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Archive for the 'Why Can’t A Woman Be More Like A Man?' Category

Over at Townhall, Jillian Bandes has applied her little gray cells to the Mystery of the Hidden Salami, and has deduced that the mastermind behind the recent crimewave of male infidelity is Susan B. Anthony!  And just who is Jillian Bandes you may ask, and why is she trying to pin David Letterman’s misplaced penis on The Feminine Mystique?  Let’s have her tell you in her own words:

Jillian Bandes is the National Political Reporter for Townhall.com. Jillian Bandes was most recently an assistant editor and blogger at Culture11, and had stints at the Weekly Standard and Roll Call newspaper. Jillian Bandes has been a freelancer for various publications, including the St. Petersburg Times, Human Events, the American Spectator and the North Carolina Conservative.

So basically, she’s Batman with a vagina and a distaste for the 19th Amendment.

Bandes.jpg Are the Women Behind Political Sex Scandals Actually Blameworthy?

Well, that’s a good question.  Okay, it’s actually not, since no reasonable person would regard the wronged spouse in a high profile case of adultery as “blameworthy,” but what the hell.  Let’s pass her the balls and see how she runs with ‘em.

The explanations of many political scandals that involve sexual affairs invariably involve men – rather than women – committing a breach of marriage, morals, common decency or some combination thereof. Nevada Sen. John Ensign, South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, and Nevada Gov. Jim Gibbons are recent examples.

However, as any mystery fan can tell you, it’s never the obvious suspect who turns out to be the guilty party.

But some conservative women say that men aren’t the only ones to blame.

I bet you didn’t see that twist coming.

“The feminist movement has always supported all kinds of free sex,” said Phylis Schafly, President of the Eagle Forum and someone many consider to be the original “anti-feminist.” She said that animosity many feminists have for sexual relationships remaining inside the commitment of marriage is part of the reason these affairs have occurred.

Ideally your wife would like you to respect her as a partner and as an individual in her own right; to equitably divide the labor involved in maintaining a household, and to support the political and social issues important to her as a working woman, such as family leave, and pay equity.  And she’d really appreciate it if you’d cheat on her.

“Feminists have worked hard to eliminate the specific benefits of marriage, and particularly, of the full-time homemaker… they have encouraged very loose morals about sex,” she said.

Not to mention their rolled stockings, and bobbed hair!  Smoking cigarettes!  And dancing the Charleston to all hours in speakeasies and road houses!

Schafly blames sex education in a post-feminist world for removing the blame of women from the narrative of an affair.

Remember, if you teach children about the human reproductive system, there’s a very real chance they could lose their natural instinct for scapegoating.

“It’s certainly the fault of the man. But no one is really telling the woman that they should ‘just say no,’ or that they shouldn’t have sex until they’re married,” she said.

I’m not quite certain how that works if you’re already married, and your husband is having sex with someone else, but I’m sure anti-feminism has the answers.

Recent sexual misconduct, such as that publicized through David Letterman or Roman Polanski, have placed even more emphasis on men’s debasement of women.

Because you know, raping a child and fooling around with someone at work is all the same to those floozies at NOW.

Gov. Sanford proclaimed his love for his lover instead of his wife on national television.

Well, to be fair, he did say he was trying to fall back in love with his wife, if she’d just stop having such animosity for sexual relationships inside the commitment of marriage.

Continued blackmail by his lover’s husband has put Sen. Ensign’s potential ethics violations at the forefront of the story while sidelining the crime of infidelity.

Yes, it’s a shame how his corruption and influence peddling are distracting people from his Class B Felony conviction for fornication.

But that doesn’t translate into sexism, said Carrie Lukas, Vice President for Policy and Economics at the Independent Women’s Forum. “We have a cultural problem that has created so many David Letterman or Ensign or John Edward type situations,” said Lukas. “We all need to consider how to create a culture that creates greater respect for women, and for marriage, for that matter so that scandals in which women are used and abused aren’t commonplace like they are today.”?? ??

WTF punctuation marks in the original.

Marji Ross, President and Publisher of Regnery Publishing, had similar thoughts…“Women from all political stripes can be successful in business, in their careers, in life, in however they define their success,” said Ross. “I don’t think radical feminists have done anything to protect women from those kinds of crimes.”

A woman’s success in business and career is a crime?

In other words

Some other words would be helpful.

insisting that pointing at men as the perpetrators of sexual indiscretions are a convenient excuse for behavior that actually reflects the degradation of society as a whole.

Your wandering foreskin has doomed us all.

Dawn Eden, author of The Thrill Of The Chaste

…and the NY Times bestseller Hi Men! I’ve Got a Hymen!

…points the knife even more directly at feminists

Fortunately, her chastity belt chafes pretty badly, so we can probably outrun her if she gets violent.

saying that they are directly responsible for the way women are portrayed.  “I would say that feminism actually creates the problem with the men’s having affairs… because if feminists hadn’t pushed for the Pill, other forms of contraception, abortion, and the morning-after pill as ‘sexual freedom,’ it would be much harder for men to get away with affairs.”

Infidelity was virtually unknown in this country before 1961, and on those rare occasions when a man did stray and an illicit pregnancy ensued, he would invariably do the honorable thing and smack her in the head with his camera, then throw her out of the canoe and watch her drown.

And I thought Oedipus Was Confused…!

Posted by scott on September 5th, 2008

Over at Townhall, talk radio host and ex-Presidential child Michael Reagan experienced a vision of his dead father, and it’s apparently inspired an impromptu Iwo Jima flag-raising ceremony in his pants.

Wednesday night I watched the Republican National Convention on television and there, before my very eyes, I saw my Dad reborn; only this time he’s a she.

And what a she!

In his book On Skeeviness, Freud recounts a similar case.  The patient, Ernst W., initially described dreams of a vaguely sexual nature involving his mother.  Under hypnosis, the patient was able to recall other dreams, in which his late father Klaus returned from the grave with large breasts and a dirndle, so they could have a three-way.

Anyway, if I’m following Michael’s logic, Ronald Reagan has been resurrected and forced to live life as a woman, so he can atone for his sins against the fairer sex and learn to be a better man.  Or to put it another way:


In one blockbuster of a speech, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin resurrected my Dad’s indomitable spirit and sent it soaring above the convention center, shooting shock waves through the cynical media’s assigned spaces and electrifying the huge audience with the kind of inspiring rhetoric we haven’t heard since my Dad left the scene.

So she caused an earthquake, then hit delegates with lightning.  I don’t think Palin is channeling Ronald Reagan.  I think she’s possessed by The Mighty Thor.

This was Ronald Reagan at his best — the same Ronald Reagan who made the address known now solely as “The Speech,” which during the Goldwater campaign set the tone and the agenda for the rebirth of the traditional conservative movement that later sent him to the White House for eight years and revived the moribund GOP.

So the Republican party has been summoning Walking Dead to their national conventions for over forty years now.  But at least back in ’64 they didn’t reserve plum, prime time speaking slots for the tranny zombies.

Much has been made of the fact that she is a woman. What we saw last night, however, was something much more than a just a woman accomplishing something no Republican woman has ever achieved. What we saw was a red-blooded American with that rare, God-given ability to rally her dispirited fellow Republicans and take up the daunting task of leading them — and all her fellow Americans — on a pilgrimage to that shining city on the hill my father envisioned as our nation’s real destination.

Sadly though, the American People wouldn’t stop roughhousing in the backseat and whining about who gets to sit next to the window, and Reagan had to make good on his threat to “turn this car around” before we actually got there.

In a few words she managed to rip the mask from the faces of her Democratic rivals and reveal them for what they are –

The Lizard People from V!

a pair of old-fashioned liberals making promises that cannot be kept without bankrupting the nation and reducing most Americans to the status of mendicants begging for their daily bread at the feet of an all-powerful government.

That’s the promise of old-fashioned liberalism in a nutshell; although somehow it sounded better when FDR said it.

Most important, by comparing her own stunning record of achievement with his, she showed Barack Obama for the sham that he is, a man without any solid accomplishments beyond conspicuous self-aggrandizement.

She killed a moose and tried to involve the state government in a wacky scheme to get her brother-in-law fired.  It’s either a stunning record of achievement, or an episode of I Love Lucy if, instead of Philip Morris, they’d been sponsored by the NRA


Like Ronald Reagan, Sarah Palin is one of us.

Not.  A.  Lizard!

Her astonishing rise up from the grass-roots, her total lack of self-importance, and her ordinary American values and modest lifestyle reveal her to be the kind of hard-working, optimistic, ordinary American who made this country the greatest, most powerful nation on the face of the earth.

This isn’t political analysis.  This is that crumpled, moist, slightly smeary note you leave in the locker of that incredibly cute girl from Home Room who gives you wet dreams, after you tried and failed to talk to during Nutrition Break.

As hard as you might try, you won’t find that kind of plain-spoken, down-to-earth, self-reliant American in the upper ranks of the liberal-infested, elitist Democratic Party, or in the Obama campaign.

So rest easy Democrats.  Yes, you may be infested with liberals, your cats may have ringworm, but rest assured that tonight Michael Reagan will not be masturbating to images of you he downloaded off the RNC website.

Sarah Palin didn’t go to Harvard, or fiddle around in urban neighborhood leftist activism

i.e., she didn’t waste her precious youth treating black people like they might have legitimate problems; instead she served her country the All-American way: by getting spiral perms and entering beauty pageants.

Instead she took on the corrupt establishment in Alaska and beat it

Yes!  Beat it!  Beat it hard!  Beat it SAVAGELY…Oh Sarah…!

…rising to the governorship…

Yes!  It’s rising…!

Welcome back, Dad, even if you’re wearing a dress and bearing children this time around.

[Sound of Tires Screeching]

Okay.  This may be the worst slash fiction I’ve ever read.

Sarah Palin Is Patrick Swayze in Red Dawn II: Alaska First! Alaska Always!

Posted by scott on September 2nd, 2008

K-LO: Sisterhood of the Traveling Mozzetta

Posted by scott on April 19th, 2008

Katherine Jean Lopez peers out from her cloister and espies some women spoiling the pope’s reception with complaints about ecclesiastical inequality, and mutters darkly, “Who will rid me of these turbulent bitches?”

In the run-up to Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to the United States, there was a tremendous display of unseriousness at the National Press Club, followed by a sacrilege at a nearby Washington, D.C., church.

…and then bars and punch in the Fellowship Hall.

A misguided group called the Women’s Ordination Conference held a protest — a press conference and an all-woman “mass” at a local Methodist church. The group, as the name suggests, wants to see “the ordination of women as priests, deacons and bishops.” Sadly, the group doesn’t understand women or the Catholic Church.

I have to agree with K-Lo; the vast majority of my relationships failed because the girls — try as I might to explain it to them — just didn’t understand women, and it led to many tearful confrontations. Which is why I now exclusively date octogenerian bachelors with a taste for hierarchy and high fashion, because 1) if you’re looking for a top, you can’t do much better than an ex-Nazi and former head of the Catholic Inquisition, 2) what woman could pull off red Prada slippers with a ten gallon mitre, 3) if opposites attract, then who is better equipped to really understand and appreciate a woman’s needs than a celibate old man who rules a patriarchal city-state?

“In the three years of his papacy, Pope Benedict XVI has made a few encouraging statements about women, but he has done nothing that suggests willingness to open the discussion on women’s ordination. That’s why for his 81st birthday, we are offering the pope a present: the gift of women, their leadership, talents, experiences and unique perspectives.” The group trailed the pope mobile to papal events with a billboard truck that asked: “Pope Benedict, How long must women wait for equality? Ordain Catholic Women.”

As they are stuck on their version of “equality,” the fundamental problem with the group and its message is that whatever Benedict says or does will not be enough for them.

You know how it is. You come home late from the Conclave, you’ve had one chalice of benediction too many, and you eat all the cookies left out on the kitchen counter in an effort to sober up, but it turns out they were supposed to be for the reception at the parish house after Mass, and then you throw ‘em all up in that stupid potpourri bowl she keeps on the coffee table. And the next morning or afternoon or whatever the hell time it is when you can finally get off the toilet you make a special trip downstairs to apologize, and is it enough?

No. It is not.

They are not open to listening, but to dictating an unworkable agenda. If they were open to it, they would hear and see the Roman Catholic Church’s embrace and celebration of women. Women will not be priests, but they will always be an essential part of the Church.

Every foot needs a sandal.

Pope John Paul II may have been best in articulating the Catholic perspective on women — with great love, appreciation and, to use a popular word, empowerment. He wrote in his 1995 encyclical “Evangelium Vitae” (“The Gospel of Life”): “In transforming culture so that it supports life, women occupy a place, in thought and action, which is unique and decisive. It depends on them to promote a ‘new feminism’ which rejects the temptation of imitating models of ‘male domination,’ in order to acknowledge and affirm the true genius of women in every aspect of the life of society, and overcome all discrimination, violence and exploitation.”

In other words, don’t start getting any big ideas about treating us the way we’ve been treating you for the past two millenia.

During a speech in Rome this February, Benedict reiterated John Paul’s message: “In the face of cultural and political currents that attempt to eliminate, or at least to obfuscate and confuse, the sexual differences written into human nature, considering them to be cultural constructions, it is necessary to recall the design of God that created the human being male and female, with a unity and at the same time an original and complementary difference. Human nature and the cultural dimension are integrated in an ample and complex process that constitutes the formation of the identity of each, where both dimensions — the feminine and the masculine — correspond to and complete each other.”

Men and women both have brains, hands, hearts, and can each work many wonders. But you’ve got to have a dick if you want to wear a dress and pass out wafers.

John Paul the Great…

I’m glad that they’ve finally decided on a postmortem honorific for John Paul, although I cast my call-in vote for “King of Pop” at the end of last week’s American Graven Idol.

…and the former Cardinal Ratzinger have not been reinventing a women-hating church.

Why reinvent the wheel when there’s a Pep Boys down the block?

They have been reiterating what Christ taught and what’s at the very heart of the Catholic Church.

I’m no biblical scholar, and even less qualified to comment on Catholic dogma, but I don’t recall Jesus spending a lot of time assigning duties based on sex. But apparently Mary Magdalene wasn’t invited to the Last Supper, which was something of a sausage fest if you believe the frescoes, and theologians have inferred from this that Christ’s motto was therefore “Bro’s before Ho’s.”

The Gospel tells us that the people left standing at the foot of Christ’s crucifixion were women — no weaker sex, but stalwart supports. Women are building the foundation, which is carved into the walls of the Church. When I recently toured St. Peter’s Basilica for the first time, my group of traveling American female commentators noticed the overwhelming presence of women in the home of St. Peter and his papal successors. Female saints and virtues portrayed as women: Charity, Truth, Prudence and Justice. Charity is presented as a mother nursing a baby, with additional children at her feet. I thought of the many stay-at-home moms doing the grassroots work of civilization-building. Perhaps the most famous work of art in St. Peter’s is the “Piet,” a moving tribute to a mother’s sacrificial devotion and love, depicting the Mother of God with her dying child in her arms.

So please stay out of our club, unless we’re sick or dying, then please come in and make us soup and give us a sponge bath and pick up the place.

There. Don’t you feel empowered?

Vaginas Are The New Islamo-Fascism!

Posted by scott on January 29th, 2008

It wasn’t so long ago that the pages of World Net Daily shrieked about African-Americans recruited by Al Qaeda, jihadist plots to decapitate Britney Spears, and the shocking news that Iraqi terrorists frequently take a break from the insurrection to ape the culinary stylings of the witch from Hansel and Gretel. But even WND seems to have grown jaded, and none of that stuff really seems all that scary anymore — not while America’s youth is held hostage by rogue lady-parts!

From today’s WorldNutDaily:

Dance teacher has baby of boy, 13?
Woman indicted on 22 counts of aggravated sexual assault of child

WorldNetDaily Exclusive
The big list: Female teachers with students
Most comprehensive account on female predators on campus

WorldNetDaily Exclusive
Lust-filled women on sex rampage with your kids
What’s really behind today’s epidemic of teacher-student carnal relations.

Perhaps my experience was unique, but I remember all of my grade school teachers — some fondly, some less so — and while they were a diverse bunch, they all shared the quality of seeming, while in the classroom, to be distinctly lust-depleted. And if they ever did go on a rampage — which candor compels me to admit that occasionally they did — it was usually over my spelling, my penmanship, or my habit of doodling Snoopy in bondage in the margins of my book reports.

Anyway, it’s nice to know we can relax about that whole Clash of Civilizations thing and and get down to fighting the real foe. So fellas, do your patriotic duty tonight and ask your significant other (henceforth known as “enemy combatant”) if she’d let you occupy her Sunni Triangle.

My Abortion Made Me Impotent

Posted by scott on January 7th, 2008

In story on the front page of today’s LA Times, “Changing abortion’s pronoun,” we find that men are having abortions in increasing numbers. And feeling just awful about it, according to the subhead:

‘We had abortions,’ say men whose lovers ended pregnancies. It isn’t just a women’s trauma, they insist. But critics see a political calculation.
Oh those critics. They’re always so cynical whenever the Ministry of Truth introduces a fresh and innocent new trope into Newspeak.
SAN FRANCISCO — Jason Baier talks often to the little boy he calls Jamie. He imagines this boy — his son — with blond hair and green eyes, chubby cheeks, a sweet smile.But he’ll never know for sure.His fiancee’s sister told him about the abortion after it was over. Baier remembers that he cried. The next weeks and months go black. He knows he drank far too much. He and his fiancee fought until they broke up. “I hated the world,” he said.
Really? Good thing you didn’t bring a child into it.
These days, he channels the grief into activism in a burgeoning movement of “post-abortive men.”
Yeah, that’s a name that’s sure to catch on quick. I can see the merchandising opportunities now — Playgirl spreads, Men of the Post-Abortion, a cartoon spinoff, Post-Abortive Man, Master of the Universe, maybe a romantic comedy featuring this new breed of sensitive man, Four Weddings and an Abortion.
Abortion is usually portrayed as a woman’s issue: her body, her choice, her relief or her regret. This new movement — both political and deeply personal in nature — contends that the pronoun is all wrong.”We had abortions,” said Mark B. Morrow, a Christian counselor. “I’ve had abortions.”
And, I have it on good authority, we all scream for ice cream. But I suppose you know what this means, Mr. Morrow? Justice Kennedy feels that you’re a bit too hormonal to make rational decisions about your civil rights, so why don’t you just toddle on off to the kitchen and let the pre-abortive men talk…?
Morrow spoke to more than 150 antiabortion activists gathered recently in San Francisco for what was billed as the first national conference on men and abortion.
And how nice of the LA Times to give Page One exposure to this hotel conference room full of angry, self-pitying gynophobes and their ghost zygotes.
Participants — mostly counselors and clergy — heard two days of lectures on topics such as “Medicating the Pain of Lost Fatherhood” and “Forgiveness Therapy With Post-Abortion Men.”
Followed by symposiums on “Investment Planning for Post-Abortive Men: The Best Ways to Save for Your Imaginary Child’s College Education,” and “Take Your Flushed Fetus to Work Day.”
The most striking session featured the halting testimony of men whose partners aborted. Baier, who now lives in Phoenix, told the crowd he suffered years of depression and addiction. “I couldn’t get the thought out of my head about what I had lost.”Since the concept of post-abortion syndrome first emerged in the early 1980s, some women have recounted similar stories — and learned to leverage them into political power. They speak at legislative hearings and rallies organized by the Silent No More Awareness Campaign. They write affidavits detailing their years of emotional turmoil, which the Justice Foundation, a conservative advocacy group, submits to lawmakers and courts nationwide.Last spring, the Supreme Court cited these accounts as one reason to ban the late-term procedure that opponents call “partial-birth” abortion. The majority opinion suggested that the ban would protect women from a decision they might later regret.
And while this reasoning might seem a bit sexist and otherwise suspect, it’s important to remember that intact dilation and extraction is an extremely rare procedure, and most women forced to undergo it had been trying to bring their pregnancy to term. So all you’re really doing by outlawing it is forcing a few women to have unnecessary abdominal surgery, and a few others to hemorrhage to death. And since Justice Kennedy had just finished reading The Lovely Bones, he knows the dead, unlike the living, have no regrets, and don’t need to be protected from the consequences of their crappy decision-making.
“It’s a rule of thumb that if you want to get a law passed, you have to tell anecdotes that grab people,” said Dr. Nada Stotland, president-elect of the American Psychiatric Assn. Antiabortion activists have done that well, she said. “They’ve succeeded in convincing a lot of the American public” that abortion leaves women wounded.Now, those activists see an opportunity to dramatically expand the message.The Justice Foundation recently began soliciting affidavits from men; one online link promises, “Your story will help legal efforts to end abortion.” Silent No More encourages men to testify at rallies.
But I’m sure these testimonials aren’t just cynical histrionics designed to restore mens’ traditional property rights over the uterus and its contents. And to prove it, I’m willing to make this offer: I will happily accept that we have abortions if, whenever a woman dies in childbirth, the father is immediately executed. It’d be easy. Just make sure that, along with the epidural, you have a lethal injection on hand, and you could do it right there in the delivery room.

Therapist Vincent M. Rue, who helped develop the concept of post-abortion trauma, runs an online study that asks men to check off symptoms (such as irritability, insomnia and impotence) that they feel they have suffered as a result of an abortion. When men are widely recognized as victims, Rue said, “that will change society.”

That’s what usually does it.

But the activists leading the men’s movement make clear they’re not relying on statistics to make their case. They’re counting on the power of men’s tears.

That’s what I hate about men. When they can’t win an argument with logic or facts, they always stamp their little feet and turn on the waterworks.

Meanwhile, in other news, Kim du Toit’s testicles just exploded.

Dennis Prager Sez: Tell Those Sabine Bitches To STFU

Posted by scott on June 26th, 2007

Dennis Prager brings some much needed perspective and cool, sober, common sense to the bruhaha surrounding the Duke Lacrosse case in his new Townhall offering, “The Rape of a Name is Also Rape.” 

The rape of a name can be as vicious a crime and as destructive an act as the rape of a body.  Sometimes the rape of a body is worse, sometimes the rape of a name is worse.

Yes, nothing is sadder than a name huddled on a gurney in the ER with a black eye, a broken collarbone, and severe vaginal tearing.  A body, on the other hand, pretty much deserves what it gets for wearing provocative clothes and being corporeal.

But they are both rapes. And morally likening the two is in no way meant to lessen the horror of rape; it is meant only to heighten awareness of the horror of intentionally destroying the name of an innocent person.

The fact that Dennis is using what rhetoriticians call the Mounds-Almond Joy Dichotomy (Sometimes you feel like a nut.  Sometimes you don’t.) to draw a parallel between rape and defamation in no way undermines the ethical majesty of his argument.

These words are written in the aftermath of the destruction of three young men’s names by a lying woman whose name is still hidden by The New York Times and other major newspapers whose commitment to truth is not as strong as their commitment to political correctness.

Their names having been destroyed, the three young men must now go through life being known by whatever cast-off, second-hand monikers they can scrounge.  At press time, the victims were calling themselves “Bachelor Number 1,” “Joe Doakes,” and “Miss Thing.”  Victims of “body-rape,” however, don’t have their bodies destroyed, so they can just, in the immortal words of my old baseball coach, “walk it off.”

Upon first hearing a comparison of name-rape to body-rape, most people are likely to recoil. But upon reflection, it becomes clear that the two are morally comparable. In fact, I have had women listeners to my radio show call and e-mail me to say that they have been raped — one woman had been gang raped — and felt they were better able to go on with their lives than men they loved who had been falsely accused of rape or molestation.

Wait, he has listeners who have not only been raped, but have also had their husbands, fathers and boyfriends falsely accused of rape?  Listeners, plural?  Wow.  I would never accuse Dennis of stitching together a hamperful of sock puppets to support his morally dubious fantasias, but I would suggest that some of his fans are a bit overscheduled.

If you are a woman and this seems far-fetched, imagine that a man you love — such as your father, brother, husband or son — were publicly accused of a rape he had not committed. Imagine the pain he and your family would endure. Why is that pain not comparable to the pain suffered by at least some women who are raped?

Because no matter how brutally you’re being raped, eventually the guy’s gonna blow his load and zip up.  But what about your imaginary male relation who’s being roasted in the tabloids?  Makes you feel a little silly, doesn’t it, still moaning and groaning about your concussion, fractured wrist, and hepatitis C?

To this day, a decent human being named Clarence Thomas, who has become a major Supreme Court thinker, is identified by his political enemies with sexual harassment (of the most innocuous variety, even if true) and of having looked at pornography (along with the majority of other decent men in America), as if those charges define his life.

And all he got out of that ordeal was a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court.  Imagine what the first President Bush would have offered Thomas if he’d let the Secret Service sodomize him with a broomstick!

The lying woman in the Duke lacrosse case, Crystal Mangum, raped three men. Generally speaking, it is meaningless to speak of women raping men’s bodies; it is men who rape women’s bodies. What women can rape is a man’s name.

And it’s apparent which of these assaults Dennis thinks is the more heinous.  Sticks and stones may break your bones, but names can never hurt you!  Names are holy, blameless creatures; white, silken, and pure, like a unicorn’s mane.  And what do you sexist bitches do?  You take our virginal, unsullied names into the shower and treat ‘em like Linda Blair in Born Innocent.

It is a symptom of the major sexism of our time — against men (see Christine Hoff Sommers’ “The War Against Boys” for a detailed discussion of this sexism) — that not only is the rape of men’s reputations not considered anywhere near as serious as the rape of a woman’s body, but the women who perpetrate such destruction are protected by feminist, politically correct news media. That is why, to this day, The New York Times and most other liberal newspapers refuse to publish Crystal Mangum’s name, let alone advocate that she be tried or punished for her cruelty.

Yeah, the only real sexism in America is prejudice against men!  Need proof?  The sole person who’s been punished in this fiasco is Mike Nifong, the Durham County District Attorney who framed the defendants by lying to the court and concealing exculpatory evidence.  And after all that, he was the one who got disbarred, while the stripper who made the original accusation was apparently allowed to keep her license to practice law.

The Talmud, the set of books of Jewish law and philosophy that rank in Judaism second in importance only to the Torah, says, “Whoever humiliates his friend in public is considered as if he has shed his blood.” That is why some rabbis call undeserved public shaming “emotional murder.”

Occasionally, a woman who has “emotionally murdered” a man can plea bargain the charge down to “psychological manslaughter with intent to commit grievous nomenclatural injury.”

That was written nearly 2,000 years ago.  The lack of interest by elite America in even identifying, let alone punishing, a woman who “emotionally murdered” three young men proves that those who believe in the inevitability of moral progress frequently delude themselves.

In short:  Until the thousands of women who are raped every day in America (yet live) realize that the handful of men who are falsely accused of rape every year are suffering much more than they are (because their names are emotionally dead), the authors of two millenia-old religious texts will think you’re a bitch.