Apologies for my spotty contributions lof late. I’ve been having computer problems for the past week or so, leaving the bulk of the blogging burden to s.z., and forcing her to balance her witty bon mots about contemporary politics with a frequent deployment of Handiwipes to cope with the unending slurry of kitten and dog ejecta that is rapidly turning her stately manor into a Superfund site.
The good news is, I’ll probably be around even less next week, since I’m taking a brief, long overdue, and completely undeserved vacation to Hawaii (although I may reappear at any moment and challenge Americablog to an orchid-blogging deathmatch).
Be there. Aloha.
…And Kam Fong as Chin Ho.
A few years ago when I first got tivo, I began recording and watching all episodes of hawaii-five-0, and that part right there just cracks me up for some reason.
They have no choice but to mention both his real name and the name of his character – but for some reason it is hilarious. Can you explain it please?
Left by Antonio on July 22nd, 2006