfortunate lesser-brained ones.
Like the fable of the elephant and the donkey … the elephant like to screw the donkey, and the donkey seemed ok with it most of the time. Then one day, for no reason! out of the blue! (get it- blue?)the donkey kicked the elephant in the nuts and, uh, the elephant squealed like a mouse. yeah, a sneaky sniveling squealing mouse! And then the elephant said, like, “wuh? Nofair!” (in a squealie way) and the donkey said “He-Haw!”

The end.

If anyone doesn’t “get” my clever analogy, I’ll be happy to explain it with *another* fable. Or is it parable? Or simile, or is it metaphor? One thing for shur, Norco is a grrreat pain-killer. Yes it is.

So, let me get this straight: if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it must be a blueberry cupcake.

Is that it? My brain hurts, and unlike Kathy, I have no Norco.

if [an editor] scours my work, he will find enough relevant information to know whether or not I’m suited to his publication.
So the guy has ended up writing for RenewAmerica.

He got the story wrong. The crocodile gets to the middle of the river, and the scorpion bites him. thefu, the crocodile says, you can’t swim, because you’re a scorpion. Why did you bite me when you knew that biting me meant that you were going to die too?

Dude. Scorpion. says the scorpion, which leads us to the point of the story, which is that it’s a bad idea to compromise with anyone who is so obsessed with their idee fixe that they’re good with losing as long as somebody else loses too.

So our takeaway is that this president’s sister-in-law had better things to do than spend the night outside the Vice President’s residence screaming get out, and Aesop wept.

What’s a Norco?

‘Cause if it’s something that will replace/improve upon the shit that I’ve been on for the past 3 fucking years, I want in!

Snakes, of course, can swim. Some snakes are in fact more aquatic than terrestrial, like the anaconda. And, of course, there are sea snakes, which not only can swim but are basically useless on land.

IOW: Man, what a fuckwit. But, I did get a slight giggle out of the concept of a venomous snake the size of an eyelash viper trying to balance on the back of a duck. I imagine our criticism, though, will roll off Selwyn like a snake off a duck’s back.

The issue is not that Obama isn’t being given a chance; it’s that he has been given too many.

How many businesses did the ex-President run into the ground again?

Cerebral Selwyn’s list of grievances is interesting only that – despite what he suggests – it contains no failures, just positions he doesn’t like. And those positions are the same old saws that his audience has no doubt seen dozens of times in wingnut columns before. It’s got to be really boring to be a conservative nowadays, judging by the quality of their op-ed pieces.

“How radical is Obama? Well, he opposed the Born Alive…oh, you knew that already? OK, he wants kids to learn Spanish! Because…that too, huh? Why don’t you just holler when I get to something new…amnesty, sex education, racial profiling…no, seriously, he’s against racial profiling! If Obama has his way, black men in nice cars will be driving through your neighborhoods every day!”

I imagine our criticism, though, will roll off Selwyn like a snake off a duck’s back.
You mean, like a straw off a camel’s back.

Showing the usual Rethug grasp of science I guess. Snakes can swim, scorpions can’t. Which is pretty much the moral of the original fable… and possibly the reason the original pair was put in in the first place, accept no substitutes!

I was just thinking the other day…have Murkans always been this stupid or is this something that has recently emerged? Or is it the magic of the mysterious InterTubes that has allowed this sudden galactic expansion of stupidity and ignorance?

Kinda like scum congealing and rising to the top of the cookpot…

Geez, I musta seen two dozen of these things by now (“I’m givin’ Hussein Obama the same break the Left gave Bush”) without finding one even slightly troubled by facts (despite Obama’s landslide and Bush’s, uh, not-landslide, they begin their presidencies with roughly equal disapproval ratings; Bush’s would rocket off into the 80s, albeit artificially, after which it would be widely remarked that he went out of his way to squander it; Obama’s personal aspect could make him the genial host of a popular teevee chat show; Bush is more likely to wind up on Cops, with his house number digitally blurred).

Let’s put it another way: there’s no way even a casual observer of GM corporate culture over the past forty years could even pretend to be flummoxed by its current massive failure; and there’s no way even dimly-recollected Aesop rescues the record of George W. Bush.

This really makes me long for the old days, when the Crackpot Right–with some notable exceptions–mostly stuck to distorting the truth beyond all recognition, rather than spewing moral fables about the sorry-assed architecture inside its own cranium.

I mean Bush’s approval ratings skyrocketed, of course; it’s difficult to understand how ~10% of the population was able to convince 70% of the remainder it was wrong about the guy, except with his help. Christ, you can’t even talk sense to most Americans about popular music and get a glimmer of self-awareness.

It’s first thing in the morning, and I have just finished reading this. It made me irritable. The dude is a shitty writer. I’ve barely started my day, and I’m cranky and want to lash out.

Thanks, Scott.

What’s with the hand-on-chin pose? Was this some photo industry standard that sneaked in? It is not just artificial, it’s silly. My reaction is Huh? does he/she really fondle his/her chin in public? (Fondling body parts should, in my opinion, be done in private.)

have Murkans always been this stupid or is this something that has recently emerged?

I saw the Alex Pelosi documentary on HBO last night, and I have decided that if we could weaponize st00pid, we would be the most powerful nation on earth for eva.

Oh, and, in addition to all the other FAIL in that piece, when you put blueberries in a cupcake, isn’t it automatically a muffin?

Oh, and, in addition to all the other FAIL in that piece, when you put blueberries in a cupcake, isn’t it automatically a muffin?

Apparently cupcake-itude begins at conception.

the “Big Thinker” pose from the Olan Mills stylebook.

Which is designed to disguise an incipient double chin. Or the fact that one doesn’t HAVE one.

Imagine there is a businessman who manages a small fast-food restaurant in Illinois oil company in Texas. His record is one of virtually always embracing the wrong policies and making bad decisions and bankrupting every single business he is handed by daddy’s buddies. Nevertheless, he is offered a position overseeing operations on a statewide level as the governor of a crooked state, wherein he once again pursues the same bad policies and makes the same bad decisions breaks everything that was even remotely working, siphons large amounts of taxpayer money off to his cronies, and executes more than one innocent person. Will you now propose making him the CEO of the company?

Fixed that for him, there.

When reading these columnists – and thank you, World-O-Crap, for your sanity-preserving exegeses – I keep coming back to the same conclusion.

“Just because you say it, doesn’t make it so.”

It doesn’t matter if you give him a chance or not, boy, he’s still president.

The man could do nothing right in their eyes, even when spending like any liberal Democrat, even when supporting amnesty for illegals, even when lavishing tax money on Africa, even when signing the prescription drug benefit.

1) His spending dwarfed that of any Democratic president, liberal or otherwise.

2) His support for amnesty for illegals was more from fear of losing business support than for any principle.

3) His aide to Africa was not at all lavish, and much of it went to PR or useless abstinence crap.

4) The prescription drug plan was a wet kiss to the drug industry. It is hopelessly confusing (anyone remember Hillary’s health care plan that was derided by Republicans with hyperbolically complicated charts? Nothing like this plan), with most benefits going into drug company coffers.

So hell, yeah, I didn’t support that bastard.

It reminds me of the classic fable of Lion Big.

Lion Big was the biggest, toughest, compassionest, conservativest lion in all the land. One day he was walking under an African oak tree when an acorn fell and hit him on the head.

“Oh, the markets are collapsing!” cried Lion Big. “ACORN has destroyed the voting process! The Transvaal Valley Authority actually delayed the recovery!”

Lion Big went around to all his friends warning them of this tragedy.

He saw Henny Penny (who had since been devalued to Yuany Juany) and couldn’t give two cents for Lion Big’s problem.

He saw Chinooky Brooksie, who muttered something about this validating his opinion that the Midwest values hyenas think exactly what he was thinking, then just sort of wandered off.

He saw Tiger Geiger, who was too busy hiding from ICE because of his Alien work to care.

But then he came to the river, and saw floating there the corpse of Ducky Lucky, with blood trickling out of two little puncture marks that looked like they just might match the fangs of Snakey Bernanke.

“Oh, things are looking up!”, exclaimed Lion Big. “Now’s a perfect time to buy, buy, buy!”

The moral of the story? A duck in the hand is worth two dumps in the Bush.

the “Big Thinker” pose from the Olan Mills stylebook

Somehow I overlooked that. So it is an industry standard that has crept in, sort of like how shoes now all come in one width or a pound of tofu is now 14 ounces.

I read this to my partner, who says the trick is to take the snake and the duck across the river with you first, and then leave the duck there but take the snake back with you when you get the Obama.

Hey, hey, wait a minute-didn’t we have 8 years of the Republicans telling us that opposing a sitting president during a time of war was unpatriotic? Even treasonous as per Anne Coulter? It inspires the enemy, they said. Man, I can hear those towel-head bastards locking and loading their MANPADs.

Which reminds me of a story.

Stop me if you’ve heard this one already.
President Obama has a fox (representative of the Republicans), a duck (representative of the American people), and a sack of grain (representative of the stimulus package) he needs to get across a river (representative of the economic downturn). Now his boat (representative of Congress) can only carry…

What’s that? You have heard this one?



sort of like how shoes now all come in one width or a pound of tofu is now 14 ounces

The return of the purser’s pound!

I suspect mutiny is not the solution this time.

This fool is using a snake rather than a scorpion as a coded language shout-out. So then he has to use something else to represent the frog. Why a duck?

Why a duck?

I don’t know…I’m a stranger here myself.

let’s just hope we don’t also run out of fish eggs and submerged pond weed, or we’re likely to see a severe backlash at the polls.
In the version of the story I heard, President Claudius was muttering “Let all the poisons that lurk in the mud hatch out” before he died.

Boy, I am sure glad he cleared that up for me, because I always thought it was the fox and the elephant trying to cross the river…

…and the elephant has trouble swimming because of all the blind guys hanging onto various parts of its body…

I could be snide and just say that I’ll give the president every bit the chance the left gave George Bush.

Because guys like Selwyn are always in agreement on one thing: they are no better than us lefties!

(He’s been chasing boys, hasn’t he?)

Snakes, of course, can swim.

It occurs to me also that dead ducks float. And that if the President weighs the same as a duck, he’s a witch.

Oh man, I need to get some sleep.

“Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.” While your appeals to humor here are quite cute and almost amusing, have you thought that the more humanistic approach would be to address the issues?

Ah Kelly, sorry we were almost amusing. We’ll try harder next time (Scott, you takin notes?)

Now what issues would you like discussed?

That Selwyn Duke writes mangled metaphors and horrible analogies?

That the right hates President Obama even more than the left hated President Bush?

Or if America gives Obama a ride across the river he’ll bite us like a snake?

Oh, and before you bring it up, please check the name of the blog.

documentary proof murkans were just as crazy 105 years ago, if (at least in this case) better able to express themselves:

“God and Government,


Viaduct? vi not a chicken

Enchanting blog post you have hereabouts. I hadn’t pondered aforementioned.

Something to say?