I noticed the other day that Dr. Professor Mike Adams is now on Twitter, and wondered how an ego with the brobdingnagian dimensions of his would cope with such a circumscribed medium. But judging by the tweets below (a random sampling from the past few days) the 140-character limit does not seem to impair Dr. Mike’s natural douchebaggery in the slightest. In fact, I’ve gained a new respect for him, and am firmly convinced he could make a luminously inflamed asshole of himself with nothing to work with but punctuation:
True, I did say feminists are so dumb they need seminars to learn to masturbate. I didn’t mean to be offensive. I was taken out of context!
I say “Give me a piece, and give me a chance.” Not “Give peace a chance.” I’m a gun owner, not a stinking hippie.
Just got a bad Amazon review on “Feminists Say the Darndest Things.” I don’t know why the feminist is mad. It’s not like I aborted her dog.
We need an untrasound that identifies future abortion doctors. They, and only they, should be aborted.
Don’t tell me why you support abortion. Tell someone who was adopted.
Maybe it’s almost time for a second Civil War. If you keep telling me to be civil - while taking what is mine - there’s gonna be a war.
New Year’s message from Mike Adams to Muslim extremists: Let’s get it on. Bitches!
Happy New Year everyone! May we bring peace to the world by killing far more Muslim extremists than we did last year!
Speaking of men who wield the Mother Tongue like a tubesock full of gall stones, Pastor Swank has resumed his on again/off again affair with Jim Crow-era terms of endearment:
The Boy screwed up but points fingers at all others who screwed up.
And so America “dodged” another calamity by the skin of its inept Oval Office occupant and criminal-stained shadow government of amateurs spinning the country.
Lucky for us the President has skin.
Obama is the bright and morning star who promised hope in change that would never point fingers; however, Muslims lie per the Koran’s virtue list and therefore Obama can do just that—again—to be orthodox Islamic.
Uncle Samarra Wants YOU for the Caliphate!
It must have been the Hawaiian air that brought our Muslim leader to his senses on this Tuesday’s twosome “screwed up.”
Ever since Obama endorsed it, the Pastor’s brain has been boycotting air.
If Obama does not wise up instead of screw up we’ll all be plugged by a “bullet.”
Which will have to be even more magical than the slug that nailed JFK and Governor Connolly.
His alliances with Islam World Rule will see to that. His Muslim colleagues assisting on Pennsylvania Avenue work night and day to precision the “bullet.”
And it’s delicate work, conjugating the verb “to precise.”
Then Obama calls these cohorts “brave individuals.” But wait a minute? Is he referring actually to patriots left in positions of authority by which we can truly be protected? Or is this another nod to his comrades in setting up the final fall of America? Only time will tell.
You want anything while we’re waiting? Pretzels? Fresca? Maybe a Hot Pocket?
It’s sickening. America has come to this low-level in its history. And this so close after 9 / 11 that we have One of Them Power-Slinging from the White House.
That One is One of Them? It’s even worse than McCain thought!
Rid the White House of its Islamic curse.
Right you are, Pastor. First thing we have to do is return all the Aztec gold to Isla de Muerta, then we need to take blood samples from some pirates…
Has Mike Adams ever had an original thought in his head? His tweet stream is just distilled right wing pub bore cliché.
Left by Fluffypinkduck on January 6th, 2010