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As most any boy who’s grown up in America has learned, usually from the amplifying piehole of a doughy, red-faced, middle-aged Field Marshal-manqué shouting himself hoarse on the greensward of a Junior High athletic field, the best defense is a good offense; and nobody tries to be more offensive than the Unpromoted Professor, Dr. Mike Adams.

With five recent cases of gay teens who were bullied to death — and those are just the ones that have gained national attention; a lot of kids who are tormented for being gay never report it, even in a suicide note, because they haven’t, or can’t, come out to their families — Dr. Mike saw the chance to add insult to tragedy.  Because the problem with today’s bullies — even those who persecute other kids into an early grave — is their lack of follow through.

Many bullies take the death of their victim as a sign they’ve gone too far and should maybe back off; some, if they’re not complete sociopaths, might even experience flashes of horror and regret.  And this is precisely where Dr. Mike’s unique perspective comes in handy.   Why stop abusing your victim just because he’s dead?  What are you, a quitter?  Besides, it’s not like he can hit you back now, which makes attacking the dead almost as safe as Dr. Mike’s own preferred mode of single combat: writing slam books about imaginary lesbians.

Just Swastikas

Note: Dr. Adams will be speaking this Wednesday (October 6th) at UNC-Charlotte. The speech, which is free and open to the public, will start at 7 p.m. in the Student Union Theater.

Why is Dr. Mike speaking at UNC-Charlotte?  Well, because people at the school where he teaches, UNC-Wilmington, seem to be on to him.  Still, admission is free, which is a pretty good deal, considering Hitler charged his fans 35 pfennig a pop for the nosebleed seats at Nuremberg, and 5 reichsmarks for t-shirts and hats.

Plans for National Coming Out Day are going well all across North Carolina – especially at UNC-Charlotte (UNCC). Conservative students at UNCC are planning a Conservative Coming Out Day in response to National Coming Out Day.

I sympathize with closeted conservative youth.  It must be hard to tell your parents you’re an idiot, especially when they’re paying your tuition.

I will be there to offer a diverse perspective on an important issue that has been largely ignored on our nation’s campuses. My speech will highlight several pending cases, which show that homosexuals are not the principal victims of civil rights violations in this country. Instead, they are the principal perpetrators of civil rights violations in this country – especially on our college campuses.

The main problem with the “best defense is a good offense” philosophy seems to be the “good offense” part.  Claiming that gays (who, according to folks like Dr. Mike, are a teeny tiny percentage of the population) are somehow enforcing an apartheid regime on the straight majority is a tough sell, especially when each day seems to bring yet another depressing news story about iron-heeled gay teens driven to take their own lives by their taunting, violent victims.

Jim Crow ain’t what it used to be.

After my speech, there will be a reception where I will be asking that camouflaged cupcakes be served to all in attendance. I am asking the College Republicans to provide camouflaged cupcakes in order to highlight an interesting case that is developing at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) where plans for National Coming Out Day are not proceeding very smoothly.

Dr. Mike, his nose to the wind, has sensed the pheromones of a fellow homophobe, and popped a bigot-boner.  As  nature intended.

City officials in Indianapolis are investigating a bakery that refused to take an order from an IUPUI student group seeking rainbow-colored cupcakes for their National Coming Out Day. A spokesman for Mayor Greg Ballard said city officials are conducting an investigation into a bakery, Just Cookies, which declined to take the order.

I trust Doghouse Riley will correct me if I’m mistaken, but I believe Mayor Ballard is a Republican, so if nothing else, the Cirque du Soleil-style contortions — even if merely rhetorical — should be entertaining.

After the so-called diversity group ordered the rainbow cupcakes Just Cookies co-owner David Stockton told them theirs was a family-run business. He also explained that he has two young, impressionable daughters and, therefore, thought it was best not to make the cupcakes.

Then the government got involved. “Whatever this gentleman’s personal views are, it cannot interfere with the providing of a service or allowing someone to buy their goods,” said an official of the local government.

That’s good to know. I’m sure some Nazi group would love to visit the local Jewish tailor and have him make them all Nazi uniforms. And the Jewish merchant should definitely be forced by the government to provide services to members of a political movement seeking to destroy him.

All I can say is, if you’ve hatched an evil scheme to destroy a baker by buying a large number of cupcakes from him, then you’re the crappiest Nazi since Colonel Klink.  Of course, neo-Nazis aren’t covered by the Indianapolis anti-discrimination ordinance, while LGBT people are, and the bakery rents space in a city-owned facility, so the government is kind of obliged to investigate allegations that one of its tenants is violating one of its laws.

Of course, comparing gays to Nazis is unfair to the Nazis. The Nazi party doesn’t have much of a presence on America. But the Gaystapo certainly does.

If only the Nazi Party had been as ruthless a perpetrator of civil rights violations as the gays, the Third Reich probably would have committed suicide after years of constant bullying by Jews.

In the wake of the IUPUI cupcake controversy, a student told a local Fox News station “I don’t want to topple anybody at all. I just think it’s important we ask ourselves and Just Cookies asks themselves why they made the statement, why they’re making these choices and how it’s ultimately affecting their business and the community as a whole.”

What an arrogant statement! Everyone knows that such behavior is dictated by an anti-gay gene. Homosexuals are not the only ones who can dodge criticism by making phony genetic arguments unsupported by evidence. I should know. I was born with the sarcasm gene.

And an extra chromosome.

Indianapolis city officials are working to determine whether the rainbow cupcake order was refused because the bakery couldn’t provide the desired product or because something else was at play. I can save them the time and money involved in any continuing investigation by telling them there is something else in play. That “something else” is called religious liberty.

I assume Dr. Mike will be standing strong with Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf as he rallies support for the construction of Park51.  Although perhaps the Professionally Plateaued Professor would prefer if they built the Muslim community center and mosque on city-owned land.  Makes a stronger First Amendment statement.

Our Founders fought to preserve religious expression, including freedom of conscience, because they knew it was vital to the preservation of our nation. They thought it was so important they put it in the Bill of Rights just before the parts about sodomy and abortion. Oh wait! There’s nothing in the Bill of Rights about sodomy and abortion. Sorry about that. It must be my sarcasm gene, which actually is capable of being passed on from generation to generation.

Unless, like Dr. Mike, you’re shooting blanks.

UPDATE: In comments, and over at his place, Doghouse Riley explains that, just like the Monster in Monster-A-Go-Go, “there was no cupcake.”

27 Responses to “Dr. Mike: Like Lemon Juice to a Paper Cut”

Maybe Dr. Mike will invite Andrew Shirvell as his guest of honor at the speech. The audience could use a good laugh.

Camouflage is the opposite of rainbows?

Never having served in the military,Dr. Mike is unaware that there are plenty of gays there, too.

After the so-called diversity group ordered the rainbow cupcakes Just Cookies co-owner David Stockton told them theirs was a family-run business. He also explained that he has two young, impressionable daughters and, therefore, thought it was best not to make the cupcakes.

Um, so this baker believes that rainbow cupcakes are capable of causing his impressionable daughters to turn gay? Wow, all take a moment to contemplate the awesome power of cupcakes!

Anyway, ever since the AFA started sending me emails detailing the terrible persecution this baker has undergone (since freedom from cupcakes is one of the freedoms promised to us by the First Amendment), I knew Dr. Mike would be all over this. The column is just lacking a mention of how Dr. Mike would shoot anybody who offered HIM a gay cupcake to make it complete.

I was born with the sarcasm gene

Apparently he only inherited the recessive allele. No expression of sarcasm detectable.

Now the asshole gene…

My freedom of conscience, which includes not caring at all about what hole consensual lovers fuck AND the choice of adults to control their bodies even to the point of making difficult choices (like stupid tattoos) trumps his freedom of conscience because it’s hard to exercise freedom of something you don’t possess.

It must be my sarcasm gene, which actually is capable of being passed on from generation to generation.

Capable in the theoretical sense, doubtful in the actual.

Yup, I can just imagine the look of horror on the face of any young girl who saw a cupcake with a rainbow on it. At least those who were creeped out by the Lucky Charms leprechaun.

Also, in the Dictionary of Logical Fallacies, Dr. Mike has his own section under category errors.

I will be there to offer a diverse perspective

Dr. Mike holds every possible opinion on the subject.

Um, so this baker believes that rainbow cupcakes are capable of causing his impressionable daughters to turn gay?

Let’s not even start to think what would happen if they saw a pony cupcake.

Unicorn cupcakes. Gimme gimme gimme.

Just a prelude to my actual comments (and hoping that somewhere in here, somebody can tell me why October 11th was chosen for National Coming-Out Day… If it has nothing to do with Stonewall or other momentous acts, what’s so special about that date for teh LGBTQ community? I don’t MIND that it’s on my birthday, I’m happy that there *IS* a Coming-Out Daybut why do they gotta hog AAALLLLLL of the fucking attention on MY majority-ACCURSED/DOOMSDAY/BITTER FAILURE birfdays?!?!?), as I’ve just started reading this loverly piece on my least-favorite bigot-knob waste of oxygen.

To the point of this precursor: *This* phrase, I must say, HAS to be permanently carved into a plaque somewhere and SAVED FOR ALL POSTERITY, despite the horrific cartoons that it drew in my head (teeeeny TINY cartoons!!!):

“…and popped a bigot-boner.”

The “as nature intended” punchline is *the* perfect capper, but the line in and of itself, with or without homophobe pheromones, is PURE GOLD.

Will return when I’ve finished reading Scott’s inimitable art.

P.S. As glad as I am that so much attention is being paid to the heartbreakingly-sad story of the young man who recently took his life b/c his dorm-mates were UTTER SCUM WHO SHOULD SERVE LIFE SENTENCES (and any fucking “librul” moron who says that they “FEEL SORRY FOR” those fucking so-called “KIDS,” who are, in reality and in the eyes of the law, fucking ***ADULTS*** and therefore RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR HORRIFICALLY-HATEFUL BEHAVIOR — I hear ONE. MORE. FUCKING. IDIOT. SAY THAT??? ‘Sgonna be some MAJOR motherfucking discrepancies somewhere on teh innernet toobs, and y’all will see ANNTI going to jail along with the bullies who ought to be pushed from the GWB *themselves*!!!!!!)why don’t celebrities and celebubloggers get so het-up and morally-indignant about BULLYING OF *OTHER* KIDS?!?!?

Yes, I was a head taller than all the kids my age, I was the arm-wrestling champ of my elementary school (until we hit junior high and the boys hit puberty, into which I’d already been thrown, big-tits-first, at age NINE), but I was *THE* ***most*** picked-upon, mocked, derided, belittled, bullied, attacked, physically-assaulted, gang-derided, mob-tortured, so-unpopular-I-was-the-antichrist-to-”popularity,” FOR TWELVE YEARS OF PUBLIC SCHOOL AND THREE DIFFERENT KINDERGARTENS!!!!!!

Only 2 teachers ever stuck up for me, and they couldn’t be everywhere or help me once I moved on to higher grades. NONE of the other teachers GAVE A FUCK as the little cracker klan-mentality bigots were jumping me b/c it wouldn’t get *them* in ANY trouble, whereas if they’d jumped my black friends who’d just been bused-in (NINETEEN-SEVENTY-*SIX* THROUGH **EIGHTY-EIGHT**!!!!!! Federal lawsuits, my ass — PURE-DEE MOUTH-BREATHING RECIDIVISM!!!), they MIGHT have gotten suspended, it being a KLAN-CENTRAL parish and all, and us being under federal oversight, to SOME degree, anyway.

But *me*? Motherfuckers could throw clots of dirt at the back of my head, shove me under the merry-go-round-thingy, knock me upside the head with a kickball, lob hardballs into my back, WHAT-THE-FUCK-*EVER*, RIGHT THE FUCK IN FRONT OF THE ‘TEACHERS’, and not ONE of ‘em EVER got into “trouble”!!!!! NOT *ONCE*!!!!!

Why was I a bully’s favorite target? 1. Hyperlexic alien. 2. Bullied/abused/owned/pimped-out at home, ergo, taught to NEVER defend myself against my SMALLER tormentors, so I was A HUMAN FUCKING *TARGET*. 3. Black friends; the kids who accepted me as-is, as opposed to sadiddy cracker twinkies who had teh Fallen Uterus’s short-bitch attitude towards a big, tall, gorky dorky AMAZON bitch like me. 4. Children of alcoholics (show of hands, kids? There’ve got to be at least a dozen of us around here…) are notorious klutzes, from being ambushed by hissy-fits, threats & violence on an unpredictably-regular basis. 5. I fought back with my words instead of my fists, which, in retrospect, hasn’t done me a damned bit of good. 6. I was a live birth, never wanted, never had new clothes (and very rarely “GIRL’S” clothes!) or shoes or anything else that would’ve possibly helped me “fit in.”

Where are/WERE the celebrities sticking-up for the below-poverty-level geeks *like me* (and my quasi-adopted daughter Candice) who were bullied *every* *single* fucking *school* *day* for over fifteen years?

I was already reading the newspaper when I started kindergarten @ 3, and went through 2 other k.g. before I found a teacher who wouldn’t constantly *punish* me for getting bored with the fucking ALPHABET and COLORING *and* because I wanted to play with all of the toys that I never got to have at home. The fact that the TEACHERS fucking loathed me should’ve been a hint about what the other rulers o’mediocrity (teh “popular” rednecks/inbreds-with-money) would do to me for the rest of my sub-standard public-school career.

Last one, I promise:

“If only the Nazi Party had been as ruthless a perpetrator of civil rights violations as the gays, the Third Reich probably would have committed suicide after years of constant bullying by Jews.”

Can I then extrapolate this transcendental masturbation on “Dr.” Mike’s part to mean that HE will, hopefully sooner than later, commit suicide from the stress of having bullied/committed hate crimes against teh gayz, wimmenfolk, furriners, gun-crime protesters, and everybody else on the planet who has a CONSCIENCE? Please, Scott, PLEASE — ANYBODY!!! — tell me that this is possible, in the smoky, messy morass of a swamp that Mikey calls his “brain”!!!!!!

“I was born with the sarcasm gene.”

And an extra chromosome.

Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh… Thank you, Scott. I needed that. And Mikey would have to UNDERSTAND the concept of “sarcasm,” just like he would need to understand “sexuality,” before claiming to HAVE ANY. Though that extra chromosome would explain soooooooo much, wouldn’t it? Yeah, some serial killers have tried that iffy-genetic-predisposition XXY/XYY thing to get off from multiple murders/rapes/etc., but what’s Mikey’s excuse? Wouldn’t he need at least *one* “Y” in there somewhere?

@Larkspur Unicorn cupcakes? How about a unicorn groomer? http://www.crankypressman.com/cranky_pressman/2010/08/jennifer-daniel-unicorn-groomer.html

It’s interesting that no cupcakes were actually involved in the Big Cupcake Story. That’s an artifact of the three days it took to get a straight, you should pardon the expression, story out of the local media, which initially portrayed this as a He Said/Shemale Said deal, with a sidebar of Pushy Homos Scream ‘Discrimination’ Just Because Store Can’t Fill Special Order.

Cupcakes are what the group wound up with, from another bakery, after the cookie order was refused with an abrupt hang-up. Unsurprisingly, they’d called Just Cookies to order, uh, cookies. “We don’t even sell cupcakes” was just one of the dodges the couple that own the place tried after they–belatedly–realized they’d stepped in something that wasn’t imitation butter. (“We don’t do special orders”, which became “We don’t do that many special orders”, and “We can’t handle orders that large” also got try-outs; they seemed to be operating on the assumption that no one would believe a lesbian.)

The crux of the actual conversation the owner actually had with the actual woman from the Social Justice Education Office at IUPUI–with the Won’t Someone Think Of Our Chaste Daughters Forced To View Rainbows? Defense–didn’t come to light for a couple days, after which the owners decided to shut up.

So if you’re keeping score, that’s Hating People You Don’t Know, Lying to Save Your Ass, and Hiding Your Superior Moral Values If They Might Get You In Dutch are also acceptable lessons to teach your offspring. Along with the traditional Gay Cooties thing.

Cupcakes? I, for one, care less for them.
I prefer… the Muffin.

p.s. pardon this more unusually, potentially obscure non sequitur from moi; just hit a resonant note

Plans for National Coming Out Day are going well all across North Carolina – especially at UNC-Charlotte (UNCC). Conservative students at UNCC are planning a Conservative Coming Out Day in response to National Coming Out Day.

In most cases, isn’t this duplicative? Is Dr. Mike railing against the waste of student money?

My speech will highlight several pending cases, which show that homosexuals are not the principal victims of civil rights violations in this country. Instead, they are the principal perpetrators of civil rights violations in this country – especially on our college campuses.

I know I often walked across campus to catcalls and whistles and the frequent “Hello sailor!”…sheesh!

I am asking the College Republicans to provide camouflaged cupcakes

Camo cupcakes? WTF?

Dr Mike? Um, green smeared blotchy icing doesn’t seem like it would be particularly attractive and would be a waste of student funds…

Oh wait! There’s nothing in the Bill of Rights about sodomy and abortion.

We’re waiting for the 69th Amendment, Dr Mike.

“Camouflage cupcakes,” hmm?

Back in my hometown, there was a friend of a friend who was deep in the closet, having only discussed his being gay with a select group of people. He’d even gone so far as to get a very good female friend to pretend to be his wife. Now, why would he go to such lengths to hide his sexuality? Well, he was living in a small, homogenous town in western Kansas and was genuinely frightened as to what would happen if anyone found out. Best case scenario? His business would take a hit and he’d have to move. I don’t think I need to tell anyone here what the worst case scenario might be.

That’s what comes to my mind when I see Mike Adams, a straight white Protestant man who claims to understand discrimination, use the term “camouflage cupcake.” That and that I hope he gets a chance to legitimately experience just a fraction of the bigotry he claims is directed at him.

“Camouflage cupcakes,” hmm?

Back in my hometown, there was a friend of a friend who was deep in the closet, having only discussed his being gay with a select group of people.

Certainly, there’s ample evidence to support this analogy. His inability to impregnate a perfectly fertile woman, his inability since to even date steadily, his inability to go thru life without a surrogate penis…

in Amereeca, furst you ged de sodomy, den you ged de abortion…

I trust everyone here has heard of the “It Gets Better Project”?

Make a video, tell gay kids (who now have a chance to see happy gay adults living their lives – YAY, INTERNETS!) that life is going to get better, and soon. Remind them that high school is a small percentage of their lives, and that slowly but surely, the bigots are losing.

Mikey writes: After my speech, there will be a reception where I will be asking that camouflaged cupcakes be served to all in attendance.

Boy, is that stoopid. How’re folks supposed to find ‘em?

Let’s not even start to think what would happen if they saw a pony cupcake.

Left by Weird Dave on October 6th, 2010


Boy, is that stoopid. How’re folks supposed to find ‘em?

Chris V wins the intertubes for today.

No doubt Dr. Mike refuses to let his ears be sullied by the dulcet tones of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” lest he turn into Judy Garland.

And this assclown is supposedly a “Dr.” of something AND a professor?

Dude’s really into camo. Why, I’ve heard he even has a fake beard….

“And an extra chromosome”

Is that a reference to Fragile X Syndrome or Down Syndrome?

Either way, seems to me like what Dr. Mike has is Asshole Syndrome.

Either way, seems to me like what Dr. Mike has is Asshole Syndrome.

No argument here.

From Doctor Who:

Doctor: The Master is back.
Past Doctor: Oh, yes? Does he still have that rubbish beard?
Doctor: No, no. Well, he has a wife…

it’s a clever ruse to cover the fact that Dr Perfesser Mike PhD had eaten them all (insert drama sting)

Something to say?