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Hi, everybody! (“Hi, Dr. Nick!”) It’s me, the loveable s.z.! I’ve missed you all a lot! What’s up with me, you ask? Well, I am now the Vice President of the United States the animal rescue group Four Paws, which takes about all of my time, money, and energy (and paper towels). Ands, sadly, dealing with pea-brained dachshunds and gangs of surly cats leave me with little time for wingnuts these days. You know, except for the local wingnuts, which make up for their total lack of importance by their scary stupidity. It’s like living in Wasilla, Alaska!

But more about that later. Today I just wanted to offer Scott and Mary some support. Well, maybe not financial support, but certainly some commiseration, some encouragement, and maybe some wise counsel. From a wingnut. Yes, Scott and Mary, this Chuck Baldwin is for you!

A suggested survival list

One does not have to be a prophet to know that we are on the precipice of some potentially catastrophic — or at the very least, challenging — days. In fact, most of us are already in challenging days, and some are already enduring catastrophic events. That is, if one would call being out of work, losing one’s home, facing life-threatening medical conditions without any prospect of medical insurance, several families being forced to live in one house due to homes being foreclosed, etc., catastrophic.

I think Scott and Mary are certainly facing challenging days. And if one would call being forced to live in one house with a plethora of cats “catastrophic,” then my life certainly qualifies. So, let’s see what hope for the future that Chuck has to offer to us all.

The potential for an escalation of cataclysmic events, however, is very real. […] For example, can one imagine what would happen if terrorists nuked a major American city or cities? (Once again, I encourage readers to go get the videos of the CBS TV series “Jericho” to get an idea of how quickly life, and even civilization, could change.)”

And can one imagine what would happen if reptilian alien invaders decided to harvest humans for food? (I encourage readers to get the videos of the mini-series “V” to get an idea of how quickly humans would have sex with the evil aliens if the monsters were really attractive.)

Imagine if there was another 9/11-type event. What would happen if some form of Zimbabwe-style inflation hit the US? What would happen if anything disrupted the distribution of Welfare checks, or food to local grocers?

What would happen if a busload of “Jerry Springer Show” guests was stranded in your hometown? Scary, huh?

As a result, people from virtually every walk of life have recently been asking my thoughts on how they should prepare.

But it’s the people from the “can’t walk and chew gum at the same time” walk of life for whom these thoughts are intended.

First, a disclaimer. I am not an economist; I am not a survival expert; I am not a firearms expert; I am not an attorney; I am not a physician. In fact, I am not an expert in anything!

But he does have a regular column at Renew America, so I have a good feeling about using Chuck’s guidance to plan my future.


First, analyze your living conditions. Where do you live? Do you live in an urban or rural environment? Is it a big city or small town? Do you live in an apartment or condominium?

And you may ask yourself-Well…How did I get here?
And you may tell yourself this is not my beautiful house.
And you may tell yourself

How close are your neighbors? Do you even know your neighbors? Would you trust them if the electricity was off and they were hungry?

Hell, no! And as we have learned from our viewing of “V,” they are probably hungry for human flesh. So, you should probably kill them now, before the power goes off. And this is good advice no matter where you live.

Over the past several decades, masses of people have migrated into large metropolitan areas. More people live in urban areas than at any time in American history. While this may be well and good for times of prosperity, it is an absolute nightmare in any kind of disaster. […] If you live in the inner city, I suggest you consider moving to a more rural location. Obviously, now is a very good time to buy property (especially rural property), but the downside is, selling property is not as favorable. If you can afford it, now is a great time to buy a “safe house” outside the city

But, as we have learned from our viewing of numerous sci-fi movies, after the apocalypse most of humanity will be dead, resulting in a “buyers” real estate market. So, you might want to wait on purchasing that rural cottage until after the current owner falls victim to radiation sickness or zombie attack.


During a major disaster, food will quickly disappear. […] The water supply is compromised. Bottled water becomes more valuable than bank accounts. Dehydration becomes a very real and present danger. I remember witnessing a man offer an ice vendor $100 for an extra bag of ice during Hurricane Ivan.

And I remember Town Hall pundits claiming that profiteers who would try to sell ice for $100 a bag are honest capitalists and American heroes. Ah, good times!

Get a generator. Keep a supply of fuel on hand. Stay stocked up on batteries, candles, portable lights, first aid supplies, and personal hygiene items — especially toilet paper. Trust me, during times of intense and prolonged disaster, toilet paper could become more valuable than money.

But if you stock up on paper currency, you could use it for both toilet paper AND money! Just something to keep in mind.

Obviously, you need to take stock of your clothing. Do you have clothes suitable for extended outdoor activity? What about boots? During a disaster, you would trade your best suit from Neiman Marcus for a good pair of boots. Do you have gloves? Insulated underwear? What about camouflage clothing? These could become essential outerwear in the right conditions.

For instance, in “Red Dawn” conditions.

And in those kinds of conditions, you would trade your best suit from Neiman Marcus for some deer blood to drink, maybe garnished with some $100 ice cubes. Yes, the living would envy the dead, but at least the living would be snappy dressers if they had planned appropriately.

Anyway, all of this is giving me Kevin-Costner-end-of-the-world flashbacks, so let’s just skip ahead to the real raison d’être of Chuck’s column:


Face it, folks: in any kind of disaster, you must be able to defend yourself, or you and your family will be meat for these animals of society that will quickly descend without mercy upon the unprepared, unsuspecting souls around them. This requires that you be armed! It also requires that you be skilled enough to be able to efficiently use your arms.


I believe every man (along with his wife and children of adequate age) should be proficient with the following weapons: a handgun in .38 caliber or above, a .22 rifle, a center-fire hunting rifle, a semi-automatic battle rifle, and a shotgun.

Sure, you might be out of work, losing your home, facing life-threatening medical conditions without any prospect of medical insurance, several families being forced to live in one house due to homes being foreclosed, etc., but that shouldn’t stop you from spending several hundred dollars on guns and ammunition. For it’s only through major firepower that you can protect yourself and your family from a terrorist nuclear attack, another 9/11, major inflation, or from the bloody revolution that will surely result if welfare checks are ever late.

So, dear reader, if you value Scott and Mary’s work and you can afford it, send them a couple of dollars so that they can get the firearms they will need to protect their toilet paper and ice from their dishonest Hollywood neighbors.

26 Responses to “Preparing for Hard Times & Water Worlds”

Oh, laugh if you will, but I know that neighborhood, & between the Russian immigrants, the Musician’s Institutes of Technology students & the guitar vendors, they’ll be in big trouble around there when the system fails.

Welcome back, s.z.! Good to know that all is well (relatively speaking), and even better to know you haven’t lost your touch when comes to snarking wingnuts!

Having no brains is also a great way to defend yourself against the zombie horde.

Great to see you back, sz!


But please, no dissing the noble dachshund. My two are anything but pea-brained. Just the other day, they scared a stray German Shepherd out of the the neighborhood.

God, darlin’, I’ve missed you. This is like one of those family reunions I go to every…okay, I never go to family reunions.

I am not an economist; I am not a survival expert; I am not a firearms expert; I am not an attorney; I am not a physician. In fact, I am not an expert in anything!

Oh, sir; blathering on about survivalism as though you were Annie Jacobsen after an in-flight viewing of Mad Max is not nothing. Although it should be.

Interesting, in a “non-expert demonstrating his insufficient grasp” sort of way, that the only proficiency you recommend is organized by caliber.

Because, assuming you survive the Hoped-For Apocalypse with something to defend, how long, ya think, before you’re defending it from people who are even better armed and more proficient? It’s America, dude; people like you have been helping arm every last jumpy loner to the teeth for the past fifty years. Freedom! (And thanks. A lot.)

Second, how difficult is it to find anyplace in the continental US that’s more than a mile and a half from a road? National parks and nature preserves, maybe, and they’re going to be filled with idiots who learned survival techniques from a guy who read a pamphlet and projected his fears of Negro buttrape onto his RenewAmerica column. Plus they’ll be armed. Heavily. Did I thank you for that?

Look, I understand the backwoods Baptist inclination is to hunker down in small groups headed by some cracked Big Daddy, and dream of being called on to repopulate the earth. And that’s every day, not just in emergencies. But, please, just try to avoid the temptation to give other people advice. And while we’re at it, don’t buy (indifferently treated and flimsily-packaged) bottled fucking water as an emergency supply.

And only President Snooki (the 1/2 term governor of Alaska) can lead us out of this post-apocalyptic scenario !

First, a disclaimer. I am not an economist; I am not a survival expert; I am not a firearms expert; I am not an attorney; I am not a physician. In fact, I am not an expert in anything!

But I’ll try trying to con you into listening to me!

But soft, SZ…no mention of hoarding gold? Did he not get the memo from Glenn Beck?

Oddly enough, Science Channel…maybe it was Discovery…had a program on this very thing a few weeks ago: how to survive an apocalypse, like an asteroid hit.

Suprisingly, the one thing they DID mention was being near a city was a good thing, at first, but eventually you’d want to be in the suburbs. Rural communities would be idiotic, because there would be people guarding the small towns you’d need to go to in order to lay in supplies, and people would be, well, unlikely to let a stranger in.

This was amazing. Thank you, s.z.

He’s so worried about the jackals coming to take his stuff that he never considers that he is that jackal. Others would decide that it would be prudent to form bonds with their neighbors, that cooperation and numbers could overcome many obstacles. But not Baldwin. He’ll instead try to overcome his neighbors with a battle rifle.

Also also: I love the way he starts by looking at real crises, then slinks off to imaginary fun land, Nookular Apocalypse edition.

A “battle rifle,” eh? Chuck (Ron Paul’s running mate from 2004) so badly wants to be Aaron Burr I’m surprised he hasn’t challenged Tim Geithner to a duel.

So let’s see if I’ve got this straight…if we “put something in the pot” for Scott and Mary–s.z. will visit more often…

(whipping out a pen) I”m going to have to postdate this check…

Seriously–nice to have you back, you sweet thang. I’ve missed you.

I am not an economist; I am not a survival expert; I am not a firearms expert; I am not an attorney; I am not a physician. In fact, I am not an expert in anything!

But I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

Good to read your voice again, s.z. I’ve sent S&M a check. I’ll see if I have any spare “battle rifles” lying around. Hmmm, let’s see, Nerf gun…MegaWaterBlaster…potato gun…nope, all out of “battle rifles.”

A word for Mr.N.O.Expert: a good way to survive a serious disruption of society is to have some skills that will be useful to others. If our economy falls into bartering mode, it will help to have some ability to fix things (or people) or produce food or organize communities, etc., etc. Having a jones about firearms might be one, but not the only one, for sure.

Imagine if there was another 9/11-type event. What would happen if some form of Zimbabwe-style inflation hit the US? What would happen if anything disrupted the distribution of Welfare checks, or food to local grocers?

I’ll field this one, Chuck.

1. Life would go on for the vast majority of us, but instead of wanting to nuke the Middle East, this the right would want to lynch the President.

2. I hate to chimpanzify*(*Cf.) you Chas, but being black doesn’t automatically trigger hyperinflation.

3. My guess is that normal people would band together and help one another until provisions arrived while the crazy ones fled to their rural redoubts.

” believe every man (along with his wife and children of adequate age) should be proficient with the following weapons: a handgun in .38 caliber or above, a .22 rifle, a center-fire hunting rifle, a semi-automatic battle rifle, and a shotgun.”

Nope, yep, kinda, nope and yep. Although, since I have it on good authority that the army guys can kill you from a mile away, in the dark and before you even know they’re in the neighborhood, I’m just going to leave the 410 sitting in the closet and whip it out if there’s a groundhog attacking my garden.

Nice to see you back, s.z, and thanks for taking care of the needy little critters.
I agree with today’s wingnut that we need to be prepared for any contingency, but as an urban resident I’ve had to adopt slightly different plans, like continually ranking my neighbors for weight changes, how often they play loud music and presumed tastiness (I plan on turning the smokers into my personal slaves since they are clearly inedible).
If we aren’t instantly vaporized in some nuclear conflagration, Philadelphia should be able to keep me fed well into my eighties.

Maybe is not so stupid to get some “insulated underwear” before that big penis-shaped mothership come!

What would happen if a busload of “Jerry Springer Show” guests was stranded in your hometown? Scary, huh?

Too late. You should see the downtown diner’s parking lot.

What the hell? Now I have to be prepared for non-zombie apocalypses too? Screw that. In the event of a total breakdown of civilization, I’m just killing myself and hoping to be reincarnated on a better organized planet. One without Renew America, for example.

I continue to be baffled by people who think they want to survive in the vast post-apocalyptic wasteland, especially considering most of ‘em are barely functional with massive infrastructural support. I mean, seriously, short of actually growing gills, does anyone think Jonah Goldberg could survive global warming? Once Steve Forbes’ cash is useless for the purposes of hiring servants, how long do you think it’ll be before he’s sitting, half naked and sobbing, in his pantry, trying to figure out why he can’t twist the lid off a metal can of caviar? How long before K-Lo is staggering through the ravaged countryside trying to barter her already insufficient proofreading skills for food and shelter, or Andrew Breitbart trying to find just one working computer so he can upload what James O’Keefe has promised him is a totally brutal hidden camera expose on unethical hiring practices among the new warlord class?

Doghouse is right. These fuckwits need marketable skills, not guns, which will certainly be widely available once WalMart employees realize their jobs are *literally* worthless. But for some reason, that’s what the fixate on. Why, one might almost be tempted to believe they don’t actually think any of their nightmare scenarios will ever happen, and are only engaging in mental masturbation.

Anyway, great to see you again, S.Z. You don’t *have* to post regularly or anything, but it’s nice to hear from you once in a while just so we know you’re still around, you know? Still, this made my day, no kidding.

Ah Ms. z. Truly nice to hear from you, and nice to know your absence is due to the demands of you being a far better person than I will ever be.

As you know, Scott and Mary have done a most excellent job of running the place (some of the best ever lately) but you are still missed.

My end-of-the-world hording recommendation? (I’m not an expert, either)


And a still.

Oh, and guns. Lots of guns. Lot and lots of guns. Like Michael Gross and Reba McEntire in Tremors had guns, guns, only more.

But a still. Also.

even after writing this column I think he’d still go for the ball-pit


and great to see you back s.z., don’t be a stranger

I just now done dood it! I may not comment often, but I always visit and always find the posts and comments to be hilarious and I can’t wait to see what zany antics your crazy neighbors come up with! Yay, Crap-staways! To Scott, Mary, s.z., and the rest, heeeere on Bilious Isle! (That’s referring to the bile you guys muck through daily in your search for content.)

Now, time for more caffeine.

I dunno, Jonah could be very valuable as he would roast up nicely.

And whiskey will be far more useful for barter than gold.

S.Z.!!1! Howdy!

I love the underlying snobbery hidden in this screed: that’s centerfire, motherfucker, not rimfire!

Something to say?