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Every once in awhile we check to see what search strings have built up in the World O’ Crap referrer logs, much like that guy at Jiffy Lube who comes out to the waiting room to cluck his tongue about all the gunk in your fuel filter. So let’s see which questions The Algorithm has so badly bungled that it actually sent people to us for answers…

1.  how to make eyes: I assume this is for a Jaycees Haunted House and the answer is, “use peeled grapes.”

2.  ghost with a boner: This is a popular Hong Kong (Category III) horror film.  It’s also what happens when a healthy young dead guy sees an attractive, nubile, and deceased girl in an Invisible Bikini.

3.  model pretending to be a whore: Also known as “art imitating life.”

4.  bishop stonewall shelton toomsuba ms: Welcome, Your Grace. Here’s the post you’re looking for.

5.  shaddam hussain: Also known as shaddam IV, the 81st Padishah Emperor of the known universe, and a really embarrassing way for Jose Ferrer to end his career.

6.  fatal vagina: During the Bush Administration, this was the title of the federally approved textbook used in Abstinence Only sex education classes.

7.  Separated At Birth Queries:

a.)  hitler’s disney sketches:
b.)  hitler’s autopsy pictures:

Mix and Match Them!

8.  high foreheads surgery: This is the latest Tinsel Town trend in cosmetic enhancements.  After a vogue for wearing unnecessary eyeglasses in an effort to look smart, Young Hollywood is fighting the age-old “blondes are dumb” canard with Forehead Implants.

Nothing says “Einsteinian intellect” like a forehead that resembles two butts pressed against a plate glass window.

9.  “bib overalls” bald: Like “the Brazilian,” this is a term of art for a style of bikini wax, in which most of the hair is left intact, but shaped into an oblong and vajazzled with two brass buttons.

10.  dr. mike male stripper real name robert t******: At last it’s clear why Dr. Mike Adams feels so free to aggravate his colleagues, insult his superiors, and sue his own university — he’s got something to fall back on.

And since World O’ Crap is now a reality show — which, like so many reality shows, is basically just a game show — we come to the Open Source segment of our program, where we appeal to you, the Wo’C reader, to answer these perplexing queries, under pain of having Tyra Banks complain about your neck.

11.  anderson cooper gayest moments

12.  batman leotard fetish

13.  ghetto white people

14.  asperger’s “southern baptism”

15.  midichlorians how do they work

14 Responses to “Top Ten Wo’C Google Searches”

I think I have #14.

Asperger’s Syndrome is characterized by:

1.limited interests or an unusual preoccupation with a particular subject to the exclusion of other activities

2. repetitive routines or rituals, peculiarities in speech and language, such as taking figures of speech literally

3. socially and emotionally inappropriate behavior and the inability to interact successfully with peers

15: No, that’s magnets.

11: That would be “all of them”. Damn, he’s adorable.

I think it’s how the #$@* do the work.

Most Americans know Anderson Cooper only for the serious, even dour–though almost preternaturally empathetic–journalism and take-no-prisoners interviewing style he exhibits nightly on CNN, America’s favorite news network. They might be surprised to learn that, in those rare off-duty moments when he’s not pursuing a lead or hammering a major newsmaker, Cooper is described by intimates as carefree, joyous, even mirthful. “He’s exceptionally light-hearted and very debonaire,” one such told People magazine for an article about the notoriously private host of 360º. “And smooth. He’s probably the smoothest fellow I’ve ever known. Most men could never be that smooth, no matter what they tried.”

“He just has a flair, a zest,” said another. “He’s endlessly curious, and willing to seek out new experiences. In his gayest moments you’d never believe he was the nation’s top political correspondent. If you didn’t know you’d probably guess he was some sort of artiste.”

Cooper’s gayest moment is when his Asperger’s kicks in, he dons his batman leotard, and orders ghetto white people back to work.

and a really embarrassing way for Jose Ferrer to end his career.

Hey hey now, he acted the shit out of that part. Can’t blame him David Lynch decided to go campy with space opera.

batman leotard fetish

No, Catwoman leotard fetish. Julie Newmar, rowr.

asperger’s “southern baptism”

Just as I suspected…

“This Island Earth”, yes! Scoff if you like, but you notice the lovely Faith Domergue thinks those forehead lobes are a bit of alright.

Doghouse, if you wrote that yourself, you have a truly terrible, dangerous talent. More terrible than we already knew, even.

Ah, Mr. Riley,

Truly, what Li’l Innocent said.

I think we all agree that Mr. Riley is like the sun, in that he’s brilliant and dazzling and he’ll make you go blind if you look at him too long.

Oh, after summarizing “Star Wars One: The Rise of JarJar” for the book, I happen to knwo how midiclorians work. They are these cells in your blood that can make their own food, and turn green in direct sunlight.

14. asperger’s “southern baptism”

Things that are self-immersed.

“Cal… I farted.”

11. anderson cooper gayest moments

12. batman leotard fetish

13. ghetto white people

14. asperger’s “southern baptism”

15. midichlorians how do they work

11. When he crossed his legs effeminately in Haiti.

12. Why Batman could never get it on with Batgirl.

13. What is the most non-existent thing, ever?

14. The largest intersection of rednecks.

Something to say?