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Damp, Disembodied Harlequin Head hopes everybody has a safe and happy holiday celebration, and urges you to pause for a moment and remember all the wonderful things you have to be thankful for, or else he’ll come to you in your nightmares.

Happy Turkey Day, guys.

9 Responses to “Happy Thanksgiving”

zomg nightmares await! I loathe those things! They’re worse than modern clowns.

Happy Thanksgiving anyway.;-)

Behind bars no less! What does it mean? What does it mean? Is it a curse? Is it a comment on the last administration?

Someone got Bastille Day and Mardi Gras way the hell mixed up.

Creepy, creepy clown. Who are these people that would create such a thing? Do they have kids? Do they hate their kids? Baffling.

Well, I hope everybody had as good a Thanksgiving as we did, a peaceful day with the family-of-choice, interspersed with small-kitten-related hilarity. Man, they’re fun now that the older cat is starting to relax.

The low down on N. O., huh? A chipped joker in the weeds.

Will George Bush pardon that poor harlequin? He’s pardoned so many clowns…

I swear that my first look at that thing made me think it was some sort of weird art piece with a clown head in the late phase of being given birth to. My second and further looks can’t get me past that thought either so this is way, way into scary clown land.

Plus that pointy hat thing had to hurt!

I’ll see your disembodied harlequin and raise you a headless teddy bear.

Vosburg, as much as I’ve missed you, you still skeer me sometimes.

Something to say?