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Archive for October 12th, 2010

Onward, Christian Whiners

Posted by s.z. on October 12th, 2010

Thanks to the American Family Association, I am informed every time a Christian martyr is unjustly eaten by lions, the government, and or/secular humanists. One day it’s the case of a Christian grad student who just wants to counsel gay junior high students that they are going to hell –but her liberal university is forcing her to learn about homosexuals first, which violates her constitutional right to ignorance. The next day it’s the story of a baker being persecuted by a city government for refusing to turn his impressionable daughters into lesbians by baking gay cookies. Yesterday we learned about Pastor Cary Gordon, whom somebody tattled on because he placed his church’s tax-exempt status in jeopardy.

Here’s reporter Charlie Butts (seriously, that’s his name) with the story:

Political’ pastor to IRS: Sue me

A complaint has been filed with the Internal Revenue Service against an Iowa church on the basis of political involvement.

Next month, voters in The Hawkeye State will have an opportunity to vote against renewing terms for three state Supreme Court justices who voted in favor of homosexual “marriage.” Pastor Cary Gordon of Cornerstone World Outreach in Sioux City sent a letter to pastors around the state encouraging them to join in the effort to remove the three from the bench. In response, Americans United for Separation of Church and State filed a complaint against the Sioux City pastor.

What an outrage! The pastor failed to follow the IRS guidelines, and so he got reported to the IRS, which will presumably send his church a warning letter or something. It’s like living in Communist Russia or Nazi Germany!

Pastor Gordon tells OneNewsNow that Christians are often accused of shoving their religion down others’ throats — and if they say the same things inside the walls of the church, they are accused of bringing politics into religion. “You can’t have it both ways,” he remarks.

Per Pastor Cary, he is either allowed to shove religion down others’ throats and force them to stop thinking gay “marriage” should be “legal,” or he is allowed to use religion to force politics down others’ throats, in order to make gay “marriage” illegal. We have to let him do one or the other.

“We’re tired of the hypocrisy of these people because they desire to ensconce — and frankly they’re doing it — …secular humanism [as] the new state religion of the United States of America in violation of the original intent of the First Amendment,” he laments.

Because, as we all know, when the First Amendment says “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,” which is currently interpreted to mean “government should not prefer one religion to another, or religion to irreligion,” it’s original intent was actually “Nobody should try to stop Pastor Cary from using his religion to achieve his political goals, because his religion is true. And P. S., gays should not be allowed to get married because Pastor Cary thinks homosexuality is icky.”

Gordon stresses that despite complaints from groups like Americans United, he will continue to preach his convictions on Sunday.

“I have never, nor will I ever, get a message from the Holy Spirit and then go check with the IRS tax code first to see if it’s okay to preach it,” he states.

Yeah, but the report to the IRS was about your using your church authority to write and mail letters ugring political action.

“I’m tired of pastors submitting to this tyranny —

I’m with you on this one, Pastor! You should not submit to this tyranny any longer! Just preach whatever the Holy Spirit tells you, and then take a stand by paying the church’s taxes, and by telling its members that their donations are no longer tax deductible! Sure, it’s not as dramatic as being crucified upside down for your beliefs, but I think God will still appreciate the gesture.

and I’m expecting to try to get the IRS to sue us so that we can take it all the way to the Supreme Court and restore freedom in America’s pulpits.”

Um, Pastor, I don’t think that’s how it works. I think the IRS can just tell you have to pay taxes. You know, like how the police don’t sue you when they think you’ve committed a crime, they just arrest you.

Gordon’s church is represented by Christian attorneys from Liberty Institute.

Of course it is. They defend all the best crybabies who get caught misusing religion.

Anyway, let’s learn more about this fiery young preacher who is willing to be sued by the IRS for his convictions:

Rev. Cary Gordon currently serves on the pastoral team of Cornerstone World Outreach in Sioux City, Iowa,

I wonder if the rest of the team shares Pastor Cary’s desire to taunt the IRS.

and resides there with his wife, Molly, his sons Solomon and Jonas, and his daughter, Ella. He is most known for his dynamic teaching ministry, particularly in the field of eschatology.

His sermon on the Whore of Babylon is a particular favorite with the crowds.

In addition to his pastoral duties, Pastor Cary serves as the President of PeaceMakers Institute: A theological school dedicated to equipping conservative thinkers with the tools necessary to achieve victory in the American culture war.

His war plan for peace apparently includes equipping conservative thinkers with the idea that God revealed in the First Amendment that they have a divine right to tax breaks.

Hmm, it’s a long bio, so let’s just hit the highlights:

. . . the secretary treasurer of Sioux Citizens for Responsible Government – a Political Action Committee . . . turf of grassroots politics … RHEMA Bible Training Center … Associates Degree … recognized singer, songwriter, and author of the recently published book entitled The MasterPeace … creator, producer and director of the soon to be released children’s television show, Passage to Dominion.™

And, like all singer/songwriter/author, creator/producer/directors, he is looking for some free publicity. So, it was his lucky day when somebody finally noticed him violating IRS tax-exempt guidelines!