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Archive for May 10th, 2006


Posted by scott on May 10th, 2006

Back in the glory days of , one of Martin Short’s gem-like offerings was a unforgivingly accurate parody of Jerry Lewis. Not the wailing, adenoidal, “LaaAAAAAAdy!” Jerry of the 50s, but the lachrymose, lanolin-haired, latter day Jerry, the one who haunted TV variety programs and the Merv Griffin Show, and seemed to stalk the land like a dark spectre in aviator glasses and a stale-looking tux. Short relentlessly hammered home every detail — the steamroller solipsism, the weepy, braying song stylings, the shtick that was both perfunctory and needy — until it seemed less like an impression and more like an assassination.

Then, a decade and a half later, I saw Short hosting some evening of female comics on basic cable, and he was doing the same type of tired, hacky shtick — mugging, pratfalling, and hawking up lame gags with all the care and craft of a loogie. And it dawned on me: sooner or later, we become the thing we parody. Which seems to be what’s happening to the lions of the wingnut bloggotocracy.

For years (going all the way back to the Reagan administration for some of them) rightwing pundits have been mocking the shibboleths of the left, railing against “sensitivity” (which somehow manages to be both a sign of weakness and a tool of totalitarianism at the same time, and which can cover everything from school regulations against bullying, to actual–gasp!– informed commentary about the Middle East, to corporate rules against Bill O’Reilly sexually harrassing people) or the musty, “do your own thing”-style hippie tropes that they seem to think are on the lips of every placard-waving anti-war activist. And now karma (not quite Instant Karma, but pretty damn close) has caught up to them, and they find themselves reduced to delivering the same rhetorical jabs over and over again like a Rhode Island Red dutifully squatting over her nest to deliver the daily speckled brown.

The rightwing luminaries of the blogosphere like to point out, ad nauseum, that liberals are bereft of ideas, or captive to discredited policies like progressive taxation, balanced budgets, or Communism. And yet, speaking as one who is not averse to grabbing a Wiffle bat and whacking at the lowest of low-hanging fruit, the easiest people to parody are invariably the most mannered, lazy, and predictable (“Can I get a HEH! Ho! Can I get an INDEED! Ho!) The contestants in our first annual Write Like a Wingnut contests are all smart, funny, talented people, and one of the things that made this such a difficult challenge is that nowadays, most wingnuts seem to come with a Self-Parody setting. The bloviations of the Malkins, Coulters, Hannitys, et al are the literary equivalent of Scrubbing Bubbles — they lampoon themselves, so you don’t have to.

Actually, when s.z. announced the contest, I figured we’d be inundated with faux-Coulter pieces, but most people didn’t bother. Perhaps because Ann’s act is rapidly coming to resemble the 70s-era Jerry Lewis–we know all the jokes before she even opens her mouth. More and more, her columns seem less like they’re written, and more like they’re assembled . Like Mad-Libs. Plug in the words liberal, terrorist, traitor, homosexual, and the untrustworthy or undeserving ethnic group de jour, and you’ve got her next speech to the College Republicans. In order to stay even inches ahead of her parodists she’s had to start openingly calling for the death of her political enemies, which takes her out of the realm of TV talking heads and makes her, basically, Saddam Hussein with a smaller following and a bigger sack.

All of which is a painfully roundabout way of saying that if feels like something may be about to change; as though Instapundit and Roger Simon and Little Green Footballs and Hugh Hewitt are all headlining on the Keith-Orpheum Vaudeville circuit, and living the high life, but it’s October 6, 1927, and The Jazz Singer just opened down the street. Which isn’t to say they’re about to go the way of the dinosaur–Jerry was still packing them into Vegas only a few of years ago–but it doesn’t really seem as though they’re poised to sweep the nation with a 20-year old act that’s even beginning to bore Branson. Of course, I’ve been wrong before, but I’d still recommend that at the very least they hit a few Open Mikes around town and try out some new material.

And as for the intentional parodies we’ve been enjoying for the past few days, kudos to our contestants , all of whom managed impersonations that were both hilarious and mildly nauseating. It seems, though, that the People have spoken, and this year’s favorite is Neil Cavuto-manqu� Simon Waugh. To quote commenter A cranny mint: “May his oil continue to soften and crisp.”

Congratulations, Simon, we hereby crown you Miss Write Like A Wingnut 2006! Click on the Contact link at the top of the page and tell us where you’d like us to send your Wo’C mug, or just wait until Michelle Malkin posts your name, address and phone number.

[Title Recalled Due to Factory Defect]

Posted by s.z. on May 10th, 2006

While doing other stuff (cleaning the kitchen, ministering to injured cat, feeding the dogs, sticking head in oven), I happened to catch most of yesterday’s “Hannity & Whoever.” It wasn’t as full of wingnutty goodness as CNN’s Glenn Beck show, which featured Glenn telling a designated Mexican that he didn’t appreciate invited guests peeing in his living room (which was apparently a metaphor of some sort, possibly about high gas prices). But it did offer two scions of influential conservative families peddling their lame-o books.

First up was John Podhoretz, who was there to sell his work, .

The main thing I got out of the interview was that Mr. Podhoretz has gained a lot of weight since he posed for that photo which TBogg likes so much. (Apparently, JPod is on the the same diet as Rush Limbaugh: you know, the one that allows you to have a shake for breakfast, a couple of pizzas and a whole cow for lunch, and a sensible small town for dinner.)

But we should probably take the high road, and ignore John’s appearance to instead focus on his words — except that it would be kinder to just make fat jokes about Mr. Podhoretz, since he came across as the kind of buffoon whom even Sean Hannity can count as his intellectual inferior. (But in case you’re interested, the gist of JPod’s message in this interview was: “Help, Mom, There’s a Hillary Clinton Under My Bed.”)

So, instead of speculating about what Midge and Norman think about the depths to which their only son has sunk, let’s read some of what John’s publisher has to say about his latest book:

It�s the ultimate nightmare scenario for conservatives: to awaken on the morning of November 5, 2008, to the news that the last swing state has been colored bright blue and Hillary Rodham Clinton is the President-elect of the United States.

I remember that ep (“The Ultimate Nightmare Scenario”) from the old “Outer Limits” series. It’s the one where Robert Culp volunteers to be surgically transformed into a scary alien in order to unite all the people of earth. Interestly enough, that seems to be the gist of JPod’s plan too: scare the troops with the spectre of a scary Hillary Clinton which he made himself, in order to unite the Republicans. (And if his book were to be made into an old-school “Outer Limits” ep, JPod could guest star as a grotesque alien from a heavy-gravity planet, and it might be kind of cool.)

But here are the details of his exciting ten-point plan:

After shaking Republicans out of their complacency, Podhoretz lays out the precise strategy conservatives must deploy to stop Hillary dead in her tracks. His groundbreaking ten-point plan of action reveals:

� How to expose the real, ultraliberal Hillary

Let’s just say that Ashton punks her good.

� How to “smoke her out” and prevent her from hiding on key issues
� How to make her denounce popular Republican programs�and defend unpopular liberal ideas

Challenge her to a game of “Truth or Dare” while you and the boys smoke cheap cigars,

� How to use her Senate seat as a weapon against her

MacGyver pops in to demonstrate this one. He then makes a bird feeder out of some suet, a couple of raisins, and a couple of strands of hair from a hairbrush — but in an ironic plot twist, Midge Decter gets it confused with her son, and takes it home to cherish and belittle.

� How to overcome the Republican Party�s own problems

I’m not sure if JPod’s plan involves a Stalineque purge of most of the Party’s leadership, or a craftier deal with Satan.

� Whom the Republicans should nominate (and the choice may surprise you)

Since Ronald Reagan is dead, you may indeed be surprised at JPod’s recommended candidate.

Conservatives can�t avoid the Hillary problem any longer, or else the nation will be forced to endure another Clinton in the White House.

Another four or more years of prosperity? NOOOO!

Fortunately, John Podhoretz is here with the detailed blueprint that will spare the country from that disastrous turn of events, in a book as puckishly lively as it is sobering

Yes, fortunately John “Puckishly Lively” Podhoretz has saved humanity once again. Or rather, he will save us, if only we will heed his words, and follow his ten-step plan. Tell your friends! Keep watching the Pod!

Anyway, the other featured middle-aged conservative trading on her family name was our favorite li’l sell-out, Mary Cheney. The main thing I learned from her “Hannity & Nonentity” appearance was that she bears a really unfortunate resemblance to her father. (The fact that she’s a woman makes her plight all the more tragic.)

But once again, we should take the higher road and discuss her words instead of her appearance. And her message is : “I hate it that the only reason anybody pays any attention to me is because I am the Vice President’s lesbian daughter. So, I wrote a book telling what it’s like to be a lesbian whose father is the Vice President.”

We’ll talk more about her book later, but I need to get some sleep first, because, frankly, her tome is pretty boring. (Shorter version: “My daddy is the bestest daddy in the world. And stop paying attention to me because I am Dick Cheney’s lesbian daughter, and instead pay attention to me because, um, I work at AOL.”

But until then, here’s a quote from People Magazine’s interview, which they called “Mary Cheney Opens Up on Dad, Gay Marriage.”

He [Dick Cheney] also taught you to hunt?
My dad and I go hunting a couple of times a year for pheasant and quail.

Who bags more?
That is the source of constant father-daughter competition.

Yes, just spend the morning thinking about the constant father-daughter competition between Mary and her dad about who can bag the most elderly lawyers, and I’ll get back to you soon.


There’s been some curiosity about the title of this post. A bit of philological spadework reveals that s.z. was writing in the North British Dialect, and as many wordsmiths who have aped the Poet Burns can attest, such an enterprise can aft gang aglay.