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Over at Townhall, Jillian Bandes has applied her little gray cells to the Mystery of the Hidden Salami, and has deduced that the mastermind behind the recent crimewave of male infidelity is Susan B. Anthony!  And just who is Jillian Bandes you may ask, and why is she trying to pin David Letterman’s misplaced penis on The Feminine Mystique?  Let’s have her tell you in her own words:

Jillian Bandes is the National Political Reporter for Townhall.com. Jillian Bandes was most recently an assistant editor and blogger at Culture11, and had stints at the Weekly Standard and Roll Call newspaper. Jillian Bandes has been a freelancer for various publications, including the St. Petersburg Times, Human Events, the American Spectator and the North Carolina Conservative.

So basically, she’s Batman with a vagina and a distaste for the 19th Amendment.

Bandes.jpg Are the Women Behind Political Sex Scandals Actually Blameworthy?

Well, that’s a good question.  Okay, it’s actually not, since no reasonable person would regard the wronged spouse in a high profile case of adultery as “blameworthy,” but what the hell.  Let’s pass her the balls and see how she runs with ‘em.

The explanations of many political scandals that involve sexual affairs invariably involve men – rather than women – committing a breach of marriage, morals, common decency or some combination thereof. Nevada Sen. John Ensign, South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, and Nevada Gov. Jim Gibbons are recent examples.

However, as any mystery fan can tell you, it’s never the obvious suspect who turns out to be the guilty party.

But some conservative women say that men aren’t the only ones to blame.

I bet you didn’t see that twist coming.

“The feminist movement has always supported all kinds of free sex,” said Phylis Schafly, President of the Eagle Forum and someone many consider to be the original “anti-feminist.” She said that animosity many feminists have for sexual relationships remaining inside the commitment of marriage is part of the reason these affairs have occurred.

Ideally your wife would like you to respect her as a partner and as an individual in her own right; to equitably divide the labor involved in maintaining a household, and to support the political and social issues important to her as a working woman, such as family leave, and pay equity.  And she’d really appreciate it if you’d cheat on her.

“Feminists have worked hard to eliminate the specific benefits of marriage, and particularly, of the full-time homemaker… they have encouraged very loose morals about sex,” she said.

Not to mention their rolled stockings, and bobbed hair!  Smoking cigarettes!  And dancing the Charleston to all hours in speakeasies and road houses!

Schafly blames sex education in a post-feminist world for removing the blame of women from the narrative of an affair.

Remember, if you teach children about the human reproductive system, there’s a very real chance they could lose their natural instinct for scapegoating.

“It’s certainly the fault of the man. But no one is really telling the woman that they should ‘just say no,’ or that they shouldn’t have sex until they’re married,” she said.

I’m not quite certain how that works if you’re already married, and your husband is having sex with someone else, but I’m sure anti-feminism has the answers.

Recent sexual misconduct, such as that publicized through David Letterman or Roman Polanski, have placed even more emphasis on men’s debasement of women.

Because you know, raping a child and fooling around with someone at work is all the same to those floozies at NOW.

Gov. Sanford proclaimed his love for his lover instead of his wife on national television.

Well, to be fair, he did say he was trying to fall back in love with his wife, if she’d just stop having such animosity for sexual relationships inside the commitment of marriage.

Continued blackmail by his lover’s husband has put Sen. Ensign’s potential ethics violations at the forefront of the story while sidelining the crime of infidelity.

Yes, it’s a shame how his corruption and influence peddling are distracting people from his Class B Felony conviction for fornication.

But that doesn’t translate into sexism, said Carrie Lukas, Vice President for Policy and Economics at the Independent Women’s Forum. “We have a cultural problem that has created so many David Letterman or Ensign or John Edward type situations,” said Lukas. “We all need to consider how to create a culture that creates greater respect for women, and for marriage, for that matter so that scandals in which women are used and abused aren’t commonplace like they are today.”?? ??

WTF punctuation marks in the original.

Marji Ross, President and Publisher of Regnery Publishing, had similar thoughts…“Women from all political stripes can be successful in business, in their careers, in life, in however they define their success,” said Ross. “I don’t think radical feminists have done anything to protect women from those kinds of crimes.”

A woman’s success in business and career is a crime?

In other words

Some other words would be helpful.

insisting that pointing at men as the perpetrators of sexual indiscretions are a convenient excuse for behavior that actually reflects the degradation of society as a whole.

Your wandering foreskin has doomed us all.

Dawn Eden, author of The Thrill Of The Chaste

…and the NY Times bestseller Hi Men! I’ve Got a Hymen!

…points the knife even more directly at feminists

Fortunately, her chastity belt chafes pretty badly, so we can probably outrun her if she gets violent.

saying that they are directly responsible for the way women are portrayed.  “I would say that feminism actually creates the problem with the men’s having affairs… because if feminists hadn’t pushed for the Pill, other forms of contraception, abortion, and the morning-after pill as ’sexual freedom,’ it would be much harder for men to get away with affairs.”

Infidelity was virtually unknown in this country before 1961, and on those rare occasions when a man did stray and an illicit pregnancy ensued, he would invariably do the honorable thing and smack her in the head with his camera, then throw her out of the canoe and watch her drown.

37 Responses to “Feminism Is The Super-Villain, Your Penis Is Merely The Henchman”

I think I speak for all good Conservative men when I say “Hell, Yeah!” and “It’s about time Jillian got her sweet little ass back in the kitchen, bless her pointy head.”

many political scandals that involve sexual affairs invariably involve men

Could that have anything to do, you think, with the fact that men are VASTLY overrepresented in politics? I mean, the nontabloid media probably wouldn’t give a hill of beans if the wife of the governor of New York hired a gigolo, since, you know, the state isn’t paying her salary, she didn’t take an oath of office, etc.

it would be much harder for men to get away with affairs.”

1) Men have always “gotten away” with affairs, Jillian dear. I don’t think some fairly uncommon cases of bad publicity and public disgrace compare at all to the unintended pregnancies, single parenthood, sexually transmitted diseases, and financial destitution which are the consequences that women have historically faced for congressing, with or without the “blessing” of marriage, with tomcatting dudes. (Oops, is my feminism showing?)

2) How does career-ending bad publicity and public disgrace equal “getting away” with something, again? Oh, I forgot, being a wingnut means never having to make any sense.

Jeebus, how do these people sleep at night?

And if feminists hadn’t pushed for empowerment and equal incomes for women, it would be much easier for men to avoid the consequences of their affairs. The wife will be more likely to allow her hubby time with the floozy, if the alternative is homelessness for her and her children.

Not all lying adulterers are men, of course. Family-values-pushing Helen Chenoweth of Idaho banged another woman’s husband for the better part of a decade, before voting to remove Bill Clinton from office over Monica. Henry Hyde’s ‘youthful indiscretion’ (he was past 40 at the time!) was with a married woman.

I must defer to the opinions of an 85-year-old sex-hating woman as to the aspects of sexual attraction that might make extra-marital affairs more or less likely.

Absolutely, Dawn. Why, I personally would be delighted to give up my own bodily autonomy and that of women I love for the sake of making it easier for people like Phyllis to blame me when my husband is discovered to have impregnated his mistress! And since she would probably be gently discouraged from suing for child support, because, you know, she’s clearly a slut anyway, he wouldn’t even have to do anything other than be seriously embarrassed, while his mistress is a loose woman, I’m a frigid bitch who drove him into her arms, and the kid is a bastard who will spend the rest of its life poor.

This post-post-feminist social structure works out *great* for women! I can’t imagine why we rejected it in the first place!


Yeah, but, see, if these women had just embraced their natural role as unpaid domestic servant, childcare worker and involuntary sex slave and not forced their downtrodden husbands to treat them like autonomous individuals and fellow human beings, their husbands would have totally not broken their wedding vows. You know, the one where they promised in front of a preacher and a room full of people in uncomfortable clothes to love and honor their wives as much as they love themselves for the rest of their lives. Oddly, the word “spoogebucket” rarely comes up in this context.

I think we can pretty much trust a bunch of women who earn more in a year than three or four or five average blue collar men for telling people of all sexes and genders what to do with their lives that this is so.

Mad props for the Dreiser thing.

Feminists have worked hard to eliminate the specific benefits of marriage, and particularly, of the full-time homemaker

Uh, yeah, right, all those women like my mother who re-entered the workplace in the 70s were just doing it because feminists said it was cool. It had nothing whatsoever to do with the economy, after all.

Talk about the cart before the horse. I’m inclined to think that feminist ideas actually filtered into the into the mainstream BECAUSE more wives were forced to get jobs to make ends meet. The whole ideal of a one-income family is a product of post-war prosperity in the first place, is it not?

I really resent the implication that the men had no control over the affair. In order to shift the blame as Bandes does here, she implied that the men couldn’t help themselves, i.e. are like children. I find that offensive. These men knew what they were doing and could have avoided it. Shifting the blame off of them is patronizing to all men.

Secondly, I wish all of this sex stuff would get right out of politics. I don’t want to hear about the private drama of public officials. I don’t care who cheated on who, or if so-and-so’s wife has cancer. It’s not that I’m heartless, it’s that I don’t want that stuff covering up legitimate political reporting.

Okay, it’s actually not, since no reasonable person would regard the wronged spouse in a high profile case of adultery as “blameworthy,” but what the hell.

If only Silda Spitzer swallowed…

She said that animosity many feminists have for sexual relationships remaining inside the commitment of marriage is part of the reason these affairs have occurred.

I’m sorry…come again, Jillian?

On second thought…

“Feminists have worked hard to eliminate the specific benefits of marriage, and particularly, of the full-time homemaker… they have encouraged very loose morals about sex,” she said.

How is giving a woman who doesn’t want to be a homemaker the option not to hurting those who do?

Gov. Sanford proclaimed his love for his lover instead of his wife on national television.

In fairness to Sanford, that chick was SMMMMMMMOKIN’!

Continued blackmail by his lover’s husband has put Sen. Ensign’s potential ethics violations at the forefront of the story while sidelining the crime of infidelity

Wow, Jillian, of course, if he hadn’t committed the “crime” (is it a crime when no one prosecutes it?), he wouldn’t be a walking ATM for the extortionist, so I have to say you’re a tad off base here.

insisting that pointing at men as the perpetrators of sexual indiscretions are a convenient excuse for behavior that actually reflects the degradation of society as a whole.

Look, it’s one thing to twist the words of NOW to suit your agenda, but spitting in the face of the folks at Regnery is a sure-fire way to lose your wingnut welfare, Jill.

(side note: Your wandering foreskin…I’m sooooooo naming my next band that!)

“I would say that feminism actually creates the problem with the men’s having affairs… because if feminists hadn’t pushed for the Pill, other forms of contraception, abortion, and the morning-after pill as ’sexual freedom,’ it would be much harder for men to get away with affairs.”

The condom was invented in 1981 at the beginning of th AIDS crisis, but was never adapted by teens and men earlier than that because of the very uncool ring it left in a man’s wallet.

Talk about the cart before the horse. I’m inclined to think that feminist ideas actually filtered into the into the mainstream BECAUSE more wives were forced to get jobs to make ends meet. The whole ideal of a one-income family is a product of post-war prosperity in the first place, is it not?

Indeed. It was simultaneously a contributing and mitigating factor to the freezing of real wages in America since 1970.

Y’know, at some point the Right is going to have to acknowledge that the three-point-five decades between Phylis Schafly wriggling up from the ooze and onto the national stage (this was coincidental, but the timeframe is about right) to the utter disaster of the Cheney administration, a period when batshit crackpottery such as hers was treated like a dwindling natural resource that needed to be shielded from harsh reality, has produced a generation of Jillian Bandeses who can’t construct a simple argument. Or even open one without a clumsy attempt to stack the deck.

Sure, when you’re drowning in a sea of sacred vow-breaking Public Christian men, the floating straw of rampant Jezebelism must look like a passing cruise ship, but c’mon. Feminism, The Pill, Free Love? Time for a wardrobe update. And that’s not what Sanford or Ensign were hearing from the pulpit every Sunday. Just Say Not Down There is already factored into the equation, innit?

And, okay, maybe I’m just a Glass is Half Empty sorta guy. Maybe we should admire the argument’s versitility; after all, it serves equally well as the case for female circumcision.

Secondly, I wish all of this sex stuff would get right out of politics. I don’t want to hear about the private drama of public officials. I don’t care who cheated on who, or if so-and-so’s wife has cancer.

Whoa. It’s certainly germane when it comes from people who vote to protect the Sanctity of Holy Matrimony from perverts or to impeach a President for a blowjob.

We might well wish that sexual misconduct could be reported by something other than drooling packs of sexually stunted perpetual juveniles, sure. And good luck managing a complete change of our national Press.

I know some of you were concerned here about conservative porn titles a few weeks back (The Ecstasy of the Invisible Hand, Helen Does Boise, that kind of thing) but, of course, I could see them coming out with opposite porn in their charming Bizzaro World way. Imagine a pizza delivery guy who shows up at a lonely hausfrau’s house in order to pray with her. A bunch of Junior Leaguers sitting around talking about that delicious-looking apple on the table, then praying about it. That kind of thing.

Anyhoo, Dawn Eden would be the biggest star in that.

Whoa. It’s certainly germane when it comes from people who vote to protect the Sanctity of Holy Matrimony from perverts or to impeach a President for a blowjob.

I know, I know. But I just don’t want to hear about it. The whole game of sex a politics is creepy as hell. We can’t we have a national conversation about national issues and private conversations with our partners about sexual issues, in private?

Also, why can’t it rain donuts?

There something about this whole thing. Seeing “anti-feminists” like this is like discovering living velociraptors. You think they’ve all been dead for millions of years, and there they are.

I guess their previous tack of “blame it on the whore/mistress, it ain’t this good Christian man’s fault” has become too congruent with the whole “women must be veiled, lest they inflame the passions of the men around them and force them to sin” aspect of Sharia law.

I guess their previous tack of “blame it on the whore/mistress, it ain’t this good Christian man’s fault” has become too congruent with the whole “women must be veiled, lest they inflame the passions of the men around them and force them to sin” aspect of Sharia law.

But String, isn’t this exactly what this trope is all about? Or are you just pointing out that they’ve shifted victims of their attacks?

Real wages have collapsed over the past thirty years. People are under enormous stress to “keep up with the Joneses” so they go out, load up on debt and work two jobs per couple, at least, to pay it off.

Now, I can make rationalizations and justifications excusing male behavior out the wazoo…hell, I did it when I was married…but the simple fact is, the enormous stress on both partners in a marriage takes its toll and everyone gets hurt somehow.

If he (OR she) is not off boinking someone else, they’re getting drunk or stoned or abusively angry.

It’s going to come out somehow, is what I’m saying and there’s no need to veil it in some bizarre cloak of finger-pointed fabric.

Everyone’s at fault and no one is.

As a Nevadan, I DO want to know when my senator is being blackmailed into supporting or opposing legislation that directly affects me, and all Americans.

I don’t care about Ensign’s tawdry “affair”, but his stupidity and readiness to be blackmailed is important to me.

On August 18th, 1920 the 19th Amendment was ratified. On August 19th, 19120 the first unfaithful male had his first affair. Coincidence?! I think not!

Seeing “anti-feminists” like this is like discovering living velociraptors.

Eh. Velociraptors are more cuddly than Phyllis Schafley.

Ironically, Jillian proved that she could be as a big a douchebag as any man.

“How is giving a woman who doesn’t want to be a homemaker the option not to hurting those who do?”

Phyllis Schlafly - a non-male American - didn’t want to be a homemaker. She wanted to be a big-time lawyeress and travel the world making speeches about how I (another non-male American) shouldn’t be making speeches, and hiring out her housekeeping duties (because there is no such thing in the Schlaflyverse as “his housekeeping duties”) so that she can keep telling me how wonderfully fulfilling housekeeping duties are. So in that sense, Phyllis is a giant pain in my ass, and that hurts me.

Otherwise, actor212, the above-quoted question is very sensible.

Ms. Bandes apparently just never could make her nouns enter into a productive bipartisan relationship with her verbs. It seems, as it were, that they’ll just have to agree to disagree.

Why is it that none of these people can write a coherent sentence?

Wait, don’t answer that.

Well, I am relieved to know that Mark Foley and Larry Craig’s sexual missteps can be blamed on feminism.

Appalachian Trails. Wide stance. Hmmm. I have to say, I have been a feminist for a heckuva a long time, and I have pored through the protocols - hell I’ve been on committees that drafted some of the damn protocols - and I have even taken feminism by its ankles and shaken upside down it till all the secrets fell out of all the pockets and handbags, and nowhere have I ever found any sort of directive or suggestion that True Feminists, After Partaking Of An Appalachian Mosey Or Some Similar Diversion, Or No Diversion At All, Must Henceforth Sit On Any Or All Seating Units While Splaying Their Leg-Limb-Appendages So That Said Appendages Take Up Every Teeny Bitty Bit Of Space Available.

So I can’t feature how teh feminism explains the wide stance, whether it takes place in a male pissoir, behind a bush on The Trail, or on the train to Connecticut.

Now. I have a feeling that I have just fulminated under circumstances which did not truly require fulminating, by me or anyone. But we’re talking wide stance, and wide stance makes me crazy, but OMG do not point that out to me. ‘Cause it would be fucking oppressive, and I don’t do oppressive no more.

I think there is a new Dollhouse on tonight, and yet I watch it not, on account of no cable. (Ferocious bruxism ensues)

Would anyone like to braid my hair?

And isn’t Bandes just the smirkiest little thing you ever did see?

“We have a cultural problem that has created so many David Letterman or Ensign or John Edward type situations,”

hmm, funny that 2/3rds of that example are Dems, and both get their full names listed

Everybody already beat me to the good comments, which, were it Phyllis’s way, would be my proper punishment for having a vagina AND an opinion!

D. Sidhe: “Fuckwits.”

Julia: “Oddly, the word “spoogebucket” rarely comes up in this context.”

And frankly, I think that we should launch one helluvan investigation as to WHY such a linguistic tragedy should continue to fail the lexicon in such a manner.

Actor212: The condom was invented in 1981 at the beginning of th AIDS crisis, but was never adapted by teens and men earlier than that because of the very uncool ring it left in a man’s wallet.”


Doghouse: “And, okay, maybe I’m just a Glass is Half Empty sorta guy. Maybe we should admire the argument’s versitility; after all, it serves equally well as the case for female circumcision.”

OW. Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow FUCKING ***OW,*** DAMMIT DOGHOUSE!!!!!! And no, that’s not just sympathetic pain for all of the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of barely-pubescent little girls who are disgustingly, morbidly mutilated and ROBBED OF THEIR OWN BODIES by the perverse, twisted FETISHISTIC MISOGYNY of a bunch of neanderthal camel-fucking WOMAN-KILLERS. That “OW” is because of how rightly and perfectly presciently your placement of that comparison/analogy/statement.

Sometimes, you’re scary-smart. That was PEEL-MY-SKIN-OFF-AND-RUN-SCREAMING-INTO-THE-WOODS smart. Cut it out. I already feel stoopid enough as it is.

Michael G.: “Seeing “anti-feminists” like this is like discovering living velociraptors. You think they’ve all been dead for millions of years, and there they are.”

Y’ever look at a brightly-lit picture of Phyllis? Not “like” a velociraptor, honey… IS a velociraptor.

And Heydave? Your statement, by involving this waste-of-oxygen-AND-potential-labia in the mix with women, men, AND douchebags, committed libel against ALL THREE.

Larkspur: “So in that sense, Phyllis is a giant pain in my ass, and that hurts me.”

Honey-doll, I promise, if I/we/you ever hit the powerball, we will take the Bio-Willie Bus and RUN THAT BONY OLD CRETINOUS CREATURE DOWN WITH IT, just so that your ass won’t hurt anymore. Granted, we’d also have to hunt down Cheney, Rove, Rumsfeld, Powell, and Barbara Bush Sr., so that MY ass pain might ease up a little, but it’s gonna be a FUN TRIP!!!

(BTW, Larky, I been sick as a fuckin’ dog the past couple days, so I’m behind on e-mail, but I have NOT forgotten! Answers are forthcoming soon, I promise. XOXOXO)

BUT: Please tell me that you were TOTALLY JOKING YOUR ASS OFF when it comes to watching THE most anti-feminist SHITE to ever come out of THE most woman-hating motherfucker EVER, Rupert Pope-Kisser Murdoch. PLEASE. PLEASE TELL ME THAT.

And if you ever get down thisaway, I promise that we’ll watch “Thelma & Louise,” “The Rocky Horror Picture Show (WITH the audience-participation tracks!)” and “Taxi Driver” whilst we braid one another’s hair. We might need some no-lye relaxer to get the nappy out of my hair (if y’all saw my alleged {”alleged” b/c Teh Dick has always denied being my ACTUAL sperm donor, though the older & uglier I get, the more I look like HIM, no great treasure of handsomeness} great-great-great-grandfather Dave, he was, shall we say, what Mizzippians call a “Redbone Indian,” i.e. part Choctaw &/or Cherokee, part African-American; meaning that my skin fluorescence is belied by my nappy-as-fuck hair that WORSHIPS humidity by exploding into THE most-disorganized white-girl-fro on the PLANET.) in order to straighten it out enough TO braid. But whatever it takes, we’ll sing along with the flicks and do weird goofy things to each others’ hair and then take incriminating photos of said braids/bouffants.

Gonna crawl back into the bed and whimper now, ’cause my entire body hates my fucking guts and won’t stop REMINDING ME OF IT. If I am ever useful again, I’ll try to make it back here, my true home, aside from my beloved and long-missed Dungeon on Rue Toulouse in NOLA, and yet ANOTHER year of MISSING ***THE*** GREATEST HALLOWEEN PARTY EVER, ANYWHERE. As if being fucked-over, broke, injured, arthritic, sick-as-fuck, deserted by my ONE “good” niece, sarcoidosis-riddled, and a big whiny, unproductive-tit, USELESS FUCKING COMPLAINING TITTY-BABY isn’t fun ENOUGH, I gotta be HOMESICK, too.

Thanks to all of the WO’C regs & lurkers who sent birfday goodies/$, and if anybody’s got any left… I still didn’t manage to pull-off my utility bills this month, and yet somehow, the thieving-republicunt-bigot-crone bitches at my “bank” STILL managed to somehow fuck me over into being OVERDRAWN, even though there hasn’t been any money in there TO spend since the third of the month, so I haven’t TOUCHED that fucking checking account.

If y’all see any minor bank explosions on the national news tomorrow, don’t wonder why. And y’all don’t know NOTHING, ’cause it sure as HELL won’t be conspiratorial or premeditated.

Last but hardly least, brilliant post, Scott, almost enough to crack my face into some gruesome grimace resembling a smile.

Methinks that sexual infidelity doesn’t really have anything to do with feminism. Victorian England (and I am sure, America) had an extraordinarily high per capita rate of prostitutes. So while wifey was getting through the long night of Victorian womanhood with large doses of laudanum, hubby was in Soho getting his rocks off with a working class woman (or boy, as the case may be).

Presumably this is the era which Bandes yearns for. The time before women obtained (through the indefatigable efforts of the likes of Emily Pankhurst and others) universal franchise. The time before workers became a potent political force through the actions of women like Rosa Luxemburg.

Beneath her anti-feminist ranting I also detect a deep seated fear of and contempt for ordinary working people. Those who suffer the most in times of mass unemployment and the imposition of capitalist austerity measurers are almost invariably women. This anti-feminist dreck is just one of the weapons that Bandes and the financial elite that she represents and is a part of, deploys in an attempt to maintain the status quo.

Velociraptor? Nay, too evolved. Primeval slime is more apt.

Is Jillian jealous that men “get away” with affairs even though they do not. Painting the woman as victim and disgraced without recognizing that some women solicit their own affairs because they are free agents too, becomes an alien form of paternalism expressed through a woman. When did the freedom not to become pregnant change from the most important revolutionary social change for independence, become the crime of wayward ho’s. Fear of freedom and independence hurt conservatives to their core belief that their attitudes and opinions are uniquely superior simply because another yahoo agrees with them or some manipulative creep acts as if he does. I can’t wait to be saved from myself, because I am such a disgusting person and only someone like Jillian can show me teh way.

Sometimes I wish I had a time machine that could send these idiots back to the time and place they wish they could live in, or better yet, a few decades further back. Let ‘em see what it was ACTUALLY like.

Of course, in the case of Phyllis, I’d have to send her back a couple CENTURIES.

Yes, it is passing strange that Jillian never mentions Mark “G.O.Pedo!” Foley, Larry “wide stance” Craig, or David “Huggies” Vitter.

You wouldn’t have to send Phyllis back a couple a centuries. That’s how long she’s actually been in existence.

Since time immemorial, women have worked. Before feminism!

Annti, honey, I hope you’re feeling better real soon, and that it rains money on ya, (paper type money) and then, when our hair is braided and/or dreaded, and we’ve got good hot soup, fresh bread, and excellent beer on hand, I will do my darndest to argue the Dollhouse case. It will be something along the lines of how our whole culture is a dollhouse, and also (and when the soup is ready, I will have the exact book of Adrienne Rich’s poetry in my hand, and I will quote properly what I’m approximating here:) that “Every act of becoming conscious is a revolutionary act.”

XOXO to all of y’all.

(Also? Sarcoidosis sucks sucks and sux sum mor. In my fantasy, St. Annti deploys her mighty sword or staff-thing, and drives out every last sarcoid from the continent, and ever after, we celebrate St. Annti’s Day, much like the St. Patrick “Snakes-B-Gone” day, only you may choose your own color; it doesn’t have to be green.

Hey. Oddly enough, I am cheered up. This is good, since before I dropped in here, I was spitting nails (but without useful directionality).

Thank you. Please mentally close the preceding post’s parenthesises. Enjoy your weekend. Don’t order the veal, but tip your waitperson.

Since time immemorial, women have worked. Before feminism!

Those were the little people, Tankard, of course they worked. How else are her ladyship’s pots to be emptied or linens laundered, knickknacks made or shirts sewn?

No, Tankard, Lady Bandes speaks of a better class of woman. The poor need not concern themselves with pretensions to propriety.

Something to say?