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The things you learn from the American Family Association! I was just minding my own business, checking my email for offers from kindly strangers needing assistance moving billions out of foreign banks, when I noticed an email from the AFA’s One News Now proclaiming that “Reports Say Obama Admitted He’s a Muslims.” Wow, first we learn that he’s an alien, and now he’s telling people he’s a Muslim! And the word is spreading in Wingnut World, with outlets as respectable as G. Gordon Liddy and World Nut Daily picking up the story.

So, I went to the One News story, and this is what I learned:

Two media reports are serving to fuel speculation about Barack Obama’s religious beliefs.

Since before he was elected, controversy has stirred over the extent of President Obama’s ties to Islam. During the campaign, he spoke openly of both his Muslim upbringing and his adult conversion to Christianity. But now two major Middle East media outlets — Nile TV International and Israel Today Magazine — are reporting that the president has admitted in recent months that he is a Muslim.

Those outlets say that Obama, in a one-on-one meeting earlier this year with Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit, told Gheit that he was still a Muslim, the son of a Muslim father, and the step-son of a Muslim step-father; that his half brothers in Kenya are Muslims; and that he was sympathetic towards the Muslim agenda.

So, “two major Middle East media outlets — Nile TV International and Israel Today Magazine” are saying that Obama told them that he is a secret Muslim!?

Well, actually that isn’t true: the story really came to One News from major Middle East media outlet “Pamela Geller, publisher of AtlasShrugs.com.” Here’s the link to her report,
“I am a Muslim,” Obama Tells Egyptian Foreign Minister Gheit
Islamic Coup on the White House

As Pammy tells One News, “this most recent comment by Obama has been ignored by the mainstream media and should be of great concern to U.S. citizens.” Gee, why would the mainstream media ignore such a not-crazy story as this? And what a scoop for Pammy!

And how did she happen to get this revelation? Well, she cites one Avi Lipkinites. Here’s part of Avi’s story:

Today, the United States has a president by the name of Mubarack Hussein Obama. Until proven otherwise by a real live birth certificate, I would rather believe that according to the US Constitution, this president is ineligible to be president of the US because he was born in Kenya, not the US.

Here is a list of radio/TV/newspaper reports my wife, Rachel, picked up at Kol Israel radio in the Arabic language as a monitor over the last decade:


6. Finally, during the week of 14-18th of January 2010, just on the eve of my winter tour to the US, Rachel picked up a Nile TV broadcast in which Egyptian Foreign Minister Abul Gheit said on the “Round Table Show” that he had had a one on one meeting with Obama who swore to him that he was a Moslem, the son of a Moslem father and step-son of Moslem step-father, that his half-brothers in Kenya were Moslems, and that he was loyal to the Moslem agenda. He asked that the Moslem world show patience. Obama promised that once he overcame some domestic American problems (Healthcare), that he would show the Moslem world what he would do with Israel.

So, Pammy heard about Obama’s secret Muslimness from Avi, a paranoid birther, who heard it from his wife, who happened to be the only person in the world to catch an Egyptian TV talk show during which the Egyptian Foreign Minister mentioned that the President confided in him, one-on-one, that Obama was a loyal Muslim who was planning on doing ominous things to Israel. Sounds legit to me!

NOTE: Pammy cites Israel Today magazine as the source of the Avi revelation, but we only get the actual story of how his wife Rachel was the only one who heard that Nile TV broadcast at Avi’s “sneak peak” of his piece at the Christian Wingnut site WebToday.

Now here’s some commentary from Avi on Obama’s little slip from his WebToday piece:

We are today on the eve of the commemoration of the Holocaust. I was concerned enough over the last twenty years from the two primary testimonies above relating to non-Moslem allies of the oil cartels before the manipulation that put Mubarack Hussein Obama into the White House. How concerned show I be now if the US President is a Moslem loyal to the Moslem agenda to destroy Israel? […]. It is time to create an awakening amongst are true brethren and allies in the US: the Christians. We must pray for a Christian Revival for Israel’s Survival. We must work together to prevent the Islamic Holocaust staring us in the face.

Now, here’s Pammy’s take on it the third-hand rumor she is spreading:

This is akin to an SS officer getting elected president during WW II. Every country in the free world must be cognizant of such a catastrophic sea change in the leadership of the free world (as witnessed by events over the past year). This changes everything. He took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, and yet he has gone around the world promoting Islam, the sharia (Islamic law).

So, you heard it here fifth or sixth: Obama is a Muslim Nazi who is planning an Islamic Holocaust. Beware, beware!

12 Responses to “This Just In: Obama is a Muslim Nazi”

So, you heard it here fifth or sixth: Obama is a Muslim Nazi who is planning an Islamic Holocaust. Beware, beware!

I’ve just been handed another late-breaking bulletin–Obama is now terrorizing Tokyo. Run for the hills!

And yet, despite this usurper’s commitment to sharia law, his whore wife shows her upper arms without proper modesty!

Those pesky Muslim Nazis. They’re always getting into the woodwork. Thank God Pam is there - I’ll pick up a Muslim Nazi trap on the way home.

But now two major Middle East media outlets — Nile TV International and Israel Today Magazine — are reporting that the president has admitted in recent months that he is a Muslim.

The Weekly World News of the Middle East.

one Avi Lipkinites.

A little Levaquin will clear that up.

Rachel picked up a Nile TV broadcast in which Egyptian Foreign Minister Abul Gheit said on the “Round Table Show” that he had had a one on one meeting with Obama who swore to him that he was a Moslem, the son of a Moslem father and step-son of Moslem step-father, that his half-brothers in Kenya were Moslems, and that he was loyal to the Moslem agenda. He asked that the Moslem world show patience. Obama promised that once he overcame some domestic American problems (Healthcare), that he would show the Moslem world what he would do with Israel.

Said “Foreign Minister” wouldn’t be saying this knowing full well that Israel was listening in on his broadcasts, would he?

It might help if someone would, you know, show us the video.

Wait…there is none?

This is nothing. My sister’s co-worker overheard his cousin talking with his agent over the phone about an upcoming sci-fi movie. If this doesn’t prove that Obama is a space alien, then you people clearly aren’t reading the Book of Revelations closely enough. It’s all so clear!

Once the question of involuntary committal comes up at the Geller household…
I know it really, really, really doesn’t matter but can some beat the birthers over the head with this simple statement, “It doesn’t matter if Obama was born in Kenya. His mother was a U.S. citizen.” Continue until said birth runs away, dies, or goes unconscious. Fucking idiots.

Obama promised that once he overcame some domestic American problems (Healthcare), that he would show the Moslem world what he would do with Israel.

That’s right, Mubarack (Great added touch!) had to make sure he pushed granny’s death panel down America’s throat before he could bulldoze Israel into the sea.

Rachel picked up a Nile TV broadcast

Amusing too. “Picked up?”

I see Avi, on the roof moving the antenna around, & about to walk off the edge, while Rachel, sitting at a ham television set inside, is shouting out the window at her husband “No, no, back the other way, no, the other other way, no, you schmuck …”

Obama: sinister Muslim of the sort that frightens us so; also, the sinister, black kind of Christian of whom we are so terrified. Wingnuts: not known for coherent messaging.

This is a brilliant expose of how baseless rumors get propagated, worthy of Bob Somerby. You are truly multitalented, s.z.

This is a brilliant expose of how baseless rumors get propagated, worthy of Bob Somerby.

Indeed. It’s like a circuit diagram — for a really, REALLY complicated circuit — which, once completed, shorts out the entire neighborhood.

You are truly multitalented, s.z.

If I may paraphrase Pod People

“Good? She’s the best!”

Wheels within wheels, man.

Something to say?