1. Yes, we are liberals and yet we write sarcastic, unkind things (about stuff that we think deserve a little snark). But you thought that liberals were supposed to be nice and to hold hands and teach the world to sing in perfect harmony, and so this has caused you to rethink everything that you once thought to be true? Well, sorry to burst your pretty balloon, but as Steve Martin once said after seeing Ann Coulter at a RNC fundraiser, “Comedy is not pretty.”
2. You can’t shame us by telling us that we aren’t helping the cause. We didn’t sign up for the cause. The cause isn’t our raison d’etre. We’re not even sure which cause you are referring to. See, OUR cause is to poke gentle fun at stupid stuff. If this disappoints, maybe you have us confused with with some other World O’Crap?
3. We think it’s great that men have feelings (well, feelings other than contempt for women and foreigners, and love for their gun collection). And we think they probably should feel something when their partner has an abortion — we’re not going to tell them how to feel, but we think this is a significant enough event to warrant some emotion. However, we don’t think that the use of ”post-abortive men” as a political movement to counter legal abortion is a good thing. You are free to disagree with us, but please try to do so in an honest manner. Or, at least be entertaining — no posting of pro-life boilerplate, okay?
4. If you say that your feelings have been grievously wounded by all the mean people here, and so you are going away, then you have to leave. That’s the law. Thank you.
5. We really like D. Sidhe. We admire her courage, intelligence, and literary skills. But we feel we should warn you that you had better put a little thought into your replies to her, as she is a pretty sharp cookie, and will have you for lunch if you enter a war of wits with her unarmed. And several other metaphors. Just FYI.
6. TBD.
I have always regarded D. Sidhe as the sharpest cookie in the drawer.
Left by Herr Doktor Bimler on January 9th, 2008