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“I bet if I had a thought in my head right now, it’d be pretty profound. Maybe something about the cosmos…or chicken skin…”

And Riley:


“I went home with you?!”

9 Responses to “Post-Friday Beast Blogging: The Pensive Pussies Edition”

Both captions are wonderful! Thanks for the lulz.

These are both geat cats.

Moondoggy: “If my name were OttO, it would be spelled the same way backwards, forwards, and up-side-down.

Mmm, chicken skin …

Yay, pooties!

Dammit, more pics like this and I may get a cat!

“I went home with you?!”

Based on a true story.

“Pensive Pussies” sounds like a good name for a punk band.

Soooooo looking forward to reincarnation, so that I can come back as a spoiled-rotten housecat…

Something to say?