In the wake of all the teabagging this week, WorldNetDaily’s Joseph Farah can’t seem to get his mind out of Anderson Cooper’s mouth.
CNN’s Anderson Cooper should have his dirty, little gutter mouth washed out with soap.
“Then he should be severely disciplined by a heavily-mustachioed Daddy who knows how to give his bare, taut buttocks, and tender upper thighs the spanking they deserve with a latigo leather paddle that just happens to be in my bottom drawer, next to a jar of Elbow Grease.”
Then he should be fired.
Hey Joe, let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves here. First administer the punishment, and then, if you’re not too spent, you can satisfy your demands for Cooper’s discharge.
Cooper, a cover boy on the homosexual magazine “The Advocate” and listed as among the most powerful “gays” in the country by OUT magazine, made what can only be characterized as an obscene and disgusting comment during CNN’s biased coverage of Wednesday’s “tea party” protests around the country.
For me, there were few things more frustrating about the Bush years than the ease with which the Republicans controlled the terms of debate, repeating their talking points ad nauseam and unchallenged on every channel, like frat boys teaching profanity to a parrot. So I hope you’ll pardon my delight that the party of traditional values is not only responsible for introducing the word “teabagging” into the general lexicon, they’ve also been reduced to insisting on the term “tea party” as the butch alternative. I mean, sure, we’ve all painted ourselves into a corner at one time or another; but very few of us have added a second coat.
“It’s hard to talk when you’re tea-bagging,” he said.
That was a revolting attempt at “inside humor” by Anderson Cooper.
He was sending a secret message to the gays! And in case you don’t know it, there’s a Culture War on, which means Cooper’s joke was treason! I say chuck him in a POW camp for the duration and watch him closely to make sure he doesn’t blink out the word T-E-A-B-A-G-G-I-N-G in Morse code.
“Tea-bagging” is known in the homosexual subculture as a practice involving a particular form of oral sex.
Only the homosexuals would be depraved enough to think up different brands of oral sex. Heterosexuals, who are not so jaded as the sodomites, are perfectly content with the one, traditional form of oral sex, which the woman — make no mistake about that — performs on the man, after he’s begged and whined and she’s had three wine coolers and it’s his birthday.
Just as sickening to me was the reaction from pervasive pundit David Gergen, who giggled in response to the comment.
No wonder we’re losing the war against the jihadists. Their guys can survive for years in deserts and caves and go on fighting; our guys hear a euphemism for sack-sucking and suddenly they’re laid out on the Chesterfield with a hot water bottle at their feet.
Cooper, meanwhile, seems almost incapable of concealing any longer his own agenda on matters of sexual obsession.
Back in February, I addressed his compulsion for insinuating his own inaccurate and warped views about homosexuality in his so-called “newscasts.” [...]
Is [Cooper] becoming an open advocate for the homosexual agenda in his role at CNN, as his popularity with the homosexual press suggests? Is he ready to reveal his own sexual preferences to the world? Is he ready to discuss his own faith? Does he understand what the Apostle Paul had to say about homosexuals? (Romans 1:22-27) Is he more of an expert on Christianity and homosexuality than Paul?
Possibly. If Anderson Cooper is gay, then he’d have an advantage over Paul; in that case, the only way the Apostle could know more than Cooper about Christianity and homosexuality would be if Paul were…
Ohhhhh. I get it.
About statement two: Let’s see now. Cooper handpicks the guests he has on his program. How many members of Exodus International has he chosen to interview? My guess? None.
Is it my turn? Okay, my guess is — Actually, why guess? I mean, it’s the internet after all, so why risk looking like an ill-informed jackass who’s too lazy or stupid to type a Google search if you don’t have to? Let’s see:
Dated: February 6, 2007
Tune in tonight at 10:00 p.m. EST when Alan Chambers discusses the topic of change in homosexuality, faith and the ex-gay movement on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360. The show will also feature a segment in which Melissa Fryrear, Director of Gender Issues for Focus on the Family’s government and public policy division, is interviewed as well
That would be Alan Chambers, the president of Exodus International. And judging by this transcript, Exodus International was mentioned again in April 2007 during a segment on “ex-gay” ministries, when Alan Chambers was questioned on camera.
If he did, he might not get so much favorable coverage from the homosexual press.
And without that fawning attention from the gay press, Cooper would wither and die, unnoticed, unloved, and unlamented, because it’s as sure as Hell is for Homos that no heterosexual magazine is going to waste its cover on some obscure nancy-boy.
Just look at this piece of poncy propaganda. Outside magazine. Outside? Get it? The homosexuals are talking in code again, but they haven’t fooled Joe! Clearly this is some obnoxious, in-your-face piece of rough boy rabble-rousing designed to make the sodomites come out of the closet, leave their wives and children, abandon their churches, and do it under the stars, like those cowboys in Brokeback Mountain!
And look where his hand is! He might as well be peeling a banana!
Now this one isn’t even trying to be subtle. I mean, first of all, Vanity Fair? Not exactly Guns and Ammo, is it? Vanity, thy name is Woman, and this evil Queen doesn’t even have to ask who’s the Fairest in the land. And if that weren’t enough, they’ve got the word DICK on the cover, right by his face!
It’s not even physically possible for a magazine cover to be more gay, unless they took a picture of him stringing Skittles like Thai butt beads so he could get cornholed by a rainbow!
It doesn’t take a cerebral but manly heterosexual with an penetrating grasp of the queer demimonde to catch the coded message here. “In the life” is well-known gay slang for a homosexual who is “out,” and here we have Anderson Cooper. In Life! It doesn’t take a genius…
This magazine is not only obviously queer, it’s also shockingly anti-heterosexual. As if it wasn’t bad enough that they’re “in the Life,” they claim that being homosexual is the Best Life!
You don’t have to look inside to tell this is some kind of gay pornography, when the cover itself is littered with filthy, provocative, arousing words like strip, belly, sexual, upgrade, and money.
The question on the table before Cooper’s foul-mouthed, offensive comments on Tea Party day was whether or not he was capable of delivering the news straight.
Said the man with the fake online newspaper and the upper lip stolen from a 1983 Spunk Video production. (In a nicely Green touch of literary recycling, Joseph used this same “straight news/delivering the news straight” bit in the February column linked above.)
That’s what CNN has pretended he does at the network.
CNN: The Most Trusted Beard in News.
After this incident, there’s little question left as to whether he can continue to pretend to be a straight newsman.
I’d complain about this innuendo, but Farah Fawcett-Majors here would just accuse me of sending more coded messages to the .