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You may recall that last month, Janet Folger was heading to Colorado to become a martyr for segregated plumbing.  And for those of you wondering how she fared when the whip came down (anyone?  No one?  Okay…) she’s back to recount her horrifying time as a POW in the Homo Hilton.

A jail cell with your name on it?

It’s been quite a month.

On July 1, I was in Denver breaking the new state law by handing out my book, “The Criminalization of Christianity: Read this before it becomes Illegal.” Although I was a bit high-profile to arrest right now, the “Bible Ban Bathroom Bill” (SB 200 – now law) I was protesting not only welcomes men wearing dresses into your daughter’s shower room, it bans books like mine and … the Bible.

I’m actually thinking of getting out of satire completely, because when the job requires you to top “Bible Ban Bathroom Bill,” it’s just too damn much like real work.  I mean, she didn’t even build up to that; it was in the second paragraph!  Where are you supposed to go after that?

All the talk of “tolerance” is coming from the most intolerant folks around. They scream and shout about “hate” but spew it more than any other group in America.

All, still working the old “tolerant”-liberals-are-intolerant-of-my-intolerance wheeze, eh?  Well, Sally Rand was born in 1904, yet she was still ambulatory enough to fan dance for the Mercury astronauts, so shake your moneymaker Janet.

As I spelled out in my book, the name-calling is just the first step.

Step 1: Ridicule

Lable anyone who disagrees an “ignorant, hateful, intolerant, bigot.” Yep, old-fashioned name-calling, seen on playgrounds for centuries. We would do well to remember some lessons from grammar school: Bully appeasement doesn’t work – and losing your lunch money is just the beginning.

Strangely enough, as I remember the old schoolyard pecking order, it generally wasn’t the bigots who were most at risk of being bullied.  In fact, without going to the Venn Diagram, I’m pretty sure there was a significant amount of overlap between those two groups.

Step 2: Blame

I’ve seen it from the same group firsthand. Yes, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed another little gem 10 years ago against those of us who expressed hope for change for those struggling with homosexuality with an ad campaign featuring ex-homosexuals (850 were in one photo). We disagreed with them, so they blamed us for the death of Matthew Shepard: “It’s not an exaggeration to say that there’s a direct correlation between these acts of discrimination, like Matthew Shepard, such as when gays and lesbians are called sinful and when major religious organizations say they can change if they try, and the horrible crimes committed against gays and lesbians.”

Janet wrote more about this public service campaign here:

In 1998, I oversaw the national “Truth in Love” campaign, which expressed hope for change for those struggling in homosexuality – something for which I was accused of murder. Here’s a sample of one of the full-page “Truth-in-Love” campaign ads that caused all the commotion. One ad pictured 850 ex-homosexuals with the headline, “We’re standing for the truth that homosexuals can change.” Brace yourself for “hateful,” “bigoted” and “intolerant” speech said to be responsible for murder. (Note: If you’re under 18, you may want to ask your parents before reading it.):

“We believe every human being is precious to God and is entitled to respect. But when we see great suffering among homosexuals, it’s an inherent Christian calling to show compassion and concern.”

Wow. With words like “precious,” “respect,” “compassion” and “concern,” you can understand why the city of San Francisco would be prompted to accuse us of murder

That does seem unreasonable, especially when you factor in the sincere and respectful words with which Janet began her column:

I’ve already told you about how H.R. 1592 will destroy equal justice (setting up a victim hierarchy), set up a Gay Gestapo with unlimited funds and send grandma to jail for sharing her faith on the public sidewalk

See, it happens every time.  You craft a loving, sincere call for sinners to stop their abominations and return to the fold, but do they thank you?  No!  Instead, they have the effrontery to question your motives by going behind your back and reading all the stuff you wrote about them when you thought they weren’t looking!  No wonder people hate the queers so much.

Step 3: Censorship

That’s what the San Francisco Board of Supervisors tried to do to us 10 years ago: All dissenters must be silenced! And if they won’t be intimidated into submission; they’ll do it with whatever club they can find: resolutions (like the one that passed unanimously), court action and the law – from thought crimes to the redefinition of marriage. For those of you keeping track, that’s exactly where we are in the agenda from the group that screams of “tolerance” and “diversity.”

Also for those of you keeping track, remember that Freedom is a zero-sum game, so if you grant gays the same right to marry that straight couples enjoy, you actually take rights away from Janet.

I can argue why marriage matters for the continuation of civilization. I can tell you about every study that shows without a doubt that children do best with both a mother and a father.

Okay, leaving aside the (admittedly anecdotal) point that most gay couples I know don’t have children, here’s something that’s always bothered me.  If extending equal rights to gays and lesbians is going to break apart straight families, then how come the absence of gay marriage didn’t keep my parents together when I was a kid?
ME:  Daddy!  Stop packing!  Homosexuals are still barred from entering into a union analogous to traditional marriage!
MY DAD:  Awww, crap.  Here, help me put my shoe-trees back in the closet.

But let me cut to the chase: If we don’t win the marriage battle, now on the ballot in California, Florida and Arizona, people who disagree with homosexual behavior will … go to jail.

Wait a second…!  What’s with the future tense, here?  Janet told us last month she was going to Colorado to commit civil disobedience and get arrested for violating the Bible Bathroom Ban!  Don’t tell me we read this far only to discover that she wimped out and that “Cat,” the alpha dyke on the cellblock hasn’t spent the last three weeks making Janet her bitch!

People in California are starting to understand just what is at stake in the battle for marriage – freedom itself.

When the church was persecuted in England and Europe, our Founding Fathers came to America for freedom. People still build boats from scrap wood to try to come here for a glimpse of it. America is the last, best hope of the world. If we lose, there is nowhere else to go.

Just imagine the heart-wrenching scene:  a leaky boat full of Cubans who are yearning to breathe free approaches the shores of the promised land, only to be turned back at the last moment by a pod of magical dolphins who inform the desperate refugees that they were better off at home, because the Girls bathrooms in America’s grammar schools are crowded with gay men, and you can’t even say “fag” anymore.

America will remain the land of the free only as long as it is the home of the brave. If you care about America’s freedoms, muster the courage to stand up, sign up and speak up for marriage and McCain.

Well, speak up for second marriages and McCain.  The first one is really just practice.

14 Responses to “Would You Willingingly Share A Bathroom With This Woman?”

“Make” Janet her bitch? Isn’t she one already?
Oh, and of course, the only reason she wasn’t arrested is because she’s “too high profile”. If I’d been drinking something when I read that, I’d have spit it all over my computer screen.
How does that “If you were REALLY tolerant, you’d be tolerant of my intolerance” crap make any sense to these people?
Homophobe:”You’re going to hell if you don’t stop being a homo! Why, the Bible says you should be killed!”
Me: “You are an asshole.”
Homophobe: “What a hateful thing to say! You’re the real bigot!”
Me: “Yeah, because it’s so much worse to call someone an asshole than worship a God who says I deserve to be killed.”

People came to America because Great Britain was running out of room.

Freedom is a zero-sum game

They really do seem to think that.

Noting, just for the record, that most people still call me Cat. I wouldn’t touch Janet with a ten foot pole.

Ex-gays make my head hurt. I want to support whatever makes them happy, and I don’t think that denying yourself sex actually in itself hurts other people, so I’m okay with celibacy as a choice whatever your orientation or reason. But I can’t help wondering if, in a society where gays weren’t beaten and mocked and disowned and thrown out and murdered, they would still want to be straight. If they would, well, good on ‘em. Far be it from me to question how other people want to live.

But I suspect many of them would not, and at that point I have to ask if the problem is less with Teh Qweer and more with, you know, the bigotry.

If we beat hell out of people who wore red, I imagine a lot of people would want to stop wearing red. But if you asked them, they might actually admit that they’d want even more to wear red when they felt like it and not to be beaten for it.

If Janet doesn’t want to go to prison and, because she is a moron who has concluded that being a Christian will land her there, stops being a Christian, can we then put her on tour with a bunch of other ex-Christians and say “See? You can stop being Christian and lead a happy and fulfilled life! It’s easy!”

Can we then use that to deny Christians any sort of civil rights because their Christianity is just a perverse lifestyle choice?

I’m guessing Janet wouldn’t be happy with that, and might rightly feel her ex-Christian stance to have been societally coerced. So how come she doesn’t get it’s not okay to do this to gays?

Because she’s an idiot, utterly addicted to self-righteous sanctimony?

Gay Gestapo

“Your papers, please….you call these papers? OHMYGOD! There’s not even a bond cream bordered card in the bunch! And these envelopes???? Oh, goodness Sadie! Where are all the square envelopes for the invitations to brunch? You are coming with us to Kate’s Papiere!”

people who disagree with homosexual behavior will … go to jail.

“You mah bitch now, buddyboy…”

Strangely enough, as I remember the old schoolyard pecking order, it generally wasn’t the bigots who were most at risk of being bullied.

Not in Missouri in the late ’60s, anyway. Being a “n****r-lover” was much more likely to get you wedgied (or worse, often with the tacit support of school authorities) than being a bigot.

The one funny part was the year they got an AFS exchange student from Nigeria. It was absolutely hilarious watching people who wouldn’t give local blacks the time of day suck up to this guy. They were all on their best behavior, because it just wouldn’t do for him to go back home and tell everyone Missourians were a bunch of racist assholes. Particularly since it was, you know, true and all. The KKK-types all walked on eggshells that year – it was a hoot.

Folger’s reading comprehension skills are even worse than I thought.
Not only is she unable to grasp the meaning of the laws she’s so dead-set against, she doesn’t even understand her own words.
She doesn’t know the difference between “transgendered” and “gay”. She depicts them as predators who see bathrooms as a way to gain access to helpless children. She doesn’t even comprehend that a transgendered person might “pass” successfully enough that, if they were in a bathroom at the same time as a child, said child might not notice. She goes out of her way to paint GLBT folk as scary people who see restrooms as sexual cruising spots. She says all this crap…
and THEN, can’t understand why she MIGHT be branded a bigot?

Wait a minute! I live in Colorado and I don’t remember seeing Janet here! Maybe she didn’t go to the bathroom during her entire stay in our fair state. And since I have only been in the public bathrooms, being all predatory since the law was changed, I must have missed her.

Wait…did she say men were taking showers while wearing dresses? At least they ain’t nekkid.

Who’s this “Bathroom Bill”? Yet another bathroom-skulking Republican senator?

Who’s this “Bathroom Bill”? Yet another bathroom-skulking Republican senator?

That would be Bill O’Reilly. “Have Loofah, Will Travel”

Ewwww, and I had just gotten that transcript un-memorized. “…definitely get two wines into you as quickly as I could… maybe intravenously… falafel…,” etc.


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