Big Hollywood is sailing around the internets, planting its flag in every film and TV show it can find, and claiming them for conservatism. But American Thinker’s Ben-Peter Terpstra is not content to eat their dust, and has issued his own proprietary list of 30 Politically Incorrect Characters. Warning: his choices may shock you.
1. Detective Harry Callahan (Clint Eastwood) in Dirty Harry. Why: Because sometimes the “politically correct” system is too political, and because vigilante justice always beats death in a gripping police thriller. So, yes, Harry stands up to liberal San Francisco’s recidivist culture. “Well, do you, punk?”
Or they may bore you. Not to go off-topic, but I notice that no matter how much conservative kulturkampfers may adore Dirty Harry (some, like Big Hollywood’s John Nolte, even going so far as to adopt the film title as a nom de blog) they really don’t seem to care much for the sequel, Magnum Force, in which Harry is pitted against a cabal of rogue cops who take his anti-civil liberties bias to its logical conclusion.
5. Jack Moore (Richard Gere) in Red Corner. Why: An American capitalist in Red China finds himself at the mercy of the corrupt Chinese court system in a jail for a murder he didn’t commit. What’s not to like?
Personally, I would have preferred more dance numbers.
6. William Wallace (Mel Gibson) in Braveheart. Why: Scottish-Americans have the right to enjoy 13th-century Scottish warriors taking on effeminate Englishmen.
And getting their asses kicked. I guess the lesson here is, don’t tauntingly flip your kilt and bare your bum to a group of effeminate, but armed Englishmen, ’cause those teabags will make you give up the booty.
7. Spider-Man (Tobey Maguire) in Spider-Man. Why: Spider-Man is just an all American guy, who happens to be the clean Dirty Harry of Superheroes. Oh, yes, and he adores his Bible-quoting aunt. Altogether now: “Ah…”
Except Spider-Man believes in personal responsibility, and abhors the abuse of power. Also, he went to ESU rather than Messiah College, so even if he did apply for a position in the Bush Administration, I doubt he would make it through one of Monica Goodling’s job interviews.
9. Charlotte Gray (Cate Blanchett) in Charlotte Gray. Why: Now, honestly, how many women are willing to (a) drop out of the sky and land in France; (b) save Jews; (c) fight appeasing frogs and (d) undermine Hitler’s National Socialists? Okay, besides Australia’s Nancy Wake. You go girlfriend.
And why is she “politically incorrect?” Because liberals believe that women should be out burning their bras and aborting their babies, not doing something useful and practical like skydiving, or undermining Hitler.
10. Spartacus (Kirk Douglas) in Spartacus. Why: Because Stanley Kubrick’s 1960s classic reminds me of a time, when Americans were free to talk about white and black slaves in the same sentence, man’s eternal struggle against the state, and…okay, let’s be honest, the gladiator fights are awesome dude.
If we are ever to heal the lingering wounds of racial injustice in this country, both white and black must unite on common ground, and agree that while African-Americans have some legitimate beefs about the Southern plantation system and Jim Crow, white-on-white slavery during the Roman Empire was worse, because Kirk Douglas was crucified, while Kunte Kinte only had part of his foot lopped off.
11. King Leonidas (Gerard Butler) in 300. Why: Because, let’s face it, this is one of the greatest post-9/11 movies, with groundbreaking visual statements, a comically camp Persian King (read: Iran), an anti-appeasement narrative (read: War on Terror), and…well, okay more great battle scenes (read: testosterone).
It’s funny that the activists who want to ban same-sex marriage are the same people slobbering over a movie that was, to borrow a phrase from Patton Oswalt, “gayer than eight guys blowing nine guys.”