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I was browsing the website of the ultra cute and hilarious radio host Stephanie Miller, when I saw this :

The clothes, the hairstyles, and the voiceover were all period perfect, so I was sure it wasn’t something concocted by ambitious YouTubers, but I have absolutely no memory of this game, and I am a HUGE 70’s toy fan. I was certain it had to be some forgotten SNL parody from 30 years ago.  But I was wrong.  It’s not a parody.  It’s a gift.  A wonderful, magical gift, hand-crafted by twinkly-eyed immortal dwarves from the Black Forest, and delivered under cover of darkness, along with a pot of gold spun from straw, and a pair of resoled Easy Spirit Pumps.  Ladies and gentlemen, Ball-Busters and Ball-Bustees, I give you:
The Mego Museum

10 Responses to ““Ball Buster”: The Perfect Bridal Shower Gift for Jenna!”

I can’t help with that one, but I do own a line of toy fairies who live in shoes apparently designed for very small drag queens, and a set of naked baby troll dolls that live in fake cosmetics.

Stop looking at me like that, dammit.




I mean, even back then, could they *possibly* have not realized the implications, the innuendo of, “You’re a baaaaalllllllll-buster!”? could they?!?

That rivals the ads for “Mystery Date.” My kids found a whole bunch of those used games on eBay and begged me to buy one, because they are so retro-awful. I discouraged them by singing the whole commercial to them, including, “Will your date be a dream… or a dud [child actress moans]? … Open the door to your Mystery Date! [preteen actress sighs of ecstasy] by Milton Bradley.”

Frankly, I could think of something to throw at the newlyweds, and it wouldn’t be rice.

There was also that game based on donkey rustling… you know, “Grab Ass.” (Not fun for the family, but GREAT around the office.)

They have this on a track on the first UNKLE’s “Psyence Fiction” album…

I actually remember playing that game. And sheesh folks, of course the game company, and the advertisers knew exactly what they were saying. And exactly how the audiance would take it. That’s why the woman wins the game. It wouldn’t have been funny if she had lost and said “you’re a ball buster”. Different times folks. We weren’t nearly as prudish then, and evrything was tongue in cheek. Ya know sexual revolution, sex, drugs, rock and roll, burning bras, etc. I think it was some sort of communal reaction to the Cold war and the endless bloody quagmire we watched on the teevees every night. Isn’t it psychologically normal reaction? My guess is, the next time this country finds itself in an untenable, unwinable war we’ll ……..oh wait, nevermind.

That is way to complicated for any bush. They can’t even play war without fucking it up.

Is it only me, or was there something odd about that woman’s wink? I can’t wink without moving the muscles under my eye, but she just dropped the eyelid and raised it again with no apparent movement.

Could it even have been an early version of CGI?!?!?!

Oh my god!

“Forgotten Fads and Fabulous Flops” had an entry on this game! They mentioned the ad specificlly, but I’d never been able to find it. Thank you thank you thank you thank you!

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