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Riley: Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty!

Moondoggie: ZZZzzzzzZZZZZ

7 Responses to “Post-Friday Beast Blogging: The Paranoid Pussy Edition”

Your cats sure seem to sleep a lot. I’m starting to worry something is wrong with them.

Oh wait, I’m sorry. I forgot. THEY’RE CATS.

Good point. In fairness to Riley, I’ve only really caught her truly zonked out twice in 12 years. She usually sleeps with one eye peeled.

Like a line from Metallica; shrewd kitty.

does she at least supply you with dead mice and yard critters?

Well, in this two-entity spectrum of wariness-to-zonkedness, I think I’d rather join Moondoggie’s party.
I’m tired of peeling my eyes, tired I tell ya – and that utter relaxation looks wonderful.

Agreed. I wish I could sleep half as well as the cats do. They’re clearly happier for it. And, come on, aren’t there days when all you want to do is curl up on the rug in front of the sunny window?

No? Just me? Okay.

Not just you. But around here I’d have to fight Riley for the sun patch; and I’d have to get in line behind Moondoggie. Although he won’t actually fight her. Seriously, I have seen her PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE, and the most he’ll do is half-hearted lift a paw. But he can’t bring himself to hit her back, and just sits there looking hurt and confused. (To be fair, I should note that she usually hits him only after he’s been nibbling gently on her neck for too long. Which he also does to me.)

Something to say?