Yes, it’s one of those “the dog ate my homework, that’s why I left a bag of dogshit on the teacher’s desk” posts, in which I offer some lame excuse for our plunge in productivity. Well, lame on my part. As some of you know, s.z. has a chronic and debilitating medical condition, which waxes and wanes, and at the moment, it’s producing a dull waxy build-up on her the likes of which has not been seen since Carolyn Jones in the 1953 House of Wax. I spoke to her last weekend, and she promised to log on and post an update on her latest be-furred refugees, but she hasn’t been able to summon the strength to deal with her balky computer, let alone brave the Kiddie Pool shallows of Fox News, or Renew America.
For my part, I’m still trying to finish a script, the deadline for which is bearing down on me the way the windshield of a speeding Kenworth approaches an oblivious dragonfly. I’m also dealing with my grandfather’s rapidly deteriorating mind and body, and visiting various Bedlams around town, trying to find the one skilled nursing home that least resembles — in both residents and facilities — the House of Pain in Island of Lost Souls.
Anyway, my apologies for the state of the place. I did promise s.z. that I would hold down the fort. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize until too late that it’s Fort Zinderneuf, and everybody’s dead.
On a more democratic note, please cast your ballot in this thread for the winner of the Doughy Pantload for a Day contest. The winner will be announced on Monday, and will receive a copy of , a Wo’C Mug, or (per Harry Chedder’s suggestion) a guest post on World O’ Crap.
Let the voter fraud commence!